Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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and i am the proud owner of Empire Records finally found it for £5.99 in Virgin. Bring on the Rory goodness! :D


Noooo !! I can't believe you found it so cheap im Virgin !! Why am having no luck buying in a shop without being charged a near fortune !!! :mad:

I'm just kidding, congrats on the find :D I'm not jealous at all...honest....
awwwww THE SUIT SHOT *collaspes due to overheating cause of the hotness of Rory* I just LOVE wannabe and seeing Rory in a suit just makes the eppy that much better ;)

I've have 2 job interviews this week(and if I get either I will be much better paid) so if I get either I've decided to treat myself to either RAYD or scanner darkly....oR BOTH :lol: I need rory in my film collection....

btw thanks so much for the photos SpeedDemon I think the look on speeds face in the 2nd group one is well funny!!!
yes it is always good to see him, he looks like hes blowing a kiss. anyone got a pic from harts war of rory standing behind colin when he said you shoulda sold tickets to this one?
*sigh* that's ok, is it in the first three or second three dics of the second season? I'm considering buying the first half of S2.......then the second part will come out about a year and a half later, quickly followed by the complete box set...... :( what should I do? :lol:

ok, I love the pic anyways....may I snag it to make an icon?
Thanks for all the pics, everyone!

I shall try to get the next Speedism poll up soon. Until then, feel free to keep suggesting lines from Camp Fear and Entrance Wound!
Phillie ... you means this bit...

one and here's another bit

Bullet girl I have no probs with anyone using any pics i put up, no need to ask, everyone can share the Rory goodness just as long as its not being hotlinked, im ok with it.

ok speedisms...hmm i may have to watch the epi's again to remember some..oh no, its a tought job but i'll do it. :lol:
*drools* yeah thats the part but i was looking for one of them together, i have a dirty mind so im not gonna say what im gonna use it for but thanks for those two pics that goes on my wall at home
:eek: You guys have been on fire in here. :eek:

wibble said
I saw Legal yesterday on dvd, and I couldn't help thinking that I wish it had been Speed who'd found all those ladies locked up in the storage unit (and I'd been one of them :devil:). How lovely that would have been :)

I never really thought of the scene that way. :lol: But it would have been great to see him rescue them and then we would see a little more of a sentimental side to Speedle. I know it's in there! :)

Bullet_Girl said
What's the reccomended epi to watch? I wanna know so i can make some pure hottness! in the form of icons and banners ;)

I'd recommend 'Dispo Day', 'Bunk', 'Grave Young Men', 'Camp Fear', and 'Spring Break' from season 1. :)

Not sure if you said you had season two or not. ;)

By the way, those are some fantastically wonderful pictures everyone! A great thing to wake up to this morning. :D

My Speedism suggestions for 'Entrance Wound' and 'Camp Fear' are....

Camp Fear:

"Maybe your car"

"Ugh, okay that's bad."

"Could be?" --Love the way he says it there. :lol:

"He had gas"

Not sure if those ones were suggested already. And I can't seem to think of any for 'Entrance Wound'. :lol:
Oh, I love "Spring break" but now I'll have to hog my mums computer all day to get the caps just the way I like them....:devil: We all know what that means hehe.....

My favorites are in Speed_Cochranes post, I guess great minds think alike? (more like Lazy bums copy the smart people....lol :lol:)

Nahh....I dont have S2...:( but thanks for considering me :) I like nice people :p
oh my ..! beautiful pics girls (I mean all pics on last .. ehm ... 18 pages .. :D ) I haven't been here for ages so thanks a lot for SO lovely surprise ... you always make me drool .. or Rory makes me drool, thats the truth! :D

love you all, Kat xxx
Hmm... You know Geni, I think it may have been Eric who said 'That's bad'. But I'll check.

A few more from Camp Fear:
Yeah... I'd be pissed
Trip out

Anything from Entrance Wound? Anybody?
Note to all British Fans with Cable TV

Tonight (23rd Jan) on FilmFour @ 11pm

Dazed and Confused is on :D :D :D

I was just flicking through all the film channels to see if anything intresting was on tonight, my eyes nearly poped out my head when I saw D&C on, it was on about 15th December, but I only flicked on as the credits were rolling LOL
I am putting it in the DVD player now, I will find you at least one Speedism from "Entrance Wound" !!! I am determined, I am pumped, listening to the black eyed peas "Pump It" makes that sound reall really suss but I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready....for SPEEDISMS!!!:lol:

(I know I sound like spongebob, that was what I was aiming for lol)
DragonflyDreamer said
Hmm... You know Geni, I think it may have been Eric who said 'That's bad'. But I'll check.

Yeah I wasn't sure about that either. :lol:

Wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong about a quote though. :lol: Thanks for running to check it out. Well not that you're running. ;)
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