Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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Taking a bullet... Now that would be a Speedl way to go. Hey, I have an Idea. how about, after taking a bullet for HoCaine or somebody, he, wait for it, -wait- survives! :lol: Now that would be cool.

I mean, the fact that he died because he was too lazy to clean his gun totally sucks. Whw would he be a Level Three CSI who forgets to clean his gun? Why would he even get promoted that far if he was negligent? It doesn't make sense. And again, why is it a season and a half after Dispo day, and we;ve heard nothing about him beign dodgy, then BAM poor gun maintenance. Not fair.

:lol: I just had a mental image of Rory in one of those skin-hugging motion-capturte body suits. :lol: :devil:

And if I'm not on again before Monday, have a Very Speedy Christmas, fellow Speed Freaks. :D Part hard. ;)
Have to agree with whats just been said about Lost Son, it sucks hard, and we all know Rory was just as dissapointed with Tims demise, I just relish the fact that I have two kick ass seasons of Miami that I can watch again and again, who needs to move on with the series !
SpeedFreak said:
Have to agree with whats just been said about Lost Son, it sucks hard, and we all know Rory was just as dissapointed with Tims demise, I just relish the fact that I have two kick ass seasons of Miami that I can watch again and again, who needs to move on with the series !

Especially after what had happened in the one episode where he was nearly shot and his gun didn't work. Speed took that to heart so I would have thought that he would have kept that gun very clean after that.

I can't remember the episode all I can remember is they where transporting drugs to get destroyed and the team ends up in a ambush.
That episode would be 'Dispo Day'. ;)

At the end of the episode, Horatio gave Speed a gun-cleaning kit as a belated birthday present. :lol: Everytime I scream "OPEN IT! OPEN IT!" when I see that scene. :p
Exactly! Though I kinda got the feeling that he wasn't the neatest person around, especially (in blood brothers) after Eric asked him "how this got from your apartment to here" (or close to it)and it was a ugly rat. LOL
speed_cochrane said:Everytime I scream "OPEN IT! OPEN IT!" when I see that scene. :p

I do too and then I get very annoyed afterwards; I'll scoff knowing that it doesn't change anything, though sometimes I tell myself that it's cool - we all know he's undercover anyway. :lol:
aw 'dispo day' i just love that episode. he was so good in that, especially the lie detector scene, he was fantastic in that. and i also love that scene on the boat in 'blood brothers' all tho i'm more partial to the part when he hits his ass on something and he looks r eally pissed :lol: you know he was just dying to drop the f-bomb
Ah, yesterday I was out shopping, and I actually found Harts War, pretty cheap too. I almost bought it, but I decided that I should probably rent it first - just in case. Rest assured, the next time I'm up there I'll probably buy it because I think I can safely assume that no-one else will buy it :D Hee. Snickelfritz :lol:
harts war is so good, once you rent it and watch it your going to want to own it. i think i've watched mine like 100 times already, its just all around an amazing movie. not just because of rory but everyone did an amazing job in it, completely underrated film in my opinion.
and i don't think i ever told you this but i love your avatar carlz31
I completely agree. Hart's War is an utterly fantastic movie and you're definitely going want to own it after you watch it. It's one of those movies that you won't ever get tired of no matter how many times you watch it; it has so much to offer. I got mine for wicked cheap too but it was the best money I've spent on a movie in a long time.
Oh! *jumps up and down* I also found Harts War really cheap. God bless walmart and there $4.86 movies. lol. They also had Empire Records and Dazed and Confused...I should have gotten Dazed because Rory's in it more buuuuttt I had to go with Collin Ferrel AND Rory. lol.

And I wouldn't disagree with Rory doing another war movie either. Teehee.
oh me either...and it would be even nice if he got to wear a uniform. uniforms are so yummy and if you add rory into that equation i'm bound to die form his hotness. i know that sounds completely shallow but i don't care :lol: the dude is hot.
There is just something about a man in uniform that is just so yummy. I wouldn't mind Rory doing another war movie at all, decked out in camo and some war paint. Or as a naval officer... :devil:

Oh and thanks Ashley for the cute Christmas pic!
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