Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Ladies and Gentlemen (if there are any in this thread), it's been far too long, but I finally bring you the next poll!

Speedisms from The Oath and Not Landing will be taken starting immediately! We're getting close to the end, folks.
i picked "its hillbilly heroine" and "so what are you doing? just ignoring the obvious stuff now?"

the hillbilly heroine gets me everytime! :lol:
I voted:

"So what are you doin? Just ignoring the obvious stuff now?"


"It's not a craft, it's a murder investigation."

brilliant quotes from the man himself. ;)
I picked 'Hillbilly heroine' and 'It's not a craft, it's a muder investigation.' He's so brilliant it kills me.
Wow... I was so tired when I put that poll up last night that I don't even remember voting. But... apparently I did :lol: And since I don't remember voting, I don't remember what I voted for. But it I were to do it now, it would be the last two :p
can someone help me? what is this 'new movie' that rory is in? becuase i heard e was in a new film coming out soon, but i didnt catch the name of it!
I voted for:
So what are you doin? Just ignoring the obvious stuff now? & It's not a craft, it's a murder investigation.
i'm so looking forward to it!!!! i just hope it's not on at the same time of CSI: Miami or i will have some problems.....it would be good if it was on right after CSI: Miami that way i get both CSI: Miami and Rory back to back!!!!!!!!
if i had to choose between the movie and CSI:MIami.....i'd pick the movie. i've seen most of the episodes so i'll have a better time with the Company.
ok 1st off *hugs everyone* gah i missed it here, but now that my sisters wedding is over i will finally have some time to visit yay!
so much going on in here. i don't even know where to start ha.
speedisms... i chose 'Yes, I did. A long time ago and she hates me.' and 'it's hillbilly heroin' this was difficult cuz he had some great lines here
I picked 'Could've put two in him' and the 'Yes I did, and she hates me'

I see I was the only one who voted the former :lol:

Hmmm I was wondering? Does anyone have an account on rexfeatures.com to view the larger images or does anyone know anyone who has one? I found a couple of who I'm 98% sure is Rory in an thumbnail, he is named as 'unknown man' but I'm positive its him :lol: but I need to see the bigger version lol :p

I'll see if I can paste the thumbnails over



Ok I know its really sad coz its the back of his feckin' head, but he's with Famke Janssen in the picture and I know they are really pally, and from behind it does look like Rory to me :lol: so thats what made me think it might be him. :p :eek:

I found this one aswell on Newscom :lol: I have seriously gone over to a bad place now :eek:


I'm not so sure about that one as its not brilliant quality but they are bumchummy and I think it looks a bit like him.

But if anyone has an account on newscom aswell :D :D It would be handy :p
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