Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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Oh man, I haven't been in here for ages, no wonder I was going crazy!
Ok, Speedisms before I gush about Speed!

Kill Zone:
SPEEDLE: Don't these people have anything better to do?

Not exactly a Speedism, but I love thsi line, so sweet!
Speed: I hope somebody's feeding them.

A Horrible Mind
SPEEDLE: I actually felt sorry for this guy.

Thats all I can remember. Bad Speed fan! *sigh* and now Im off to make fanart, since I got a new filter CD-rom and I want to try them out!

June_85 said:
Hmmmmmmmm Speedle hair!!!! I like it not too long and not too short

I like short back and sides and messy on top!!!!

I do sympathise with Mr Cochrane, he has a similar hair type to me dark thick and curly it is quite hard to maintain, harder for me than him though, I don't look right with the shaved look haha I would be lost without GHD straigtners.

This is very OT but I was having a nose on the CSI Miami page on Wikipedia and I got slightly excited at Speedles birthday........he has my birthday lol...June 24th *sigh* ahhhh its meant to be hehehehe *okay now I am delusional* lol

Ah! He has same hair as me! I'd be lost without my straightners too. And his birthday is near mine! Yay! lol, so if your delusional June then so am I!!! :lol:

Thanks everyone for the banner compliments!I must say I love too....my all credit to Hormiga (proper spelling is on my bio!!) as she made it for me.....ah GHD hair straighters-still can't afford them right at the min-but praise the Lord for very nice house mates!!!

awww you're not a bad speed fan CSIVegasMiamiNY The dialogue must have drifted into silence as you admired his beauty ;)

Oh speeds hair...how much would I love to run my fingers through that :p *starts daydreamin* ahhhh Rory :D
ah GHD hair straighters-still can't afford them right at the min-but praise the Lord for very nice house mates
I'm on my 2nd pair, I had my 1st pair for 3 years and they died in July. I had to get a new pair.
£100 is expensive, but I couldn't cope, I put them on my credit card lol

Well I must say I am seriously bummed out atm ...

...I was just having a nose on the imdb Rory forum and I came accross this interview he did for BBC Radio when he was over in the UK in September

I'll post the link if thats OK, Its from the BBC website, all ligit


Well I am completely DEAD at the day it was recorded - September 1st 2006
I was at BBC Radio HQ in London on that very day to see David Beckham who was there for promotion, I can't believe Rory was there THE SAME DAY and I didn't bat a bloody eyelid

This always happens to me, whenever I blossom a new infatuation of a celebrity I always find I have crossed paths without knowing, this is like the 3rd time this has happened :eek:
The Power Of Hindsight!!!!!
AS IF he did a UK interview and I didn't even know *cries ALOT* no fair....the beauty of the internet for playbacks!

GHD's are expensive...but nothing compares to them (where are you in the UK btw?)
I knew he came over for promotion of RAYD as it was released here first before anywhere else but I didn't know when until i stumbled accross the interview

I live in Wigan!!!
I'm surprise my mum didn't say anything-she knows I like him (think she'd be abit scared about how much!!!) and she ALWAYS listens to 5live *shakes head*

ooooo a northern Lass!!!all good :)
I haven't posted any pics for a while so here we go. :D


thanks for the pics calleighspeedle! i could just stare at that man like all day.

and thats pretty rad ass about sharing speedles birthday June_85!
Thanks for the pictures calleighspeedle!

And as for Rory turning 35...all I can say, is that some men are like a fine wine; they get better with age. :devil:
:lol: What can I say Ashley, I'm THAT obsessed. :p

And heck yes I am SO clued up. :)

^ Agreed Kas. Men do get better with age, and Rory is no exception to that rule. :devil: And thanks for the pics calleighspeedle! :)
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