Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Thank you. I just finished watching the first part of The Company and I loved it. For those who missed it at 8:00, they are replaying it again at 10:00 and Midnight (eastern standard time). I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it before, but I thought I would mention it.
timspeedlefan, welcome to the Speed thread and Miami Forum. It's great to have another Speed fan. :) However, please know that you have up to 24 hours to 'Edit' your post as opposed to double posting, which can be seen as spamming. Thanks! :)

Also a reminder to everyone that as 'The Company' premiers, please use the Spoiler Code until it has aired in most US time zones. Thank you.
OMG!!!! The Company was amazing!!!!! Not just because of the fact that Rory was in it, although i'm not gonna lie, that was one of the reasons why it was great. but the story was just so amazing and compelling. and Rory speaks Russian in it!!!!! and he was actually smiling a little bit at the begining and you get to see him kiss a girl!!!! and when he was kissing her, i wished so much that i could be that girl.
and he actually had this one line that was hilarious!!!!
welcome to the forum timspeedlefan!! YAY!! we have another fan to join the craziness! :devil: i hope you have fun with the forum. :D well, i'm off to see the Company! i'll let you know how good it is. :D
what an amazing show!!Spoiler Code just in case

that was great!!! i almost ahd a heart attack when Azalia kissed him! but in the end i felt sorry for him. he's going to be all alone while the others get married and have families of their own...i think that Rory did a great job in playing Yevgeny! can't wait to finish the series!!
I'm looking forward to your review on "The Company" that girl1 , I can't wait for it to be shown on British tv. :)

And welcome to the Rory/Speed madness timspeedlefan I hope you have fun here! :D
Thanks for your advice on which Rory Movies to get guys,
I watched 'Black & White' over the weekend & he is soooooooooo cute in it, i really, really wanted to just corrupt him :devil: It was quite a good film although the ending was a bit predictable but he was great in it, very convincing and i loved the very last line of the film he looked sexy in the shades :cool:
welcome timspeedlefan i hope you enjoy this crazy little place!
i'm going to use a spoiler thing just incase...
oh this is amazing. rory is nothing less than superb. ok first off let me just say that i cried, twice. and it was all rory's fault. 1st he had to go an cry with in the 1st like 20 minutes, and then again when he called azailia to tell her he missed her. and just like what was mentioned before you really feel how lonely he felt. hes out there doing all that espionage because he feels its the right thing to do and he can't even be with the woman he loves. but all in all this seems like its going to be pretty amazing, next weeks episode especially. i never in my life thought i would say this but, chris odonell is greatness but thats for another time ha.
OMG!! I cired too! i felt so bad for him!!! and he actually cried! i mean like full out. i've only seen him cry two other times. in Black and White with the bathtub scene and in Lost Son. but seeing him cry twice in one Movie/series is new for me!! it was so sad!! and we get to see what he'll look like in 40 years! in the third part it takes place 40 years later and the info on it said they used makeup to age the actors. so it'll be interesting to see what Rory will look like.

Oh ok....Edited:seeing as Spoiler code isn't necissary.
^ Since the first 'episode' has already aired in the US in all time zones, the Spoiler Code isn't required. :) Just to let y'all know.
Thanks again everyone for the welcome. It definately sounds like a great place to be and I'm know I'm going to have a lot of fun here!
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