Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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well happy new year to you ladies!
and i'm jealous that you can find csi dvd's cheaply, i paid no less than 50 bucks for all of them. which if you count how many seasons of each series thats a lot of money, but i'm glad you all can find them at affordable prices :D
so have you guys seen rory's movies? which is your fave?
and thanks calleighspeedle for offering to make caps i'm looking forward to that!
oh! yeah i ahd a rory dream...well sorta he was in it. but he was just like talking to me about basketball(why i don't know i don't watch sports) and he was talking in an australlian accent. it was weird, but i thoguht i'd share since its the 1st time my dreams have ever been graced with rory's presence. even if he was talking about something i know nothing about ha.
I am dying to see Right At Your Door. I went to the movies recently and prayed that they'd show the preview for it... but alas, they didn't. And if my dvd player played Region 2 DVDs, I would totally order it ahead of time.

Oh and Ashley that dream sounds so funny and cute. At least you ended 2006 in a very good way, hehe. :lol:

Happy(albeit, early) New Year! I still got another hour and a half to go...I was down in Times Sq. for awhile. It was nuts!
OMG fo_poozle! That first pic is from Not Landing isn't it? What a coincidence, I saw that epi for the first time last night on my S2 dvd :D then I went back and watched the Speed scenes again :eek: :) I'm glad Alexx didn't take up Speed's offer to help her with the body, otherwise he probably would have got pretty hurt :eek: but this quote made me laugh:

Alexx: I could undress a dead man in my sleep.
Speed: Ok, I'm not gonna touch that one...


Anyways, what a great way to start the year - thanks for sharing those pics :)
Yay!!! Thanks fo_poozle for the pics, hehe shirtless Rory! *sigh*

:lol: I love that quote, hehe! And I got to see slow-mo Speed running in last nights eppie!!! :D It was 'Freaks and Tweaks' and I got all fangirly when I knew it was a Speed eppie, hehe!! And I did lots of channel hopping to find it, so I was pleased!!! I liked this quote, or was it I liked the smile? *shrug* :D

Speed: I'll meet you back at the lab.
Delko: Oh right, senority?!
Speed: *smiles* Oh no, priority
*sigh* Hot man! *nods*

fo_poozle said:
well happy new year to you ladies!
and i'm jealous that you can find csi dvd's cheaply, i paid no less than 50 bucks for all of them. which if you count how many seasons of each series thats a lot of money, but i'm glad you all can find them at affordable prices :D
so have you guys seen rory's movies? which is your fave?
and thanks calleighspeedle for offering to make caps i'm looking forward to that!
oh! yeah i ahd a rory dream...well sorta he was in it. but he was just like talking to me about basketball(why i don't know i don't watch sports) and he was talking in an australlian accent. it was weird, but i thoguht i'd share since its the 1st time my dreams have ever been graced with rory's presence. even if he was talking about something i know nothing about ha.

Usually retail price for half of series (they're sold in 2 parts over here) is £30ish pounds which is about $55 or something around that, so coz they are BOGOF atm its £30 for a whole series.
Normally if ya can find a full series boxset its about £58 ($95) thats still really expensive - everything is always a swizz over here, drain ya for every penny they can.

I had a Rory dream last night, it was my 1st one lol, it was weird he wasn't a famous actor in my dream, he was a former collegue who I bumped into in town haha
Wonderful pics Ashley, thanks for posting them! :D I could stare at that second one forever. :devil:

Oh wibbs, Not Landing was a great episode. :D I liked how Speedy got his own case! That hasn't happened since 'Grave Young Men', in season 1, I believe.

wibble said
I'm glad Alexx didn't take up Speed's offer to help her with the body, otherwise he probably would have got pretty hurt

Oh no, we wouldn't want that. :eek: Good thing that man keeps his distance from...Suspicious cell phones and creepy coroners who can undress dead men in their sleep. :p

I still heart the Alexx/Speed relationship though. It's so...Mother/son. :)

June_85, YAY for the Rory dream! Gee, did you guys have any fun after you bumped into him? :lol:

I had a Speed dream last night. It was so...Uncommon for me. I was a CSI, and he was a CSI (obviously) and we were at this golf course talking to a suspect, and then Speed was at the lab with Valera looking over some pictures. Weird.
Cool pics Ashley, thanks for posting them!!!

I had a Speedie dream last night, it was weird, he kept changing, like his body was a slideshow, then it was the scene from Lost Son *sniffle* and Speed was bleeding, then he started laughing and said that I had just been Punk'D, and I was like 'WTF?' I woke up this morning laughing, its quite comical being Punk'D in a dream!!!! :lol:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! *throws confetti at all* :lol: Cheese in a Can? That sounds funny... an American thing, I take it.

Speedism Poll Results in:

1st: "The only way to out-run a gator is to swim faster than the guy next to you. Isn't that right Delko?"

2nd: "You know... you're an ass"

Then there's a whole lot of thirds... But I figured I'd leave it at two. I'm a fan of the "Just because you've got a Medical Degree (orsomething of that sort...) doesn't mean you've got taste" line. The episode was a repeat last night. :lol: one of the only good things about non-ratings is CSI:Miami re runs, 'ey Carlz? :lol:
speed_cochrane said:
Oh wibbs, Not Landing was a great episode. :D I liked how Speedy got his own case! That hasn't happened since 'Grave Young Men', in season 1, I believe.

Yes, I agree it was a treat to see Speed working on his own case again :) I haven't been able to stop staring at him lately in S2, because he's been wearing some really nice shirts :eek: and generally looks less scruffy than in S1. I particularly like the dark blue one he was wearing in Rap Sheet :devil:

I still heart the Alexx/Speed relationship though. It's so...Mother/son. :)

Yes, it's funny the way she calls him "Timmy" or "sweetie" from time to time. On a side note, I liked how she also called Delko "baby" in Rap Sheet, lol.

I really liked this Speed quote from Rap Sheet where all the people from the club have to hand in their cell phones:

Woman: OK...but what am I supposed to do for 3 hours??
Speed: I dunno...stop talking?


I also liked his "she looks like she has a nice personality" comment about the woman in the bikini in the photos from the club, and the way he was so cynical and adamant that the woman in the hospital was lying about what had happened to her girlfriend:

Delko: You think she's lying?
Speed: So would you if you didn't think she was so hot.

:lol: I don't think that quote is exactly right, but it's the closest to what I remember.
Oooh everyone seems to be having Speed/Rory dreams haha
I had another one last night, unfortunately my dream the other night didn't get any further than me 'crushing' on him haha

Last night my dream was a csi one, the last show I watched before I went to bed last night was CSI:LV A Bullet Runs Through Part 1 & 2 and in the episode Grissom does a speech about the case to a church load of people, in my dream he was doin something similar, but it was a science class and I was sat at the front and I turned and saw Speedle on the back row, so I got up and went and sat with him and flirted during the whole lecture and Grissom got really mad and sent us out haha

I'm hopin my Rory dreamathon carries on to tonight haha


I see the Speedism that I voted for in the Poll came 2nd lol


I have been watchin my Season 2 DVDs this past week, I'm upto Witness to Murder!!! I do love his shirts he wears but They are TOOOOOOOO big for him I wish he wore tighter shirts *cough* not that I want to perv or anything *cough*
Azza4Speed said:
:lol: one of the only good things about non-ratings is CSI:Miami re runs, 'ey Carlz? :lol:
Heh, tell me about it...considering how long it took for s2 to be released :)rolleyes:) it's the least they can do...hell, it's probably the only good thing that Channel 9 did all year :rolleyes: :D

And I promise I'm going to get around to watching Harts War...I know, I know, but everytime I go to watch it, something gets in the way...and I'm pretty much going out non stop for the next three days...Well, I'm sure I can find time. Ahhh, now I really want to watch it! I will, I will...

Hopefully this year I will get around to watchin Rorys films, like I said I have RAYD ordered, its out on 15th so should get is in 2 weeksish

They showed Dazed... on a cable film channel over here last month sometime and they always repeat their films so hopefully it will be on again sometime.
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