Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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... Isn't there an ep in the first season where he's got his headphones on (I totally have the same headphones! :D) and he's jaming to a song? I could've sworn he mimes along with it. Oh well, that might be just me.

*Files away Perfection in Pants* :lol:

My God, I saw Cartoon Rory on a DVD review on TV... He looks.... weird... :lol: Its an odd way to film movie, in that kind of motion capture animation thingo. I mean, It's good, but strange.

Thank the Holy Speedleness for non-ratings-re-runs! I was starting to lose intrest in Miami in s4, then s2 came back and reeled me right in. *sighs* Mmmm... s2 :D
Yep, he was wearing his headphones in season 1, while listening to 'On The Hunt' by Lynyrd Skynyrd. He was also mouthing the chorus. :p ;)

You know, it's funny. On Monday, 'Going Under' was on CBS, and instead of watching it, my family watched 'Extreme' on A&E. :lol: Kind of tells you something about both of those seasons.
Hi everybody!
I am mad about Speedle %))))
My favourite movie is Empire Records
Welcome, Bliss_Yarlett! Mad about him, huh? I think you'll fit in very nicely, then.

I saw one comercial for ASD... while I was in the States. I was so excited when I saw it. :lol: Man, I miss being in here. Darn my internet for being all messed up :mad:
ok how much does this suck. i've been to like 5 different stores yesterday, and not one had a scanner darkly. not even best buy. it blows a lot, so now i have to wait to get it also, it sucks.

and welcome to the speed-ness Bliss_Yarlett!
I hope you guys get your copy - though I'm willing to pick up another copy and ship it for anyone who has an extreme problem getting a hold of ASD.

I'm really surprised that Best Buy didn't have it. I got mine at Virgin Megastores for nineteen bucks. Every other place (Circuit City, Barnes & Noble) was selling it for thirty. FYE.com has it at the cheapest at $12.99 but that's only after rebate and I have no patience for that kind of stuff.

I will admit that initially, I probably wouldn't have picked it up had Rory not been it - he's an added bonus! However, I am really interested in the movie plot now. It seems really trippy. I'll have a review after Christmas... *looks longingly at DVD under the tree* :lol:
Has anyone see the ad for Kelsie's (sp?) restaurant? It sounds like Rory is doing the voice over for the ad. I'm not sure if it's a Canadian place (I've never seen one) but it sounds SO like him. He's got a great voice for that sort of work...although I'd love to see his face back on tv. Too bad that's not what he wants.
I have no idea if Kelsey's is Canadian or not, but we do have one here. Though, I don't think I've *ever* seen a comercial for it. I'll shall have to keep a lookout for it.
^^ Here here, I've never actually seen a Kelsey's commercial in Canada, even though we have them. It is, however Canadian. The franchise started in 1988, I believe.

I'll be on the lookout for commercials, because Rory really would be great at advertising. He has the voice for it. :)

MacsGirlMel, it does suck that there's no picture of him, but hey at least the movie came out on DVD and people have heard of this movie. :lol:

Yesterday my mother rented 'A Scanner Darkly' and we watched it with the family. They really loved the movie. They especially loved Rory's parts because he played the role of a junkie extremely well. :) - My dad thinks he should win an Oscar. :lol: :p

ETA: Just saw the extra features for "A Scanner Darkly".

They're really amazing, and it was extremely interesting to watch how they put the movie together, and how they worked out the animation process with the live action film. It was amazing to see how they animted each character, and how they wanted to keep the characters in tact by not overshadowing their facial features by too many lines, or false lighting.

Also, it was really interesting to see what Rory had to say about the movie. FYI, he's really hilarious when he's describing everything. :lol: I was cracking up a lot. Hee. And erm...He drives like a maniac. :lol:

Anyway, so I just got finished watching all of that, and for anyone who wants to purchase or rent the DVD, it is definitely worth the money. Extremely well-done.
i found a copy! i am so stoked, my brotehr (who works at best buy) bought me one, now i just have to wait until he gets home. and now after reading what you said Geni i'm really looking forward to the special features!
I went to blockbuster, and they had about five copies. I was so excited, until I realized they were all out. But then I went a bugged the girl at the counter until she found a copy that had just been returned. So I've got my copy, I just have to wait until my sister let's me use the dvd player :(
Thanks for the great review Geni; I am looking forward to watching it come Christmas, esp. the extras!

And Ashley, I love your signature. Makes me wanna go watch B&W now, but alas I am off to work, bleh. :lol:
Hey guys, I'm new around here and just wanted to say hi ! :D Loving the Speed pics :devil: and general coolness of this thread !!
welcome to the board Speedfreak a big hug from me (hugs)

here is a welcome pic for you

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