Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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I come bearing gifts!!!!!

I guess I've gotta check the dumpster now? (lame but luv it)

Never go naked on the hotel bead-spread.

that's only two, but I haven't finished watching it, so I'll add more to my post later! :D

I can't believe I got off my lazy bum to contribute lol

calleighspeedle you NEVER disappoint with your pic contributions *swooooooooooooooon* Love them. Love it, Love him....wow!!!thanks *starts fanning self down again from hotness*

with eppy is it where he is sitting down in the blue dress shirt....

Btw does anyone else think its even more exceptional attractice when Speed rolls up his shirts ie Hard Time??was watching it today and was just like :eek: :eek: :eek: could that guy get any hotter??
calleighspeedle, brilliant pics, as always.

And Geni, I checked it out. Speed said 'ugh', and Eric said 'that's bad'.

Entrance Wound:
You? Less than anyone I know. Me, fewer because of it
:lol: Well hey lookie I got half the quote. Can we keep 'Ugh' in there anyway? :p (I can't wait for "Ahh fuuuu" to be suggested when the season two Speedisms roll around :lol:) I'm big on sound effects.

Thanks for the wonderful pictures calleighspeedle. :)
:lol: Yes, we can keep 'ugh' in there. I'm also a fan of the sound effects. They can say so much.
great pics everyone,thanks for sharing them all. its so nice to come into this thread and see how much i missed :lol: i love seeing the speed thread surpass all the wolfe and delko ones. i guess its my competative side.

oh and i don't remeber who asked about twhat episodes to reccomend(sorry) but from s1 tinder box, dispo day, grave young men, broken, golden parachute(i love denim jacket speedle :D)dead woman wakling was pretty great too. and from s2, i'd pretty much have to reccomend tham all but hurican anthony is a definite must see.
and congrats on finding Empire Records! thats like my fave rory movie ever its soo good.
I did, and thanks a bunch! I can't remember Denim Jacket Speedle! *eek* oh my, that means I've been a very naughty girl.....I need to watch the WHOLE of season one again, just to make up for it ;) hehe
I just got a sudden memory boom, which kind of means like flashbacks and I remember someone with a denim jacket jumping a fence, or nearly jumping one....:devil: gtg find yhe disk with GP on it, I'll be back....soon I hope :D

Ooh, all this Rory amore can be overwhelming - just kidding.

Seriously, thanks for all the perty pictures ladies! Rory is one piece of man candy that we can all appreciate. :devil:

Golden Parachute is one of my favorite episodes; it makes me feel all nostalgic because I really miss Tim and Eric banter. I wonder how the seasons would've been had Rory stayed. He and Adam were awesome together and you can tell that they were really good friends from the way they were at ease with each other on the show.

But let's not forget the last scene in GP with the Ducati - good Lord...phew. Talk about smokin'. We need some caps of that.
I'm genius......I voted on my two most favorite ones, now I'm gonna put the quotes on some banners for LJ. I have only one speedle icon on there lol
Ok, I am still having no luck findng it :(
:lol: I picked. I'm such a bad speed-fan, I can never remember and Speedisms.... *sigh* I'm Sorry Speedle-Gods!

And the episode with the Speed-flashback, how did that go? Was it a good one? Or was it another Donahue-Dud?

I Blame Donahue. Just Because I Can. :D

PS: June: I didn't know Darren Hayes was gay! I only found out recentley! But ever since his song 'Insatiable', I kinda wondered... :lol:
How the mother of fudge can I have a crush on a gay man?! I love his songs! Hey, at least he isn't as bad as carlson kressley from Queer Eye For The Straight Guy :lol:

ok, I just rented out the two Tarantino epis of LV (GD 1&2) And Golden Parachute was on it as a bonus episode. I got to See Speedle in his Jacket!!!! *swoons, swoons and swoons some more!!!!* I'm so gettnig a jacket like that :D

Yeah, *narrows eyes* Donahue Dud....:lol: I could probably make a whole skit about Donahue and a whoopie cushion now thanks toy ou people, (thats a good thing hehe)
Btw does anyone else think its even more exceptional attractice when Speed rolls up his shirts ie Hard Time??was watching it today and was just like :eek: :eek: :eek: could that guy get any hotter??

Hard time was the Miami Episode that coverted me to the church of Rory Cochrane!!!

Golden Parachute is one of my favorite episodes; it makes me feel all nostalgic because I really miss Tim and Eric banter. I wonder how the seasons would've been had Rory stayed. He and Adam were awesome together and you can tell that they were really good friends from the way they were at ease with each other on the show

I love GP coz there is lots of Speed isn't there? He seems to be one of the main men, I only wished they'd of carried it on :rolleyes:

PS: June: I didn't know Darren Hayes was gay! I only found out recentley! But ever since his song 'Insatiable', I kinda wondered

I only found out coz I saw him with a guy....you know with a guy in Manchester about 3 years back haha, I was like gutted.com haha He never came out until back end of last year when he married his fella in a civil ceremony on London.
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