Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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you welcome :D

and i agree. hell i'd even enjoy seeing him in a police uniform again. that right there, that was the hotness. i think thats half the reason i even watched black and white ha.
Here's to hoping Rory liked playing a cop. ;)

In one interview on the internet, which I have added to my favorites, he said:

Q: And what did you think of the role when you saw it?

Rory Cochrane : I was like ‘Great! You’re going to hire me for another drug addict.’ (laughter) Can’t be like a lawyer or something, you know? But no, I trust his instincts. I was happy to do it. (In reference to Rick Linklater)

It would have been neat to see him as another man of the law. I mean, he's excellent as a drug addict, but he plays a cop just as well as he does characters like 'Slater' or 'Freck'. :p

Link to interview for reference. ;)
I have just been through this entire thread, slapping myself for not knowing it was here *cries* Can I just say
P-H-E-W! These pics and just general talk of Rory is just, P-H-E-W! hehe

oh i've never seen that interview before thanks for posting it. i would like to see him as a lawyer, i think he'd do really well with something like that.

but ok that was a great interview. i loved how he just kept giving the director compliments, thats so sweet.
I just want to say hello to everyone it been so long since I posted in a Rory thread but, I must say he is still the best..
Welcome to the Speed thread, Ree73! And he is the best isn't he? I mean you got the stubble and the eyes and the rolled up sleeves in some cases. The man's just gorgeous.
That's a great banner Grissoms_Angel, thank you so much for sharing. :D

Welcome to the Rory/Speed thread Ree73. :) Hopefully we'll see you in here more often. ;)

Now, since this is the Holiday season, I figured a nice present in the form of Speed would be appropriate for the occasion. :)


The smirk! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D
Aww yes the smirk. That's a present all in its self. lol. And its a season 2 piccie so thats even more awesomenesso...anyways thanks for posting that pic, Geni.

GrissomAngel: That banner is just lovely. Rory+bike= hotness.
OH My Gosh, yum yum yum!!! Grissoms_Angel, tahts sooo good, could I possible steal it? Would you believe I dont have a gorgeous banner of Speed? :eek: *bad Jemma*!
Buuuut, I did find this gorgeous background of him! *sigh* He's so hot!!!

*nods enthusiastically and sighs* damn, he is one good looking guy! And he is one of the few men that look HAWT in shades! (Well, hot in pretty much anything...hehe, if ya get me drift! :devil: And, I stayed within' the PG-13 meter! Woo!)

awesome speed banner Grissoms_Angel! speed and his bike are hottness.
and thanks for the pic Geni! i love when he smiles.
and great background CSIVegasMiamiNY, those are my fave sunglasses he wore, well besides the pink ones <3 those were sexy. and before i forget i hope you all had a wonderful christmas and got everything you wanted <3
I always loved it when he wore the shades. :D My favorite ones were the pink ones. :devil:

And his bike....Oh the bike. *swoon* I mean, the coolest part was that he was so unsafe and NOT wearing a helmet. :lol: I'm all for safety, but I can't really imagine him wearing a helmet. Well, of course I'm always picturing those weird little helmets they use during Horse races, but still. :p

Ashley, you really need to make more Black and White banners. :lol: I'm loving your signature oh-so much. :)
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