Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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Okay, Ultimate Speedism poll #1 is here! Vote vote vote :D I *think* I've given two days to do so. Also, I'm keeping the results hidden. After this, we'll do a poll for the next two episodes. If I've missed any, I'll just stick them in with the next round.
welcome to the thread June_85!

wannabe is such a great episode my fave ever, i also love the whole elevator scene, and rory in a suit cuz he was just looking all sorts of pretty in it.
i actually like the overall episode of lost son, just not the whole speed dying part. but i think rory played it so well with what little he was given that episode. but i think he was fantastic despite the fact he has said he wasn't happy with the way they had him exit. shows hes a real pro to not let it get to him and hinder his performance.
I'm awaiting the opportunity for my virgin eyes to be blessed by the hottness of speedle in 'wannabe'....muahahaha....I think I got the virgin eyes thing from a delta godrem song.....before I *accidentally* stood on the CD and broke it hahaha
It does grate on me that he wasn't given as much material as he deserved, but like ya said he did wonders with what he had, I don't think he had a single bad episode....although I am a tad biased

I think personally Rory is a better actor than Adam and Emily but gets less credit in my eyes :-( Oh well, shan't winge about something I can't do anything about lol, just be thankfull we got what we did as CSI Miami did open my eyes to the wonder that is Rory Cochrane....I've been doin all my research on him since I got into Miami (which wasn't so long ago I might add)
Intresting to learn that he spent his early childhood on our side of the pond :D :D
Grissoms_Angel said:
I'm awaiting the opportunity for my virgin eyes to be blessed by the hottness of speedle in 'wannabe'....muahahaha....I think I got the virgin eyes thing from a delta godrem song.....before I *accidentally* stood on the CD and broke it hahaha

You know, sometimes I wish I could somehow wipe out bits of my memory, so that I could go back and watch an episode like Wannabe again for the first time, and feel all the things I felt about it that I did during the first time. There are some Horatio moments as well as Speed scenes that I'd also love to watch again for the first time :) Does that make me weird? Probably :lol:

Nice poll DD :D I'm afraid I still can't decide which ones to vote for. I think I'm gonna have to go and watch the scenes those quotes come from again ;)
I've been loving it, all CSI dvds have 'BuyOneGetOneFree' in the UK since October, so I've been gettin my moneys worth on Miami and NY DVDs lol
I am buying "Right At Your Door" in 2 weeks time!! :D

Once I get the movie I'll take some pics from it and post them here just for us! :devil:
^ I went to see that movie at the cinema in the summer. I liked Rory in it, but thought the plot dragged too much in the middle. I'll look forward to your pics calleighspeedle :)
I wanted to see that but my cinema never got it in, so Im planing on going down to my movie rent store and rent lots of Rory movies, and screencap them and then if I like the movie I'll buy it when I have money!!


ETA: Ah! So mean!!! I voted on the poll and you can't see the results!!! :eek: Oh no, Im gonna have to be patient!!!! :eek: lol
Yes it is now 2007 over here in the United Kingdom!!! well *looks at clock* its 11 minutes past midnight

I have ordered Right At Your Door from Play.com, it is only released in 2 weeks time so I should hopefully get it the saturday before its released on the monday (play.com are usually good at sending releases early)
Happy New Year everyone. :)

I haven't had the chance to see 'Right At Your Door' yet, and it probably won't come out in Canada, but for those who get a chance to purchase/rent the movie, y'all are so lucky! :D

And if anyone has a chance to make screencaps, thank you so much. :) I'd sure love to see them.
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