Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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thanks for teh pics calleighspeedle! you always share such great pics and aww i heart the baby speedle one <3

that sucks about your music store shutting down, but atleast you can still get the dvd's from other stores even if it requires driving ;)
All Music Zones accross the country have shut down because they have gone into administration, I'm gutted aswell coz its cheap as chips. I've been shoppin there years and about 75% of my DVD/CD collection is from there, very fitting that my last ever purchase from there was Empire Records he he

Gorgeous Pics girlies once again,
CSIMiamiLover nice to see you :) but you didn't need peace offerings-but don't get me wrong, they are much appriecated :D awwwwwww black and white photos-so beautiful
ha i just noticed your banner its friggin awesome!
and thanks for sharing all those pics! they are always welcome.
that last one makes me cry :(

Espescially when I'm listening to Desinys Child's "Say my Name..."

Awwww.....ok, I really am but I'm kind of cheered up by the rush of speedle piccies here too :p

(this was for a post on the last page I feel retarded lol)
i was wondering why shirtless rory would make you cry. i mean unless it was because of the beauty ha.
and this is off topic...again but i love you avatar
It was actually over a pic of His locker when Ryan comes into the lab.......but I would be squealing in delight if I saw rory topless..... :p
Rory shirtless is a b-e-a-utiful thing...

Not to get all biblethumpy, but on the 7th day, God made Rory Cochrane and all of womankind promptly fainted.

Anyway, thanks for the pics! And I agree with Ashley, Megan, your banner is awesome! I'm quite fond of yours too Ashley... he def is Sgt. Sexy.
i didn't see that pic. it would probably get me all sad too :( and that wouldn't be fun.
i love his fluffy hair

thank you! he is sgt. sexy even tho there was a serious lack of rory in that movie. just his presence made it greater
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