Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

ok off topic but everytime i find tummy action it wont come up so could someone post that pic for me so i can print it and add it to my wall that i cant say what i call please? oh and csi weekends suck now speed is dead there but you know what hes the hottest dead man ive ever seen *plays turn me on mr.deadman by union underground* but um yeah tummy pic please anyone
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i hated pro per you would think they would still have a little sadness left seeing as a close friend/co worker was just killed the week before. i just hated that. and the same with the rest of the season everytime they mentioned him it was like 'oh well speed jacked this up again' making him look incompitant and lazy. it was ridiculous.
and awesome pics ThisIsMe! the one of the boys smiling is on of my faves
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I think the only positive mention of Speed that we get in season three is when Eric tells Ryan that Speed was the one who hazed him. If only they had a flashback! It would have pleased me to no end to see Speed sitting in the Trace lab and a rookie Eric walking in all traumatized-like and then Speed either smirking at him, or giving him the old “what? It was just a boiling head” look.

That picture with Rory on the hummer, *sigh*. I’m just in love with any picture of him either smirking or smiling because it was so rare on the show. *sniff* They all look so happy there, as if nothing would go wrong just over a season later…
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

hated pro per you would think they would still have a little sadness left seeing as a close friend/co worker was just killed the week before

Thank god someone agrees with me for once! I mean good lord I mean..its friggin Rory Cochrane (god I haven't said that in forever!) Dang writers. But actually I think reason for that is because they didn't know for sure what episode they were going to let Speed go in and they shot scenes before Lost Son....I could have sworn I heared that on like the commentart or Entertainment Tonight or something. But they still could have done a small scene or something.

And I LOVE that cast behind the scene's photo you posted, ThisIsMe its like only Rory/Speed is allowed to sit on the Hummer. Kinda like only Alexx is allowed to call him Timmy. Which I mis a lot!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Glad you guys liked that pic. I agree- I like the happy Rory/Speed pics too :D

I would have liked more mention of Speed after he died too, but I don't know about bringing Speed back. Knowing that it was his choice to leave, I dunno...Flashbacks of stuff from Season 1 or 2 could have worked IMO.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Awww look at Rory signing autographs. I just find that incredabily cut for some reason. I think if I were ever given that chance I wouldn't even be able to give him my paper. Some girl would be like "Oh my god! Its Rory!!" and i'd just be standing there my eyes all wide and my body just frozen. lol.

Well as we all know Katie's listed her theories several times. So I stay true to that statement Ann D. made "Never say never" and thats what i'm sticking too.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

*gasp* This thread hasn't been posted in for over 12 hours! That's no good!

from Blood Brothers:
Trace is just as good as a smoking gun

I'll have the poll up later today.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Oh I would so be on of those people mobbing him for an autograph. Well, maybe not mobbing him; more like standing off to the side, nervously shaking and way too frightened to get close enough to ask him. But I'm like that with everyone :D.

*struggles with roll up the rim* ... play again? Awww...
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

And here we have the first poll of Season Two. Sorry it took so long!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

why are they so hard to choose? everytime it take me like 10 minutes to choose, i swear i clock each box atleast once before deciding on my final choices ha.
and bird_of_flame i love your new banner <3
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Ah it's just because we love Speedy so much *hugs* Thanks for getting the poll up and doing all these polls. :D
I also love the banner bof (sorry for the abreviation, and the spelling). :)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I’m afraid that it’s only going to get harder; season two had the really well written lines for Speed. It’s hard now, but wait until we have to choose the best of the best of these; the poll might have to stay open longer because we’ll all be sitting at our computers for like five hours trying to pick the best two. Ah well, tis very much still fun! Great work with the polls :D!

Thank you on the compliments for my banner! It took me forever to find the lyrics for the song, and even longer to choose the right lines and pictures. I just hope I can get better with Photoshop ImageReady so that I can make better ones! Oh, and if you want, you don’t have to call me bird_of_flame; Nicole is fine with me, and it’s easier to type quickly (no underscores :p).
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Thank you on the compliments for my banner! It took me forever to find the lyrics for the song, and even longer to choose the right lines and pictures.
Well, you did an excellent job! Well worth it. I think I'll just sit here and watch it for a bit...
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Nicole your banner is absolutely gorgeous. I think I just sat and watched for like ten minutes! Great job!

And Ashley I totally understand. Speed's lines rock so much more in S2 and it becomes harder and harder to choose just two. And the way he delivered them was just perfect... it was all deadpanned with attitude plus some slight cockiness without seeming like an ass.

Ugh, how I miss him. Anyway, I am totally serious about the scrapbook/fan project... anyone wanna help brainstorm on how to get this started??
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

so true. he was all sorts of amazing in s2. not that he wasn't in s1 but 2 he just knew his character and he portrayed him so well.

i'd be glad to help with the scrapbook thing, like i mentioned before though i dont know how helpful i'll be in the creatinve process of actually what to do ha. but where should we start? maybe we could have everyone do their opwn pages/picture whatever they want tp submit to the project and just go from there?
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