Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Oh, from “Blood Brothers”:

Eric, you got to take them out to eat once in a while. You got to cultivate things. You're better than that. I'm going to dial it for you.

It’s like he’s the relationship expert :lol:.

And from “Dead Zone”:

Why does it always got to be the toilet?

Aww, poor Speed; had to stick his nice hand down the dirty toilet. *hugs Speed*
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I'm sorry, is Canada region 1 or 2?
cause if you have 2, you can order RAYD on amazon.uk.
but I guess you already know that
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Darn it, I'm in region 1. Why can't we be part of region 2? I mean, we were a British colony... once... we have the queen on our money! That should count for something... right? Aww man, now I have to wait until we get RAYD.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

ummmmmm Speedisms....*thinks* the trouble is I know so many lines in them but whether they can be classed as a speedism is the question....oooo ok its not a line-but Blood Brothers

eating a burger while on survelliance and
not that it mattersannoyed speed caring so much *squee's speed hard*

and Dead Zone....
2 men dead all so you can have a matching set and
is that the scared part you were talking about Vivian?

ps-sorry for the 'in-joke' but do any of you remember when we talked about speeds mafia look-its from the scene in Hard time with Vivian....lol Talking about the eppy made me think of it(can't find the pic to post)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I love it in Dead Woman Walking when Speed says "Well that was nice" after the radation guy handed Delko that beeper thinger. I don't know why but it makes me bust out laughing everytime. Who knows, I'm just weird.

I wouldn't go and call Lost Son Season 2 worthy. The whole episode just seemed rushed and...I dunno...it just seems after Speed died the rest of the episode went by to fast. Or maybe its just because i've seen the episode a trillion times and I know it buy heart but ok I"m rambling. Sorry.

God bless that little cat in Hart's War. Its just so cute and and and got to be in the same room with Rory. I"m jealous....is it wrong to be jealous of a cat?
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Nope, not at all, Katie. At least, not in this case :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I agree Katie on both parts. One, I think we have a right to be jealous of this cat. The cat bonded with him, snuggled with him... ugh, lucky cat.

Second, LS was way too rushed. It was as if afterwards, tptb said "Speed who?" The episode in itself, besides Timmy dying was alright...not one of their best, but not one of their worst.

I still like to believe that he's not dead but that he's undercover or in Witness Protection. A girl can dream, right?

Oh and bird_of_flame, the US is region 1 and I am going to purchase RAYD though it's region 2. You can watch different regions on your PC. Always double check though and worse comes to worse you can d/l region free software. It's a good investment considering I don't think the US is going to see RAYD anytime soon.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Computers can play different regions? Yes! *skips and jumps and sings* Now I'm only half-way to Rory heaven; all I need it RAYD. *rubs hands gleefully* :devil:

I to agree that it was way too rushed. "Pro Per" is on right now, and they don't even mention him once. I mean, it's a good episode and all, but it ticks me off every time when everyone is acting all normal and I'm like "Hello? You're friend just died! Where's the five stages of mourning?!" :mad: Argg, the writers tick me off so much sometimes...
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Yeah, as an episode, Pro Per wasn't that bad. Good, in fact. But it ticks me off to no end that Speed isn't mentioned ONCE throughout the entire episode :mad: :mad: :mad: But I think the writers want us to forget about his as quickly as possible, so that when he comes back, it'll be an even bigger surprise :devil:

I also really want to see RYAD. :( Why oh why won't they release it in Canada?
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Yes, yes, think positive thoughts. Speed will be back, and with him will be all the goodness and the sexiness that I love so :devil:!

I also really want to see RYAD. Why oh why won't they release it in Canada?
Blame the government; I always do :lol:.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

It has been ages since I've visited this thread!
I love the new title!!! :D and I love the Speedisms you guys have all come up with.
speedmonkey2 said:
I love it in Dead Woman Walking when Speed says "Well that was nice" after the radation guy handed Delko that beeper thinger. I don't know why but it makes me bust out laughing everytime. Who knows, I'm just weird.
No, you're not weird. I loved how Speed was just so...blunt (dunno if that's the word I'm looking for) with Delko in that whole episode like "you're not going to die you idiot" :lol:

Cast behind the scenes
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

we are so far behind here in austria!
we are in the middle of the fourth season, so I am not able to exchange any thoughts of upcoming episodes ....

ladies, honestly.
what do you think of trying to bring mr. cochrane back, even for one episode? i would love to try it, maybe we could start a new thread with that topic?
I would love to try it. who knows maybe we get lucky ...
and I'm so in love with the thought of the witness protection programm or maybe undercover work ..... ???
wouldn't that be great, even if we get a "thank you very much but NO" but there would be some response ....

tell me what you think, if you would try it or if I should better go and check into therapy.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I just got my 2nd season of CSI:MIAMI in the mail today! :D I wanted to skip right ahead to "Wannabe" *drool* :devil: :p :lol: But me being the total nut for the show I am, I had to watch the whole first disc first.. now here I am :lol: I might end up getting the episode used as an example or something in science..... :lol:
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