Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Love all the pics guys here's a couple from me


Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

aww how i love that first one! its one of my faves of him.
damn i suck i haven't been here in 2 days almost. gah real life sucks sometimes.
thanks for sharing those pics calleighspeedle!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

bird_of_flame said:
Ok, I am so bumping this thread up with a question. This kind of happened where my mom used to work, but I'm just throwing Rory into the situation.

You're at work in a store on a normal, dull day, and you decide to walk around the store out of boredom. You look through the store doors, and lo and behold, there's Rory Cochrane standing outside of the store. Now comes the question... what would you do?
Huh...What would I do? I'd like to say that I'd be all cool and go up to him and be like "Mr. COchrane? Can I have your autograph?" all nicely and not fan girl-ish. But I really think I'd go all nutso on the poor guy. I'd probably stumble over my words and be all "OH MY GOD Do you KNOW who you ARE? I mean seriously I LOVED Lucas all though Slater was pretty cool too. But my favorite character was Speed, I kinda think your a big moron for leaving the show but hey everybody does what they have to do." and then I'd probably grab him by the shirt and say "Do you even KNOW how much DRAMA i've had to put up with since that dang episode you left in?" either something like that or I'd point and be like "......." until he left.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

:lol: Katie I'd feel very sorry for him. :p Kidding. I think he'd think it was kind of cool that he still has fans. And I think he did mention something in an interview about how people still come up to him and explain how they were so upset that Speed was killed off. So I think he does appreciate his fans and he would probably find it cute that you came up to him and went nuts. :lol:

But I don't know him. Maybe he'd be a little freaked but polite, lol.

calleighspeedle, thanks for the lovely pictures! I really REALLY love the first one a lot. There's just something about the fact that he was the only one kneeling for the promo photos that just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. :D 'Cause we all know he was the coolest one.

And erm. *cough* No comment on the second one. :p -- Sorry I just prefer dress shirt spikey/curly hair stubbled miserable Speedle.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

And erm. *cough* No comment on the second one. -- Sorry I just prefer dress shirt spikey/curly hair stubbled miserable Speedle.
Me too! The stubble is just a must. And thanks to you I've grown very fond of the spikey hair. lol. I'm also a big fan of the TIGHT dress shirt, rolled up sleeves and jeans...and the cameron. I don't know what it is but I love it when the man holds the camera.

Ah yes the kneeling pic is a great one. Kinda like how he was the AND part in the theme song. Because we all know that he was the most important. lol.

But ya know I'd feel sorry for him as well. I think I'd be all "I just want to apologize for what i'm about to do." and then start screaming. lol.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i like them both ....hes just so SEXY!!!!!!!! the second one is good...because he's just so god damn cute when he smiles!!!!!!!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i have to agree with everyone else, the stubble, the dress shirts, the sort of messy unkept hair, that whole package after the pilot was greatness. it fit his character more so than the ceaser haircut and clean shaven speedle we first met. he was just so young looking in the pilot, it didn't fir his bit of a bad boy image as well as the other style did.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

yeah......i love the unkempt Speed....with his bad boy looks and additude.....i just love the bad boys.........especially this one.... :D

this is a poem..about Speed....

this poem is dedicated to the loving memory of:
Timothy "Speed" Speedle
June 24, 1973 - September 20, 2004

You Were Always There....


You were always there to catch me if I fall
You were always there to answer my call
I will always love you that's plain to see
Anything I'd need you were there for me.....

You Were always ther no matter what day
You were always there, but not in the way
When I'm with you time stands still
I loved you and always will........

But then one day you weren't there
and I fell into a pit of despair
I cried and cried that sad day
And without you I lost my way.....

When I saw you bleeding on the floor
I knew you wouldn't be there anymore
But, I remember that you were always there
Now you're gone and can't be there.....

But, you were always there....
you were always there....... :(
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Timothy "Speed" Speedle
June 23, 1973 - September 20, 2004

I'm sure it was June 24th, as Speedle and I share a Birthday :D

If I saw RC out and about I'd deffo go upto him, I'd be taking 5 mins top out of his time and it would be Once in a Lifetime kinda thing ;) so I'm sure it wouldn't bother him too much.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I must agree with the majority and say that the first picture, with him kneeling, is my favourite. I find myself blushing whenever I see it because he just looks right at the camera, almost as if he was looking right at you… ack, huh? Oh, sorry; I was off in my own fantasy for a moment. :lol: His eyes do that to me. :p :devil:

I do like the second picture too (oh his wonderful wonderful smile!), but I have to admit, I didn’t recognize him when I first saw him way back when. I saw bits and pieces of season one Speed before I saw Cross Jurisdictions, and I was like “Wait a minute… that’s that Speed guy!” I like his longer, messier, slightly spiky hair better, and the stubble. Gotta have that stubble. :D

Oh Need4Speed, that poem is so beautiful and so sad at the same time. :( *sniff* I need to go watch season two now…
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

thanks guys, i wrote it right after watching "Lost Son" and if you could see the paper i wrote it on. you would see it had tear stains on it and the ink is a but smudged(from the tears). i was crying so much when i wrote it and i'm glad you all like it. it means a lot to me. oh and June_85 his birthday is June 24...i knew that.duh. i was just typing so fast i messed it up and then my sister kicked me off before i could edit it
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

awww that was a beautiful poem Need4Speed!
very well written, amazing job
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