Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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great pics CSIMiamiLover that last one is definitely one of my faves too. hes just sooooooo pretty.
i've never seen him play a docotr..thats another one we should add to teh list of 'things rory should play' right along with him playing a daddy because that would just take the cake.
a scanner
darkly is fantastic your going to enjoy it for sure.
I forgot ASD had been released, I dunno if I'm gonna buy it *sigh* I know its Rory and all....but the film is totally not my kinda thing, and I don't want to part with £13 for it haha, I think I'll hold out another 6 months and it'll be on Sky Movies and I'll watch it then for free haha
you could always rent it too that way if you don't like it your only a little bit of money.
i wasn't expecting to like it either, in fact it confused me at first but once i watched it again i really enjoyed it.
I voted:

We can nail a greiving husband for killing his wife's rapist. That's good. I mean, I think the guy deserves a medal, don't you?

Will do. I'll call you on your "cell phone"

I loved that last quote especially when he gives a smile and a wink after he says it.
Hehe I voted exactly the same. :) Glad to see everyone enjoys the many pics I bring over. I'm too lazy to upload some more, so i'll just wait for someone else to do so. :D
Great pics fo_poozle! I especially love the first one :lol:

Speedisms for Dead Woman Walking, anyone??
Don't know- haven't seen it. I'll watch it tomorrow. Rest of my fam's sleeping so it I were to watch the recording I would piss them off. Don't want to do that :D I'll bring back Speedisms, don't worry.
It's in season one. :)

I have a couple of them I think, not sure if they're very good though as I haven't seen the episode in a while.

"That was nice."

And that's the only one I can think of. :lol:

Great pictures Ashley. One of my favorite scenes from Speed was when he held up the underwear. That's a Speedism all on it's own. :p
:eek: Season one? :eek:

Ok, I'm kind of shocked because I dont remember seeing it on the back of the box when I looked at it lol but when I find it I'll have a loook just ot make sure :p

I do beleive you, its just....wel, you know, dont you? :lol:
Yeah, I used that in "Who Said It" earlier. Love that quote. :) Along with "Megan, did you miss me." Or something like that. Same epi.
Dead woman Walking is the one with the radiation right??got one So you and your girlfriend are temporaily in luck?

to kill her(that may not sound like a speedism but the look Eric and Calleigh give him I think is priceless
I think I need to watch this one again. Not that I mind, as it's a great episode :D
The next episode is Evidence of Things Unseen, which I also need to watch again, because I can't think of anything.
Isn't Dispo Day coming up (like tomorrow or something?) I've heard it's good and it looks good. *sigh* I can't think of anything either, and I aven't seen Dispo Day, so I'll watch that. But I've seen Evidence of Things Unseen, and I'm drawing a blank.
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