Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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Hey, it looked cool-besides discovered guys have all the luck-doing your hair in morning is well easy-bit of gel....thats it!!!

ooooooo I could be the female Speedle....ie Mrs Speedle :D :D :lolL YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYEEEEEEEEEE *starts dancing round the room*
I always thought Speedle would be more for chicks with long, flowing (pref Calleighs) hair :lol:

I have shoulder length brown hair at the moment, with streaks that need touchups bad because mum wont take me down there :(
I think Emily Procter has gorgeous hair but I'd never be able to maintain such a maine on my heeed lol I have a fairly dark complexion even though I'm white with dark hair and dark eyes..... I'm like a female Rory lol...I'm sure I have some mediteranian blood in me somewhere down the line I must have a throw back gene from 100's of years ago as I resmeble no one who I'm related to....unless I'm adopted LOL

I'm such a hypocrit when it comes to reality TV, I live by them, but I have no time for people who are on them haha.
SpeedDemon said
theres no spoilers really in it i don't think... I'm just re-reading them to make sure, because i don't want anyones joy of watching it spoilt by reading those reviews, but i think there okay... i'll see if i can edit my above post with a warning just in case for people, its not my intention to spoil it for anyone, so i'm sorry if it has.

You've placed the interviews into links, so I'm sure that if no one wants to be spoiled - no matter how mild the spoilers might be - they don't have to click on the links. What you've done is perfectly fine. :)

I think if Rory ever did reality TV, I'd cry. :lol: I like him better as an actor, even if his personality is awesome. :devil:

I would like to see him get back into television again though. I'm sure that he doesn't want to go for the eight day schedules again, but it wouldn't hurt to see him play some character roles as a guest star. :)
hence you mean in a flashback as one of the characters hes played??? :lol: well a few flashbacks....

but I'd love to see him in other roles-*starts marking calender to count down days to 'The Company'*

btw just watched Tinder Box....I soooooooo wish I could make screen caps(how do you??) there would be some superb ones for Speed from that eppy-lots of close ups :D
hmmm...... you could use media player, movie maker or a DVD drive thingy. :lol:

I use Lg's Power DVD.....which is on my mums coputer and I tend to watch and/or cap episodes in blocks of six :D
i use windows media player for my caps. there alot bigger that way, but you can also use power dvd if you have that, or movie maker like bullet girl said they both do them well too.

i'd love to see rory do something like dinner for five again, or something similar, with the relaxed surroundings. it really made me laugh when i watched that. I def can't wait to see the company... i have so many things to look forward too now, scanner darkly on monday... phonics gig in march, the company...oooh im so easily pleased. :lol:
Wow, you ladies move fast in here :eek:

I really want to see A Scanner Darkly...will have to rent the dvd when it comes out over here next week.

I agree Geni, I would cry too if Rory did reality TV :lol: but I think it's a lot to do with that here in the UK, we have a lot of that sort of thing shoved in our faces, especially at the moment with the racism debate all over the news :rolleyes:

You know what I really want to see Rory do? A movie where he plays a hero, and does something noble and wonderful - kind of like the way he *should* have been written out of Miami, but let's not go there again :rolleyes: But it would be really nice - just something where I can go all misty-eyed and think "ohhh, my knight in shining armour" :eek: :lol:
:lol: I think if he played the hero, he'd triple his fanbase. :D He could do some sort of period piece or maybe something along the lines of...Fantasy? (Not sure that's the word I'm looking for) I just want to see the guy in some sort of gruffy uniform swinging a sword or something. :p

Or OH! An action film where he can go from an ordianry Joe, to saving the world in 96 minutes. :lol:

I'd also like to see him play this really mean bad guy in a psychological thriller. We need some spine-tingling action from our favorite guy too. ;) (And still, I want to see him in some kind of authoritative role...)

Oh the possibilities if I was a casting director..
oooooooo yeah I agree wibble a nice guy kinda role-but not hugh grant nice...cause thats sickly....but like where "woooo, here he comes to save the day"

yeah we're not go to how he was written out the show cause I'll have to get out anf stand on my soap box again!!!
Oohhh, Geni...now you've got my mind in overdrive :eek: I wanna see Rory in this sort of get-up:



I do love my rough-looking knights :devil: and I think I would actually find the beard he had in RAYD quite attractive in this sort of role :devil: (that cap is from the King Arthur movie btw).

Still_RIP_Speed, don't worry, I'll avoid that topic for now so you don't have to get your soapbox out :p :lol:
ooooooooooo yes!!rory as a rugged knight *daydreaming starts going into over drive!**starts drooling* *cough* sorry about that

Thankyou,its a rather large one-in order than the Miami writers would some how heard-after my week at work not sure I have the strength to lift it :lol:
Rory in that outifit? On a horse? *thud* Ohhhh Wibble, you've put thoughts into my head. :lol: Yes, Rory needs to play both a hero and an uber bad guy. Perhaps he could do both in one movie? Could be interesting :lol:
Hugh Grant. ick.

His movie '9 months' was good for every part except the ones with him in it. :rolleyes:

I'm going to order all of thee Rory movies my mums credit card can handle :p

And yes, I am aware that there aren't THAT many, but It never hurts to dream....:D
oooh rory as a baddie...imagine the hotness! *sighs* and a knight in shining armour... he can rescue me any day!

i had the strangest dream last night, about how they could bring speedle back for at least one episode, i'll tell you about it...it is coming up to the anniversary of his death and seeing as none of them really dealt with it when it happened, they all start having flashbacks of times when they were with Speedle, on cases etc or when in personal time at a club with Eric, and this is where a flash back happened of speedle anc calleigh and they did the me tarzan u sexy thats in bullet girls signaure. it was very weird, but during the episode thhe flashbacks happened for them all...Alexx, Calleigh, Eric and Horatio...and even Ryan.. has a flashback as to what it would be like if them two ever met. but anyways.. as it comes to the end of the episode, it goes the the grave that speedle is buried in and you see Horatio standing there, and then Eric arrives, followed by Calleigh and Alexx. and then i woke up..

like i said very weird. :lol:
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