Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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^ I believe they filmed a lot of the miniseries in Budapest as well as Canada. (Possibly other locations as well, like what you mentioned, June) I do understand why they went to Budapest, but why Canada? :lol: Must be cheaper and colder. Could pass for Russia I guess. :p

I hope that if someday Rory gets to speak with an English accent, he does better than he did with a Southern one. (Ie: Love and a .45) Not to say that it was completely bad, because it wasn't. It just seemed forced in some places, lol.
maybe he should take southern accent lessons from Emily!!! HAHA!!! and i just thought of this. Rory lived with Renee Zellweger for four years right? well she lives in Connecticut when she's not filiming, and when Rory was living with her i don't think she was filimg anything. so does that mean Rory lived with her in Connecticut possibly? because if he did that would have been soo cool!! seeing as i'm from there. does anyone know?
speed_cochrane said:
^ I believe they filmed a lot of the miniseries in Budapest as well as Canada. (Possibly other locations as well, like what you mentioned, June).

Yeah Budapest is in Hungary :cool: They also filmed in Peuto Rico aswell I think, which seems a bit random to me :lol: but I dunno what the story is about so it might not be so random.

I couldn't even tell Rory was doin a southern accent in Love and a .45 :lol:, showing my ignorance of the American accent there :lol:
June_85 said:

Yeah Budapest is in Hungary :cool: They also filmed in Peuto Rico aswell I think, which seems a bit random to me :lol: but I dunno what the story is about so it might not be so random.

i could understand Puerto Rico because theres a scene about the Bay of Pigs in the book. it makes sense to me to film in Puerto Rico because its probably cheaper than filming in Cuba.
^^ Oh geez, brain fart. :lol: Sorry about that, lol.

It's kind of interesting how they can pick a location and make it look like any country. Definitely a lot cheaper. :)

I'm excited to see the miniseries and hopefully I'll be able to find it as I have BBC, but not TNT. (Dang Canada) So I'll keep an eye out this summer. Great to know that it's coming out earlier than expected.
luvspeed said: i could understand Puerto Rico because theres a scene about the Bay of Pigs in the book. it makes sense to me to film in Puerto Rico because its probably cheaper than filming in Cuba.

Not only cheaper, but politically it makes sense. To do anything in Cuba you need special clearance. But besides that, I bet it was beautiful filming there. I only wish that when I was there (visiting family) they were there filming... just imagine... palm trees...clear water...Rory shirtless...

Okay, uh back on topic - I really cannot wait to watch the miniseries. I am so excited and am pratically counting down the days!
I'd imagine they would have incurred the same sort of problems in getting Visas and various other papers for authorisation to film/work in Russia, it a political minefield so they prob steered clear, esp if they're doin a film about KGB spies and the Cold War and what not :lol:

Boooooo @ the wait we'll have before it does come on BBC, it'll be November at the earliest i'd imagine.

Ooooh and I'm angry because they've dropped S1 Miami showing on Sunday night on cable BOOOOOOOOO
that suck that you guys have to wait a while. :( but i bet it'll be worth it in the end. :D :devil: BOOO for cable kicking off S1 CSI: Miami!! :mad:
So it just occured to me that I never did come back to answer my question about what show I'd like to see Rory interviewed on. It was actually while watching this show that I came up with the question.

My answer is 'The Hour', a Canadian show. It's hosted by George Strombopolous (and yeah, I googled him to make sure that was spelled right :lol:) As for why I'd like to see him on that show, well, first because it's Canadian and that would be cool, and also because I just love George, and I'd love to see the two of them interact.
I never answered your question either Megan. Oops. I think, though, that I would like to see Rory be interviewed on a late night show such as Conan O'Brien or David Letterman - both shows are hysterical (both the hosts and the skits) and it would help him get a lot of exposure to people who aren't familiar with his work. It's a shame that they cancelled the Megan Mulally show, she had interviewed Adam awhile back and she did a great job. I would've loved to see Rory on that show too.
I get the feeling that Rory isn't comfortable doing interviews, he seems a little shy and awkward...maybe it's just me. :confused:

yeah i don't think he likes them either. oh and very nice pic Calleighspeedle!!!! love it!! ooh and black dress shirt!! *drools* and no one answered my question before. and i'm excited because i get TNT!!! yay USA!!! i so can't wait!!!!!!
love the pic Calleighspeedle!!! that picture is on my screensaver. :devil: :lol: ugh, getting a little annoyed with waiting for Black and White. it didn't come in this week because of Memorial Day weekend. so now i have to wait another week for it. good thing Rory is in it or else i would have said forget it... :rolleyes:
As annoyed as I was @ FiveUS dropping Miami from their Sunday schedule. I'll get over it seeing as though Grave Young Men should be on tonight :D :D It grates on me though as they show it @ 11pm. Thats way too late for a weekday for me :lol: I need my beauty sleep :p

I had myself a little Rory-fest to nurse my hangover yesterday. I watched Dinner for 5 and Empire Records. I'd not seen either in months and months and I just felt in the mood for them. :cool:

Ermmm what was your question? About Rory and Renee in Connetticut *apologies for spelling* I'm British :lol: I don't think anyone has the answer to that. I would have asumed they resided in LA. I don't think they went out as long as 4 years both Rory and Renee have a highly decorated dating record ;) and if R&R were together for 4 years I think it would have overlapped with other relationships. But I'm just totally guessing from what I've read. I assumed R&R were together for the ER and LAA.45 so err I would have thought they lived in LA but I think everyones answer would be a guess :lol:
yeah, good point. but hey i was curious :D oh well. so anyways, i watched Dazed and Confused yeaterday. i haven't seen it in ages!!! i just love that movie :D Rory plays a hilarious role as a hippe stoner!!! it so different from him, that's why i love it!
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