Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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i didn't get it the 1st time i watched it either, it confused me like you wouldn't believe but when i got to watch it for a second time i picked up on some things and then it started to make sense.
Still_RIP_Speed said:
I can't remember what eppy it is with the axe killing where they talking about Speedle doing the evidence-that reallllllly annoyed me to begin with-but wooo delko, the way he stuck up for him but they really didn't emphasis the point about not having the equipment when speed was there, they brushed over that.

Bless Alexx's reaction though to Ryan first-she obvivlously didn't want to get too attached cause of what happened with Speed...but yeah it seemed that reaction lasted a week and then everyone(except Alexx and Eric moved on)

The episode you're talking about is Hell Night. It's the "Halloweeen-ish" episode from tptb during S.3. I remember it well not because of it being Speed's case, but because of the whole baseball player thing - I have a thing for them, haha.

Anyway, I feel that the memory of Speed after his death wasn't handled correctly...we got some emotional reactions that blipped on the radar every once in awhile but that was it. But then again, the way I see it is that Rory asked to be let go and well from what I've read, he asked for it during the time before shooting began, when actors negotiate their contracts. The writers had to scramble up with something (hence why Lost Son is so bad. My point is, I am sure they had an idea of what direction season 3 was going to in, and Rory wanting out kinda threw them in the wind.

My other point is, well...even if the writers loved Rory/Speed, how much focus can they put on his memory? That's not what the show is about. But then again this can be challenge with the overtly-dramatic turn this show has taken.

Perhaps it comes down to the fact that the powers that be have failed to realize how much time/interests the fans have invested in the show/a character. And it's because of that lack, they don't pay attention to their audience's needs - like references to Speed every once in awhile, and not the crap we got during season three alone.

Sorry this is so long; it's been a week and I'm exhausted.
It's okay, you've got some good points there. While they can't focus on him they should mention him now and then. As for S3, I only know I like 1 and 2 better than the later seasons.

I remember Hell Night well too...saw it before I ever became a CSI fan because an Angel castmember was on it (the jury forman in this ep)and I was depressed with the show having just been axed lol
Well, as for the writers/producers filling in the needs of the fans, I'd say they did a pretty piss-poor job of it in season three and four. However, it seems that since we get a flashback to Speed in season five, it makes me a little more hopeful that the writers haven't forgotten their dear loyal fans. --And the Speed fans for that matter. When I saw that there would be a Speed flashback, everything in me told me to *SQUEE* :p ...I'll squee when I see the episode. Even if he's only there for two seconds. :lol:

I thought Hell Night was a terrible episode. What really irritated me, was that they said 'Speedle' and not 'Speed' or 'Tim'. What the hell was up with that? Maybe his ghost should have come back in this so-called 'halloween' episode and kicked some butt. :p
I was so tired last night that I couldn't even remember what I had posted earlier; all I could recall was that it was very long. :lol:

Aww, Geni you are too funny; there were many instances that occurred in the show that I thought 'Omg, Speed would be rolling over in his grave...'

I too am very excited and hopeful overall for the season with this episode. Speed fans all over will squee with the flashback. I don't care if he's on screen for 2.5 seconds either. The fact of the matter is we get to see Speed on tv again, and it's not a repeat of S1-2 is what's important. :lol: You can bet your bottom dollar that my cell phone will be off during that episode!
I thought Hell Night was a terrible episode. What really irritated me, was that they said 'Speedle' and not 'Speed' or 'Tim'. What the hell was up with that?
Yes! That's exactly it. I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one irritated by that. They rarely called him Speedle when he was alive, why should that change?

Sorry for the delay in getting the poll up *shakes fist at RL*. I should have it up soon.
We're going to start thinking up names for a new poll. Anyone? Maybe "Home of the Ultimate Speedism."
Sorry if it's lame. Anyone else got any ideas?
And yes, that bugged me about "Hell Night" as well. Speedle should only be used in extremely formal terms. (as in birth certificate, death certificate (you get a certificate when you die? lame joke sorry) and other formal papers)
So. Any ideas?
OOh that 'Speedle' stuff makes me mad. I'm okay with it if the team is using in terms like "Speedle's running it" or "I gave it to Speedle" but things like:


Everheart: Speedle. I just got copied on your report.
Speed: Look Everheart I'm not trying to jam you up everything that I've reported is accurate.

And then:

Speed: Are you saying that he signed the log?
Everheart: I wouldn't let him under the tape otherwise, Speedle.

*annoyed* That just pushes my buttons. I understand that he didn't know Speed that well, but he used his name in the wrong way and it was demeaning. If I wanted to make it come across a little less offensive, I would have said "Detective" instead of "Speedle" in such a harsh tone.

Besides, Speed was doing his job because well...He's not sloppy. *glares at writers*

CSIMiamiLover I like that for a thread name. :) I think there were a few other suggestions further back as well. Some included Snickelfritz. :lol: (That cat from 'Hart's War' if you're not sure who that is :p)
Addressing someone by just their surname isn't professional at all, espically if your having a bone with someone, I would address them by first name or full tittle, to show my serious side lol
hey there,
I am completely new to this, I am from Austria and yes, we do have CSI on TV (and I am so glad about it).
My favourite guys are Nick Stokes and of course Tim Speedle.
One of my favourite scenes is from the first season when Speed is in the lab with the headphones on and singing to this song "I'm on a hunt" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I was just wandering - cause I couldn't find anything about that on the web - does anyone of you know which kind of music Rory likes to hear?
As this is my firt post and I haven't read all the pages yet, please excuse me if this question has been posted before.
Welcome to the Speed thread lelaina. :D Glad to have you aboard! :)

I remember reading an interview a while back that Rory participated in and one of the questions was "What is your favorite music?" His response was Classic Rock and Coldplay. :)

(A little weird, because my preferences are very similar. :D)

I hope to see you around here more!
Welcome lelaina You are extremely welcome *passes a plate of baked goods* Enjoy...

This question may not have been answered for a while-Rory likes listening (according to an interview a while back) like Classic rock kinda stuff-like Speed!!!! :D

speed_cochrane Besides, Speed was doing his job because well...He's not sloppy. *glares at writers*
couldn't agree more!!!!

DragonflyDreamerYes! That's exactly it. I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one irritated by that. They rarely called him Speedle when he was alive, why should that change?

Thats an excellent point!!!!

Now the thing I don't get is they keep harping on about how Ray's 'death' seems to be mirrored in nearly every case they found....why would anything evoke emotion of remembrance of Speed for any of the team???(am I being harsh??)

Don't worry DragonflyDreamer RL can be annoying that way!looking forward to the poll tho

ps sorry if this is abit of a random post/rant-10 hour shift at work...VVtired
ok i totally 150% agree with you guys about them calling him speedle. that pissed me off too. and even more so in 'lost son' when calleigh kept calling him speedle. she never called him speedle she always called him tim.
i don't know if you all watched csi:miami when they showed lost son for teh 12st time, but i did and i was hella mad cuz i had an inkling he was the one that was going to die once they had calleigh call him speedle.
and welcome to lelaina!
looks like your question was already answered so no need for my 2 cents. although i will say that i love me some 'on the hunt' that song is too great.
It always pissed me off when they called him Speedle. I mean he had a first name so why didn't they use it? especially Horatio, even in Lost Son after he died he said to Calleigh "Speed may have had to look at his gun.."

When Speed was alive I never heard Horatio call him by his first name. It's so annoying.
speed_cochrane said:
I remember reading an interview a while back that Rory participated in and one of the questions was "What is your favorite music?" His response was Classic Rock and Coldplay. :)

(A little weird, because my preferences are very similar. :D)

Mine too :), altho have to admit, kinda suprised he likes coldplay...why i dunno :lol:

and i have just pursuaded my nephew to finally watch RAYD its only took me 2 wks to get him to watch it. but i have finally suceeded. :lol: I will show that kid what a good actor looks like.

and welcome lelaina the're all lovely in this thread, made me feel very welcome when i joined, and now they can't get rid of me.

and i loved the lab scene with "on the hunt" playing in the broken episode.

i dont like it when i hear him getting called Speedle, it just doesn't seem right, as strange as that may sound i know with it being his name and all, but like you all say, they very rarely called it him when he was alive, why change just because he died.
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