Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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my ipod is full of all kinds of different junk too June_85 being eclectic is fantastic.

anyways, he does have that sorta of school rocker kinda feel about him, the coldplay thing tho is a little surprising just because its so different from the classic rock genre. awesome none the less tho.
and welcome to the thread Crying_Danny! i hope you enjoy it here, and to answer your question yep, ASD is quite awesome. what did you think of it.
:lol: :lol: Oh, man I think i just broke a rib laughing. That is quite possibly the funniest page on the STG, ever.

:lol: Staple him to the wall :lol:

BOOM: Executive Producer: Ron Moss

Ah, Good Times, Good Times....
hey ladies,
I've been in here for a few days and I must say: YOU ARE AMAZING! HILARIOUS!
I really couldn't stop laughing reading through these pages, funny, kind, greeeeeeeeeeeat pics!

I started watching Miami a long time after let's say Rory decided to leave the show. I liked Ryan but my dearest friend (who I am planning to make a CD for) told me there's no one better than Speed and noone will ever be able to replace him. So I got myself S 1 & 2 on DVD and though I still like Ryan, Speed was/IS the man.
Isn't there anything we can do about it? How about an international Tim Speedle remembrance day .....
Couldn't we send his management and/or the producers and writers of the show a list signed by all of us, titled "we are in NEED FOR SPEED" or sg. like that?

Or maybe I should just stop eating too much sugar and stop drinking caffeine-drinks .....

ok this is a little off topic but you know how abc has csi miami weekends, well last nite was the one with wally in it(i just watch the show not member the names) and guess what @##$%$@! of all !!##@$^% it only recorded the first fe minutes i was beyond @##$% thats my fave eppy i was so sad this morning when i saw that but at least my mom let me watch empire records
that would be 'wannabe' i watched it too. that sucks about it not recording tho. it'll play again tho on a&e just give it a few weeks. and like you said atleast you got to watch empire records, and thats greatness.
...and i'm completely trying my hardest to not say damn the man! especially with your vcr problems
oh trust me i was all like @@@@ the man oi was ready to throw it out the door and thanks for telling me the name of the eppy i cant help just the thought of speed said anywhere or any time gets me but the jackson hewiit got me the most "ALL YOU NEED IS SPEED" that sure is the &^%# truth
ha your welcome. its a great ep. definitely my favorite from miami. he was fantastic in it. and not to mention he was looking good in that suit. but thats a given, he looks good in just about everything.
that episode was one of my favourites, too.
though he seemed a bit irritated at first by that young guy I think in the end it made him think about how someone can be that fascinated by forensics. I think he was so nice to the boy, he was tolerating and patient. I felt with him during the scene in the elevator when Horatio told him the boy had been found dead. It was like he wanted to run, escape but there was no chance as he was stuck in that elevator. I think that was one of his best episodes.
And another nice side effect we got was the glimps on his naked belly the moment he kicked that fence. :devil:
i agree with everything you just said. that scene in the elevator is one of my favorite scene ever on any of the csi:shows. he was fantastic in it. even david caruso wasn't too terrible, and thats a lot for me to say that ha.
ahhh the belly shot. that was a good scene too. *goes too look for belly shot screen caps*
Apparently in the commentary with it (wannabe) The crew gave a standing ovation to DC and Rory for the screen-everyone was so impressed with them....

hmmm and you got to love the belly-and the suit-ALL IN ONE EPPY....*faints*
love empire records...damm the man! :cool: thats def up there on my all time fave films. :)

wannabe is def a speed drool eppy... esp when hes in the suit. :) and yes the belly shot..is a nice shot indeed..shame we couldnt have seen more really. ;)
Hi everybody! I am new to this thread, but I love Speedle, so I should love this thread I am thinking.

I have seen A Scanner Darkly and that is a good movie. Very interesting movie as well. You should all check it out.
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