Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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woooooo the poll!!!thanks-you know the line You?less then anyone I know etc etc I put that in the Fav moments thread-but I couldn't remember the eppy name!

GP is an amazing eppy....and i reallllllllllllly like rory's haircut in it...after the not so great cross over one-its beautiful :D
Love GP... speedle is so hot in that eppy, the denim jacket, the hair..and to top it all off...the bike @ the end!! love it!

and watched empire records last night. its so good. Rory is brilliant in it. may have to watch it again.
Timothy Speedle:
-Compassionate when needed
-Caring (Remember the whole cell phone deal with Alexx?)
-Soooo young
-Good friend
-Shot because he didn't clean his effing gun

Which doesn't belong?

I know, I KNOW I bring this up every time I'm in this thread, but the Lost Son repeats are a constant reminder to why the writers so vividly screwed up in that aspect of the episode. How could you do that to someone who has those kind of qualities?

As for Empire Records, I loved that movie. I have it on DVD and I break it out every time I need a good laugh. If you love cute and cuddly Rory, Empire Records is for you, he's kickass in the sense of bringing humor to the movie. It's really a great movie, and I loved Lucas, he was such a cutie!

btw SpeedDemon Love your banner :D

.........*goes back into lurking*
^ Oh, I know Jess...it was so cruel :( such a waste after building up such a great character over 2 whole seasons :( though I'm sure there are other TV writers for other shows out there who have written off great characters in a similarly poor manner. *sigh* it is disheartening though.

I agree about Grand Prix - that was a fantastic Speed episode! :D This is one of the episodes where I really sat up and was hooked on what he was doing and saying, although I think I started loving his character before this. I've been trying to pinpoint the exact episode, but I'm still not a 100% sure.

I seem to remember there is this really good scene where we see him walking down the pit lane - man, he looks so hot! :devil: :D
i think we all feel the same way about lost son and how much the writers screwed up *slaps them* the bastards.
empire records is fan-fricken-tastic i love it ever so much. i swear i could quote the whole movie thats how lame i am :lol:
oh and i second the rory looking smoking on the ducati even if he wasn't wearing a helmet.
Empire Records is amazing. It was the first Rory movie I ever saw or owned.
And yes, the Ducati :D Gotta love that bike.
haven't seen empire records....I feel soooooooooo left out :( *makes mental note* must seen empire records, must seen empire records

ooooooo the bike-yummmm beautiful :p: yeah Lost Son can only echo what everyone else has said except, the thing that really gets me is that how lame it makes him look as a cop-yeah originally he didn't clean his gun but H gives him a cleaning kit and in the development of the Speedle character we can see how much he takes on H's advice and guidance-why would he not do what H asked of him??It just doesn't make sense....

Also I watched it today so thought I'd bring it up-along with the caring characteristic that Wyoming mentioned-did anyone else note how when Eric couldn't see how concerned he was for his friend in Dead Woman Walking You can just tell he's sooooo concerned for his friend. Just another moment of senstive coming out with I love
Lost Son was the first CSI Miami episode I'd ever seen...... and it annoyed me even then!! I really dont want to repeat everyone elses comments on it, but I feel the same way. What a completely stupid way to write him out, alienating all the Speed fans as well as killing him off in a stupid way. And I loved the Eric/ Speed banter too
Rant over!
empire records is a must see in my opinion. if you can't find a copy where you live them sell them at best buy for like 20 bucks here i'd be glad to send you a copy.
but yeah, the whole way the treated speed in lost son was lame. and completely disrespectful to rory, i mena they couldn't even give him a whole episode?! what was that about. and the jabs they kept throwing in all through s3 just irked me to no end. fricken ann donahue!
and yeah the eric/speed banter was awesome, they had a great chemistry on screen
Adam and Rory have great chemistry together. Maybe they should do a movie together sometime...

And as always, I agree... freakin Ann Donahue! I don't like that after his death, they made Speed out to be incompotent. :mad:
i know! i swear i must have yelled at my tv a hundred times watching s3. you could tell they were obviously pissed that rory chose to leave the show. and i agree that would be cool to see them do something else together....in a non scandelous sort of way.
i don't know if i told you this yet but i love your avatar!
:lol: yes, non-scandelous is good.
And thanks. I like it too :D

Instead of being mad that he was leaving (which while I can understand...) They could have looked at it as a great opportunity to do something with the show. Made a superb season premier, and saved an... average (in my opinion) storyline for later. You know... it could've been an edge-of-your-seat, suspensful, 'ohmygod-what's gonna happen next' kind of episode. But no, of course not :rolleyes:
i know! i thought it wasa great episode despite what happened to speed, but like i think it was GEni who said it before they could have ended it with speed saving the kid and maybe if he absolutely had to die, die in a cool way. i mean it was just lame how they ended it for his character.
True. He could have... I dunno... gone into the water to get the kid and been attacked by a shark or gator.... after the kid was safe of course. Okay... maybe not the best idea, but hey...
its better than him getting shor because he didn't clean his gun again. i just thought they could have been so much more creative with it.they kill people in the weirdest ways on that show all the time.
lost son just opens a whole can of worms in here ha. its good tho i like hearing everyones opinions.
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