Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

The only upcoming project I am aware of is "The Company" in which Rory plays Yevgeny Tsipin.

The company which is set to air on TNT is a mini-series that traces CIA activities over a 40-year period, from the beginning of the Cold War through the demise of the Soviet Union.

Current status: post production.

Can anyone recall when this is set to air?
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Every time "Lost Son" is on, I go upstairs to my room, shut the door, and turn on my music very loudly. I just can't watch it; it's too heartbreaking (more like heart-shattering). :(

As far as I've heard and from what I've found, we only know that "The Company" supposed to air sometime in 2007 (I'm thinking either Summer or Fall, most likely Fall).
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Thanks i'm glad to be back.

Lost son is like giving cavities to children. Atleast for me. I mean its a bad episode, to me it was rushed and well of course Speed DIES which is the number one issue I have with the episode obviously but there's just something about it that I have to watch. I dont know maybe it because Rory's a good actor or maybe its the look on H's face and when he whispers Speed. I really don't know.

But i've seen that episode to many times to count honestly. And sometimes I ball my eyes out like a baby and sometimes I don't.

And yes the tummy action is just the best in Wannabe. And then there's the whole "Nobody's that good" comment which makes me go "Oh heck yes!" and giggle like a school girl everytime I hear him say it.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Katie! :D *huggles*

Agreed with the 'Lost Son' stuff. Even though I can categorically say we all basically despise that episode, it still draws us in.

I actually thought the episode wouldn't be that bad had Speed not died. :lol: It was season two worthy, as weird as that sounds.

I managed to catch 'Wannabe' on Rory's birthday. :lol: God bless A&E eh? I could do without the tummy action, but that's just presonal preference. My favorite quote besides the one that Katie pointed out has to be:

Tyler: Not your best work.
Speed: I was on a foot pursuit.

Aw, poor Speedy. Then again I also liked:

Speed: It's like putting brush guards on your SUV.
Everheart: I have brush guards on my SUV.
Speed: ....And how many times have you gone off road.
Everheart: *shrugs*
Speed: Exactly.

He told him. :p

Oh and last night I was watching 'Dead Woman Walking' and I couldn't believe how mean Speed was to Eric, lol. Him and his "Radioactive crap" line was priceless, and Eric looked so hurt, lol.

Also I liked the part where they're discussing reasons why Belle would have been in the Risher lab.

Calleigh: It means the chicken dung in Risher's office could have come from Belle.

Delko: So, if she breaks in, takes these pictures and steals radioactive iodine.

Calleigh: Okay, I understand the documents, but why take the iodine?

Speed: To analyze it...To prove that Risher has shabby security.

(Horatio walks in)

Speed: To kill herself. I mean, maybe she's a martyr for her cause. She wouldn't be the first. Lady does like the press.

Horatio: I don't agree.

I kind of like how Speed went outside the box and looked through all of the posibilities, even if it might seem politically incorrect, or just plain incorrect, lol. And he called her a 'Lady'. :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Ok I am not sure if this question has been answered before, but I want to know one thing. I just watch Hart's War and no where in the movie do they say the name of Sgt. Webb's cat. Does anyone know the name of his cat??
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I don't think the cat's name is ever mentioned. It's supposed to be just a stray that many soldiers would find during the war and take them in, since the barracks would contain certain quantities of oatmeal (or a version of it), sometimes milk, and even bread.

We've just lovingly named him Snickelfritz. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

thanks! It just bothered me that the cat didn't have a name. It is so nice of all of you all to name him. :lol:
I think it is funny how he was usually always seen with the cat and even slept with it.

Yea that was my first time seeing that movie.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Snickelfritz! That's the best name I've ever heard :D! That's it; I'm renaming my cat. *calls to cat* TC, from now on your name is Snickelfritz, got it? *TC just stares, gets up lazily and walks out of the room* Aww, critic. :lol:

Sadly, I've only seen Rory in CSI Miami (Darn it, I was going to watch A Scanner Darkly, but no one would come with me to the theatres). I've been trying to locate his earlier stuff, but either I'm going to the wrong places, or no one has them in stock anymore. *pouts* My only hope is my aunt, who brings back many little known movies every time she goes down to the States.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

you should get "right at your door"!
the story is serious stuff but mr. cochrane is just amazing in it. he really plays a guy who could live next to your door and you get the feeling he put a lot of himself into that role!.
amazon is a worth try!

ok ladies, what do you think? would it be worth to try to get him back? seriously.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

You guys really like torturing yourself watching LS don't ya? I can't go through it, I've seen it 2 1/2 times and that is enough hehe

I've been watching my S1 DVDs the past couple of day, today was Dispo Day, I don't know why it took me so long to realise but at the start of the show when Speed is being seeing to by a medic when he has the white t-shirt on....welll his arms...arn't they....well....lovely! Not musclely (I can't even spell that word I don't think I've ever typed it before haha) and not weeney they were just...nice. :eek: :lol: :p

If The Company is due to air in the Autumn on your side of the pond i'll be drawing my pension before we get it :lol:

If Region 2 DVD's working on computer in US & Canada, will Region 1 DVD's work on my computer do ya think? :confused:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

His arms are lovely. Anything about him is lovely.

I think any region DVD will work in any computer, but I am completely sure on that.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

yay! welcome back Katie!
i agree witht he all the lost son talk, i managed to miss it both times it was on. sometimes i just don't like to watch our rory bite the dust. its really no fun.
i love that scrapbook idea for a fan project SincerelyInDenial. i'm also a scrapbooking fiend its addicting like a mo fo.
tummy action in wannabee could possibly be the best part of that episode. that when he says 'listen here you little punk' i don't know why but i love the way he says that.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Ohh, a scrapbook! That would be so awesome, we can stick in letters and pictures and all kinds of stuff! I'm on board for that :D!

When I saw "Wannabee" was on, I dropped my school work and was attached to the tv for the whole hour; I would never miss Speed in a suit. It was one of those great Speedle episodes (ah, who am I kidding, all episodes are great with him in them), and was full of such great character development. That elevator scene was again one of those moments where I just wanted to jump in and hug him tight.

*imagines hugging Speedle* ... so nice... :devil:

lelaina, believe me, "Right At Your Door" is at the top of my list, but I don't think it's out in Canada yet. If it is, that's where my birthday money is going! :devil: Mwhahahahaha!!!

... sorry, had an evil moment there... *hides in bedroom*
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Alright people, ready for season two? I'm now collecting Speedisms for Blood Brothers and Dead Zone :D Please remember to put them in bold!
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