Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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Thanks for the pictures Still_Rip_Speed. :D

I love the last picture, especially when he's saying "Amplify that last part". *squee* Makes me giggle. :)

I loved 'Tinder Box'. It's one of my favorite episodes, and it's the CSI:Miami writing debut for Corey Miller. He did such a great job. :) --Especially with Speed's parts. I loved how he threw out his dress shirt because it has some soot on it. Good lord man, use a washing machine. :lol: And well...It had blood on it too, but he didn't know that.

I also loved how he was so heroic in that episode too. He went back in to save everyone else, knowing full-well that the building could come crashing down and lead to his untimely dimise. :eek: Kind of brings me back to wibbs' picture of a knight in shining armour. :devil:
wow, i missed SOOOOOOOOOO much this week. and look at all the pretty pictures i have ot look at ha.
ok, since i didn't read all like 3 pages i missed put on i'm going to go back and read. i'm sure i'll editing this post.
how is everyone by the way?!?!
hehe.....I love the knight in shining armour idea...:devil:

I thinks everyone agrees hed looks very sexy.... (ok, apoologies if that went over PG-13 and if there is a pic my eyes ain't seeing it lol.....that makes me sound like big momma lol)

That is such a guy thing to do, throwing out shirts instead of washing them, but with speed....it just sounds and feels....so him? yeah...lol

I'm going out in 10 minutes, so happy speed..ing? lol am I glad that not illegal on the board or I'd be broke with debts :lol:

Loved the Tinder Box caps, Still_Rip_Speed; it's one of my favorite episodes. Rory the hero... can anyone say mouth to mouth resuscitation? :devil: :lol:

speed_cochrane said:
I loved how he threw out his dress shirt because it has some soot on it. Good lord man, use a washing machine. :lol: And well...It had blood on it too, but he didn't know that.

Oh Geni, I had the same reaction. Though, it would make for a great Tide To Go Pen commercial. :lol: But it worked out for the episode I suppose. Hmm perhaps we should really pitch these commercials: Tide & most definitely, Axe body spray w.the clicker ala Nick Lachey.

Hello Ashley, good to see you back. No worries, I get home so late everyday that I always have to play catch up.
yeah, i just missed so much this week, its good to be back though. i missed talking about rory. i do feel quite accomplished though. i finally got my friend jill to admit that our boy so quite the looker. i felt proud ha.
Hi, y'alls......I'm not posting as much because of the 3 post rule and the fact I'm naughty and gotten into trouble :devil:

and I'd been one of them

I was in there. You just didn't see me :p

What's the reccomended epi to watch? I wanna know so i can make some pure hottness! in the form of icons and banners ;)
More gorgeous Rory pics *sigh* :eek: you guys are trying to kill me with hotness !!! :devil: Hope y'all are good, have just ordered the S2 boxset as a late Xmas gift so can't wait til that shows up, wishing I ordered Empire Records now but will have to wait til payday ! Also I went to find ASD yesterday and I couldn't find it anywhere ! :(Gah !!! :mad:
Aw, June, what about Hugh Jackman? Everybody loves Hugh Jackman :lol:. C'mon, the man can kill vampires AND high-kick in shiny pants as a gay man. :D

Now that i cna picture. Rory doing the dark-and-brooding Vampire hunter.
i watched a scanner darkly last night and Rory as Freck is fantastic! couldn't stop laughing! I'll get some caps later of the extra footage of him and post it up for you all. but its good. oh so good.

and this is and
even closer look into those eyes

i wanna be looking into those eyes

Lucky woman she is

its always good to see him

Speedle in a suit...so hot

bearded Rory

Group photo

group photo

seeing as its been a while since i posted pics..thought i would leave some of the hottest fella going. :D
SpeedDemon those pics are hot :devil: !!! Can't wait to see a scanner darkly am on a mission this weekend to find it !! :lol:
Phillie: Those pictures don't belong to me, so ya free to do whatever you want with them, I shall accept your request when I get home this evening, my work computer (which I'm on now has MySpace filtered lol)

Alot of action in here since yesterday, I couldn't make it on last night, I went to see Kylie in concert, what an amazing show it was!!! I always get soo emotional when it comes to Kylie *sobs* I think she is an inspiration.

Azza, Yeah Hugh is a little dishy I guess, but Darren Heyes remains as my hottie.....I always like gay guys. I saw Darren in a bar in Nottingham with his husband last year I was like 'Awwww look at them!' He He

Gorgeous Gorgeous Rory pictures guys - he looks dish!!!

Wibble, Your signature..........well I have no words haha, I love Little Britain, *looks around shifty* Er *cough* I'm a Westlife fan too *looks around* haha
Bullet_Girl am pretty sure the Speedle suit pic is from Wannabe, when he's ready for Court... please correct me if I'm wrong as I havn't seen TinderBox yet :eek:, bottom line, the guy is beyond hot in his suit !!! :devil:
Bullet_Girl said:
Speedle in a suit...so hot

Wait a god-damn mintue, that pure HOTTNESS is in tinderbox? I have it on DVD!!!! :eek: I am going to watch it again very soon, as soon as I can pull myself away from the screen, from ogling at him....:devil:

Nope, its from Wannabe, its when there at Wallys place just after Horatio has told Speedle what has happened to him. its just i forgot to go out of that file and go into Wannabe i have set up on Photobucket when i was uploading it. Sorry.

and i am the proud owner of Empire Records finally found it for £5.99 in Virgin. Bring on the Rory goodness! :D
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