Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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wibble said
I haven't been able to stop staring at him lately in S2, because he's been wearing some really nice shirts :eek: and generally looks less scruffy than in S1.

Agreed. He looked a little more...Maintained? In season two. He seemed to be a lot less like a young and scrawny-looking cop, into a more relaxed, cool, calm and more defined looking man. :devil:

wibble said
I particularly like the dark blue one he was wearing in Rap Sheet :devil:

:eek: Glad I'm not the only one. I'm going to forget the fact that at the beginning of the episode, it was the same one he wore in 'Blood Brothers' and 'Lost Son', but hey, it's just a shirt, right? ;) - And a lovely one at that.

*raises tiny Speed flag for the famous black dress shirts in the meantime*

wibble said
I also liked his "she looks like she has a nice personality" comment about the woman in the bikini in the photos from the club, and the way he was so cynical and adamant that the woman in the hospital was lying about what had happened to her girlfriend:

:lol: That entire episode cracked me up because of Speed. I loved the scene where he said "Well she looks like she has a great personality" :lol: And he seemed so negative in that episode. (moreso than usual) Not sure what his problem was in that episode, but he made it hilarious to watch the banter. - And it was a little more tension-filled since Eric and Speed were butting heads a little more strongly in 'Rap Sheet'.

June_85 said
I have been watchin my Season 2 DVDs this past week, I'm upto Witness to Murder!!! I do love his shirts he wears but They are TOOOOOOOO big for him I wish he wore tighter shirts *cough* not that I want to perv or anything *cough*

Personally, I liked his wardrobe in season two. I find that it was much more fitting than some of the clothes he wore in season 1. Example of loose shirts would be 'Dead Woman Walking', 'Dispo Day', 'Forced Entry'. In season two we got to see some more form-fitting atire, that I think accentuated his body a little more.

But I agree, he could have worn something even more form-fitting. :devil:

By the way, great Rory dream. Here's to hopin' it does carry on. :lol:

Azza4Speed said
Speedism Poll Results in:

1st: "The only way to out-run a gator is to swim faster than the guy next to you. Isn't that right Delko?"

2nd: "You know... you're an ass"

I see we indeed have the results from 'Cross-Jurisdictions' and 'Golden Parachute'. :D We could now continue with 'Losing Face' and 'Wet Foot/Dry Foot' if that's alright with everyone. ;)

Carly, I hope you get to watch Hart's War soon! It's a great movie worth waiting for, but you've been waiting for ages. :eek: :lol:

June_85 said
Hopefully this year I will get around to watchin Rorys films, like I said I have RAYD ordered, its out on 15th so should get is in 2 weeksish.

Congrats! Hopefully you'll enjoy the movie. :)
Oh My Gosh, I have just heard the perfect song for Speed!!! Its a fanvid about George Eads, but the lyrics are gorgeous!!!! Take a looksie!!! Is it just me that thinks they are fitting, or am i not as crazy as I thought? :p
Link removed by Moderator

CSIVegasMiamiNY, I've removed the link to the video for the time being, as it could be considered a breach of copywrite laws. When some more clarification on the matter is reached, we'll see if the link can be placed back. ;) Sorry for the inconvenience.
Wow... I've missed a lot. That's what I get for taking my friend to an airport thats two hours away, for a 6am flight on New Years day :rolleyes: Anyway, getting back on topic...
The first poll is finished, so now we need some Speedisms from Losing Face.
Here's my contribution:
Speed: Top ten ways to get your head blown off.
^^ No worries CSIVegasMiamiNY. Better safe than sorry, right? ;)

Megan that's one of my fav Speedisms. :lol: Hee. Gotta love Speed.

I think I might have a couple...

Speed: Lace on a rug. Well shoot me if it ever comes to that.

Speed: I read books.

...I can't seem to remember any more. :lol:
:lol: I can't believe I forgot the lace on a rug one! And I think it may be I happen to read books but I'm not sure.
^ LOL at the "I read books" line :lol: I don't actually remember it, but I can just imagine the way he says it :lol: Ok, I gotta watch this epi again, so maybe I can contribute :D (you guys know his lines better than me ;)).

Geni, I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on Speed's negativity in Rap Sheet - I also wondered what that was about :confused: but definitely gave me some laughs all the same :)

And are there any epis where Speed is wearing tight shirts? :devil: I can't think of any so far.
^^ Megan, I think you're right about the 'books' line. :lol:

It was hilarious how he said it, because he was clearly annoyed by Calleigh's "When did you ever work a bomb scene?" :p

wibble said
Geni, I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on Speed's negativity in Rap Sheet - I also wondered what that was about

It was weird to say the least. He's always been a little bit of a sour puss, but he was just picking on the suspect/victim. :eek: Bad Speedy.

I also think that was one of the only times he was actually wrong in his assumptions. (Besides 'Wannabe' when he thought the axe belonged to Fisch) In 'Rap Sheet' he was all "Then why'd she try and hide the body" ...I'm not sure why he assumed that's what happened, but he'd never made that kind of assumption before.

*shrugs* Maybe he had a girlfriend who fell in love with another woman. (Pam perhaps? :lol:) ...Okay probably not, but I want to get into his psyche.

As for Speed wearing tight shirts in season two? The beginning of 'Hard Time' would be the best episode to check. ;)
I have some, curtesy of a very nice transcripts site!!! :D

SPEEDLE: I happen to read books, okay?

SPEEDLE: "Top ten ways to get your head blown off."

SPEEDLE: Evidence just can't get up and walk out of the room.

SPEEDLE: Lace on a rug.
CALLEIGH: (nods) Uh-huh.
SPEEDLE: Well, shoot me if it comes to that.

Those are the only one's I can find, and some of them are just the expression Speed makes when he says them.

speed_cochrane said:
wibble said
Geni, I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on Speed's negativity in Rap Sheet - I also wondered what that was about

It was weird to say the least. He's always been a little bit of a sour puss, but he was just picking on the suspect/victim. :eek: Bad Speedy.

Yeah, I was actually rather surprised when he started talking about her like that. I know Speed's had his grumpy/irritated moments in the past, but he really seemed to be putting her down with his ascerbic remarks. I would have expected him to be more objective, especially as the full facts of what had happened were not yet known, and the fact that he is higher ranking CSI than Delko, so I would have expected Speed to set a better example to his friend/colleague.

I think Speed needs to go on a date with ME - I'll make him lighten up :devil:

*shrugs* Maybe he had a girlfriend who fell in love with another woman. (Pam perhaps? :lol:) ...Okay probably not, but I want to get into his psyche.

You know what Geni? Here I could now talk for ages. I feel totally the same with regard to your comment about getting into his psyche. I'm sure you've probably read Speed's character biography somewhere, and there's a whole load of backstory to him :eek: Stuff about his parents, how he grew up, read loads of different books, what happened to his friend, and why he wanted to do forensic work, etc. It's such a shame really - the writers have plenty of material there that could have led to some great character development for Speed on-screen. For example, they could have written a Speed-centric episode where he works a case that reminds him of how his paralysed friend died, or a case where his brother appears.

And now that you mention it Geni, it would be nice if we knew why he was grumpy with that woman in Rap Sheet (if any). Perhaps he had a bad experience with an ex-girlfriend in the past who told him some major lies, etc. Again, I think this would have added to his character, and made some interesting viewing for the audience by gaining some insight to why Speed acts the way he does sometimes.

It would also have been nice to see Speed have a bit of romance - I think the only reference we get to that is something about some woman he used to date in one of the departments who now hates him (Speed has to call her to help him and Calleigh with a case I believe). It just would have been nice to see him with a girl (with a nice personality ;)), having a good time, or at least, cheerful for a while :)

*sigh* I could go on, but yes...poor Speed...such a potentially great character who I now really love having seen most of S2, and now I have to watch him die in a couple of episodes time :(

*goes to watch Hard Time in search of a tight-fitting shirt Speed*
I agree with so much of what you said, wibble. The writers had so much material there, and it all went to waste :( Speed seems like such a complicated person, I'd love to psycho-analyze him.
*sigh* I should be smarter than this. I posted this big post and then forgot there's a time limit for the Quick Reply. Mergh.


calleighspeedle, 'The Prime Gig' is an excellent movie. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes Indie films, and more importantly, Rory movies. :) He did his character a lot of justice, and it was very believable. He provides a lot of the comedic relief in the movie. Really great movie, especially if you like...Erm...Undressed Rory. ;)

And I had this giant thing written about Speed and his motives/amibtions but ah well. It's too bad the CBS website took off Speed's bio so I can't read it.

Basically, I would have liked to see him in some kind of romance. We've seen Calleigh, Eric, and even Horatio in some form of relationship, so I would have liked to have Speed seen with some woman. (Well, obviously not a random woman) Cookie Divine (Innocent, season 2) would have been great development for him.
i agree with you completely wibble about how the writers could have done so much more development for him. i was especially interested in hearing abuot his friend and how that effected him but alas the writers never delved into that. or any of his backstory what so ever.
and i also would have liked to see speed get some action too! not so much cookie devine just because i didn't like her ha but your right about that possibly being an interesting storyline on his part.

and calleighspeedle i slso recommenf the prime gig its one of my fave rory films, that that there are many i don't like, but he was awesome in this and like geni said he brought a lot to his character, and the comic relief into the movie. and as an axtra little bonus it has rory in a tub, with his chest hair all a showing.
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