Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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btw, always missed the opportunity before....I LOVVVVVVVEEEEEE your banner SincerelyInDenial hmmmm agreeing as well-God makes beautiful things like Mr Cochrane!!!!:lol:
i just want to like touch his hair, its all soft looking and pretty.
ha i get pissy too thats why no one ever wants to watch s3 with me i tend to yell at the tv like a mad woman.
I need some old fashioned Shits and Giggles :lol:

Anyone got any links to some Speedle fics? lol or Talleigh, but onyl because its my one true ship lol
I love the fluffy hair...I wonder what kind of conditioner he uses. And thanks, Still_RIP_Speed!

Bullet_Girl, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I've got loads of Speedle-centric fics, especially Talleigh ones. I'll PM a link to what I've got over at FF.Net if you don't mind.

And season 3 in general makes me pissy. Hell, even now I'm pissy though I will say one upcoming episode might abate the anger because of the "flashback." Speed still might not be back, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
Some people were talking about the last pic that made them cry- you mean the one I posted of Speed's locker? That was from "Under the Influence," when Ryan joins and sees Speed's locker, and by then he knows what happened. that was so sad!
Love the pics, especially the shirtless one. Thanks everyone!
SincerelyInDenial, I definantly got some laughs out of the 8 or so I have read of yours so far :p Thanks for that :D

Not only do I have to raid the NY part of Itunes, I have to raid the MIAMI part too :lol: Last year, in december, I think was the first time I saw "Shocked" and the one with the whole MalaNoche thing. (Hope I spelt that right)
That was the time it premiered lol so I am so far behind it isn't funnny :(
I think it was actually called "Shock," and yeah, the Mala Noche. That was an annoying story line. (not bad, just annoying)
ok, yeah....I realise that it was called "Shock" But I am still shocked that Mari had to be killed! I actually started liking her in a weird way, but not as H's wife. ick.

Ok, back on topic....hmmm *drums fingers* any more pics anyone? :lol:

*votes also*

DD, if i may call you that, you have a great banner. I really should get myself a new one, but I can't let 'You Wanna Test That Theory' die... D
Azza, you do have a great banner. I don't think 'you wanna test that theory' will ever completely die ;)
You may call me pretty much anything. I'm not fussy.
Man oh man, you guys do not hang around do ya? So much Rory love is making a girl go very weak at the knees! Do we know if Rory ever played a docter? :lol:

And I love the idea for the new thread name, hehe, it sums us up well! Aaaand, I saw A Scanner Darkly up for sale in my local Tesco's, £13!!! Wooo! Gonna get that tomorrow, is it any good? Oh hell, who am I kidding, its got Rory in, I don't give a damn if its good! :lol:

*sigh* I'll stop now, and will go lie down! lol!

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