Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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I just thought he would clean his gun...why oh why didn't you clean your gun?? If i were Cal, i would secretly check his gun every once in a while. I think Cal and Hortaio suspected that he didn't clean his gun. *sigh* We're too late anyways. What's has happened is in the past. We can't change it. *sobs*
sadly your right we can't do anythign to cheange it. oh well. i just don't like how they disregaurded the character so fast. and would it have been too much to get a little something from delko, they were onlt friends after all.
I think if I saw Speed die saving the kid, it would be really fantastic and true to his character. It wouldn't be a far stretch to say that he can be just as selfless has Horatio. (It's the suspects he doesn't care for. :p)

Ashley I was reading what you said about him getting eaten by the sharks and gators and I just had the weirdest mental image. If it happened on the show, I know it's be laughing my butt off for ten minutes. :lol: It's mean, but it's true.

Getting shot in the heart goes for the drama, and the sureness that he'll die. It's stupid, but effective in television. Then you won't have said actor crawling back when his career doesn't work out. The thing with Rory is, he said he'd like to be in a few episodes for a guest appearance if they didn't kill him off. Now really, it wouldn't hurt. It certainly wouldn't kill the fans. It's the company they're worried about. They have that "If everyone has to pull off the eight-day schedules, you have to as well" kind of mentality. No one gets less work because they're tired.

It's a damn shame that life is that way though. And that was no disrespect to Rory, because I'm sure that wasn't the case. (We've read the reasons why he didn't want to do the show anymore and it was certainly more than him being tired.) Although it still sucks outloud. :rolleyes:
(It's the suspects he doesn't care for. )
Wait, who are you talking about? Horatio or Speed?

Ashley I was reading what you said about him getting eaten by the sharks and gators and I just had the weirdest mental image. If it happened on the show, I know it's be laughing my butt off for ten minutes. It's mean, but it's true.
Wait a minute now. Who's wants who getting eaten by sharks and gators?

I think if I saw Speed die saving the kid
I've had dreams like that. I mean me saving some kids life in public. My unconsious mind is very weird. Anyways, Speed dieing to save the kids life? yeah i agree with you, that would fit his character.
^ I was talking about Speed. ;)

And it's weird, the Speed fans tend to have a weird sense of humor. :lol: We're a little less fan-girly (well, most of the time) and we joke a little more. Maybe we're just strangely optimisic. :p
ha...i probably would have laughed too as horrible as it sounds atleast he would have went out with a bang.
yeah, us rory/speed fans are neat like that. how could we not be, we adore the man in everything even when he rocks a turtleneck and a ceasar hair cut
speed_cochrane said:
And it's weird, the Speed fans tend to have a weird sense of humor. :lol: We're a little less fan-girly (well, most of the time) and we joke a little more. Maybe we're just strangely optimisic. :p

I think we're just plain in denial :lol:

and I do think that getting eaten by gators/sharks would have been a better way to go (and, admitedly, I probably would have laughed too). I would've been happy if he'd died saving that poor kid. I mean, not happy that he'd died, of course, but satisfied with the way it happened. Geni's right, saving the kid would have been in character for him. As much as he pretended not to care, he really did. Also, there's no way he didn't start cleaning his gun after Dispo Day. I refuse to believe it. Look at how guilty he felt afterwards. It's not the kind of thing that one walks away from without learning. He was way smarter than that.

And like Ashley said, it would've been nice to see a bit more from Eric, get a bit of reaction from him. They were obviously friends. You don't *not* react to a friends death.
^ I was talking about Speed.
Yeah that's what i thought.

Maybe we're just strangely optimisic.
Hey, aren't we all?

I just miss Speed so much. I liked that little grumpy and cranky yet lovable character. Then he gets himself shot. Stupid writers for CSI Miami, what's wrong with them? Did Rory Cochrane want to get off the show? Becuase if he did, he's crazy. I would never want to get off that show, i would go with it to the end. Someone fill me in, don't tell me Rory wanted to get off?

and I do think that getting eaten by gators/sharks would have been a better way to go (and, admitedly, I probably would have laughed too). I would've been happy if he'd died saving that poor kid.
I missed this episode. Please tell me your not talking about H or Speed. And if you ARE talking about H or Speed *pause* .... you guys have a cruel sense of humor.
Yeah, he did actually. He asked to be let out of his contract. Maybe somebody can dig up a link to an interview for you.
Basically, he got tired of the 'I'll get this back to the lab' routine of every episode, and the lack of character development.
Hehehehe........I love turtleneck tops :lol:

Hmmm...... You know I have always thought he should be written out like a hero (ike you have all said) and now thats all I have to say before I go all flamy at Ann.d. grrr....:p
yeah he did, i'll try to find the link i have it saved some where. but he basiacally got tired of the monatomy of the show. and you can't really blame him for wanting to do something that he felt was better for him as an actor. and his character was lacking in development especially in comparison to the other character on the show. so personally i have a lot of respect for the guy for leaving something so successful as csi. most people wouldn't do that, they'd stick with it just because they were on a popular show.
My thoughts exactly! He did what he felt was right for him. It wouldn't have been fair to anyone for him to stay on where he wasn't happy.
Bullet_Girl said:
Hehehehe........I love turtleneck tops :lol:

You'd be surprised. Out Prime Minister of Canada is known for looking really good in a turtle-neck. They always mention it on talk shows or comedic politic shows. (Sorry, off-topic.)
The first interview can be found here: Interview: Rory Cochrane

The second interview can be found here: Rory Cochrane

To read the full transcripts, just click the links at the bottom of the interview.

Hopefully that will add some insight into his decision to leave the show, for those who didn't get a chance to catch both interviews when they were released. :)
DragonflyDreamer said: I think we're just plain in denial

Take a look at my name... it speaks the truth. :lol:

And I know everyone's all about wishin' we could've gotten a better emotional reaction from Eric because they were bffs, but I wish we got more of a reaction from Calleigh - and I don't mean that in the shippery sense at all!

I've only watched LS way too many times to catch this: When she checks his gun and sees that it's dirty, she says "Oh...Speedle," and for about 1/2 a second we see her scrunch her face if she's about to cry but then they cut it off! That annoyed me.

Let's look at this way, Horatio had nightmares stating that it was he whose gun jams not Tim's. Eric starts toothing and Calleigh... *hears crickets chirping* Yeah, that's right. :(
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