Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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Yes he did.

Ah Blood Brothers was a good episode as well "You've got to cultivate things. Your better then that. I'm going to dial it for you" Teehee that scene cracks me up.
aww thanks for the pic BulletGrrrl!
so cute in the blue but so sad at the same time :(

I've already seen "Right At Your Door" when it was in the cinema a few months ago and I can tell you Rory is excellent in this movie

right on, thanks for sharing that info. i can not wait to see that movie. its going to be so amazing.
you won't be disappointed when you do see the movie. Anyway here are a few pics to keep us all going.



:lol: Perfection in Pants. :lol: Oh man, THAT needs to be a thread title... :lol: Or the tagline for Rory's next movie...

Big Important Voice-Over Dude: Right At Your Door, coming soon to a theatre near you.
Screen Text: See Rory Cochrane. [flashes] Perfection in Pants.
Yay! Roryness! Man, it's always hard to leave this thread. Though I had some nice pics to look at after my weekend away.

Ashley, sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the whole Fathers and Sons dealy. I'll pm you when I have a bit more time.
Y'all know what's cool about all the commercials I've been seeing for the 'A Scanner Darkly' dvd? They actually list Rory's name when they're naming the main cast. :D

I just find that very exciting for some reason, lol.
Oh I wish they aired commercials about the movie where I'm at. It's really nice that they mentioned Rory! I am so excited that the DVD's coming out tomorrow. :)

ETA: Just got my copy...it's such a shame that I can't open it 'til Christmas. Argh! :mad:
I've noticed that they mention Rory too! :D That's really great. :)

It frustrated me when in the theatres they didn't mention him. I know he's a secondary character and everything, but he does have a fair bit of screentime. - Anyway, it makes me happy that he's been mentioned. Hee.
i noticed the commercial too. i get very happy too, its quite great. awesome pics you all have been sharing too. i just wish i had more time this week to post here, i'm mising all the fun.
Oh my gosh. I am so mad. Seriously people don't understand he full Rory Cochrane effect. I asked my dad after my choir concert this evening if we could go to Walmart to get A Scanner Darkly.

Me: Can we go to walmart to get that movie I was talking to you about earlier?
Dad: Who's in it again?
Me: Rory Cochrane. Remember CSI: Miami. I only talk about him ALL the time.
Dad: Oh yeah. No.
Me: But its Rory Cochrane and he hasn't been in anything since Miami
Dad: Oh well

...Oh well...oh well...ughers. Its ok I shall use my powers of the puppy dog lip to get it. lol. Atleast I hope.
Heh, thats pretty much how my friends reacted when I wanted them to see it with me :lol:...I mean, It's Friggin Rory Cochrane! how can they not want to see it?

And YAY! I finally got to see Flawless, and even though Rory wasn't in it very much, I thought he was great. He looked so cute in his little jacket...until he started getting beat up...not so cute. And he had a motorbike and everything...Awww.

And I have to say, the scenes of him singing were probably the funniest in the entire movie..."Ashley, why did you trash me, like a used up soda can? Ashley, why did you trash me? I was supposed to be your man" Awww, poor baby *huggles*
:lol: Just once I wanted him to sing that on Miami. Just once. :lol:

Oh man I love 'Flawless'

Aw, Katie your dad won't get 'ASD' for you? Well mine either. I have to wait until after christmas, and lord knows if Canada even has it. :rolleyes:
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