Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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*pokes head in*

I think the show has changed because he's not there

Geni, I completely agree with you on that statement. The show is very much in a different place than where it used to be and I wonder what would've been at times if things had been different.

And yeah, it sucks big time that he was only mentioned in just few episodes. I think the writers do forget about the dead characters... I mean not to go OT, but have we heard about Marisol since Rio? Nope, which is my point exactly.

But I have hope for a possibility of a return. Never say never, right?

ETA: Oh and here is my contribution to the new thread. An oldie but a goodie... the rare but oh so beautiful Speedle smile :)
Congrats on thread # 14

Here´s my pic contribution for the new one.

*click on the thumb to enlarge*

I just got through my Rory DVD collection and i´m happy to say that i owe all of his movies except his early work with HELP and the Connie Chang thing that used to be listed on IMDB.
Wow. I missed some serious discussion in here. I'd add on, but I think it's pretty much all been said.

I checked at my store, and I found two copies of Fathers and Sons for very cheap. If anyone is interested, please let me know. I've got them hidden away in the back of the pile... not that I think anyone's going to take them...
thanks for the pics those are lovely. i <3 when he smiles.
i'd be interested in a copy just let me know how much money to send your way for the movie and shipping and stuff.
fo_poozle- I love your avatar!!

Congrats on the new thread everyone!! :D

In honor of the movie I'm watching on TV right now--


Cap from HERE
:eek: Ashley, have I told you how much I adore the pictures you post? :D

I love that black dress shirt. :devil: Thanks for posting it!

ThisisMe, thanks for the 'Empire Records' picture. :) I was trying to watch that yesterday, but my father had the remote so I couldn't see it. Also, on Sunday, 'Sunset Strip' was on Star and I missed it because yet again, my father had the remote. *sigh*

Welcome to the Speed thread CSIgirl3. :)
Awesome pictures Ashley! They certainly cheered up my bad day! :(

A&E is simply amazing. My only suggestion would be that they only aired S.1&2 but that's because I'm biased for specific reasons,heh.
i'm sorry your having a bad day i hope it gets better <3

i agree, if they only played s1&2 that would be just fine with me. unfortunately i don't think that's going to happen. dare to dream i guess
In Aus, they're actually showing re-runs of season 2 during the non-ratings period :rolleyes: I think they'd have better ratings if they showed season 2 normally and the garbage (IMO) that was season 4 in the non-ratings period...

Oh man, yesterday, I was out getting a DVD for a Christmas present, and I saw Flawless, fairly cheap...I almost bought it, but I thought I'd probably rent it first...just in case I don't actually like the movie...I'll probably buy it soon (like on the weekend...assuming that they still have it). And I also saw that Empire Records is now $10 cheaper than when I bought it...oh well...

And this afternoon, I'm going on a Harts War hunt...Asuuming that I fins it at all and it's $20 or less, but if not, then I'll buy it and then give it to myself for Christmas ;)

I'm really really hoping that I find it somewhere, but if I don't and I find Flawless, I'll buy that instead, but if I find both, then I'm going to get Harts War :D
:lol: Wow, you guys can yak! :D Yay for new thread!!!!one!!1 *throws her usual Speed-confetti*

And in honour of the man himself, *hits play and 'SexyBack' booms out of the CD player* Yea, he's deff. bringing sexy back. :D

And It appears that chest heair wins by a landslide... hee. cool.

Me guest staring on CSI: MIAMI

Me: And ya see?!? The sky isn't REALLY that colour! What'd I tell you stupid season fou...
Rory: *clears throat* Uh, ma'am, about the case...
Me: *noticing him for the first time* Oh... My... Adda... wibba... gah?
Rory: .... Yeah, look, you're looking at life for the murder of-
Rory: Well, yeah but, see-
Me: Man, the guys at talkCSI would die if they knew...
Rory: talkCSI?
Me: Yeah, it's this awesome site where we rant about how much you rock and Donahue sucks... and we worship Snicklefritz. :D
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