Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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Did anyone else just die when Speed got shot. . .
Cuz I cried, sorta. . .
I get really emotional when someone dies in movies and stuff. . . IT's really weird. . .
ok, first i want to say that i suck cuz i missed ALL the fun in this thread today ha. and second, i'm pretty sure you guys got all of the speedisms from cross-juridictions and golden parachute so you all rock. and third, i don't know if this is really a speedism since there was no actual talking but i just love the kinda of coy flirty smile he gave catherine in CJ.
and awesome pics as always calleighspeedle! that 2rd one is one of my absolute faves
and also welcome to the speedness wolfe_luv1!
i cry everytime i watch lost son, and i am also a big softie in movies, i cray at most things. its cool tho were sensitive souls ;)
I cried the first two times I watched Lost Son... though I will say that the last time it aired, I didn't. However, I did scream at the tv for Speed to run the other way. :(

I think its normal to have a reaction like that whether it be in the movies or in a show. Viewers become vested in the characters and I feel that tptb (everywhere) either fail to realize it or choose to ignore it.

And Ashley, no worries; the fun's not over yet!
^ I've got about 6 or 7 more episodes of season 2 to watch before I see Lost Son, but I have to say, I don't know how can I bear to watch that epi now that I've so taken with Speed :eek: With his lovely character development that I've witnessed so far in S2, I can't believe I'll soon have to watch him being killed off! :eek: :(

Needless to say, I'll have my box of tissues handy...and I hope it isn't too awful :(

ETA: Really hot pics there calleighspeedle :eek: Thanks so much for sharing! Would you mind if I snagged a few of those to make some icons?
Hey all!!!

This is my 1st post in the Speed thread....infact its my first post in the whole Miami forum lol

I'm often a late comer haha

I started as a NY fan but Miami has now taken over as my fave and Mr Speedle is total LOVE

I've been reading some of the posts on here and I like some of you didn't think much of Speed when I 1st saw him, The episode which I changed on him was 'Hard Time' in Season 2.

But I never watched any of eps in chronological order, I just caught whatever I could when it aired on cable, I then purchased Seasons 1 2 3 - watched them all in order and by the time I came to 'Lost Son' I couldn't bare to watch it all, I had to turn off coz I was blubbin to much, the only ever time I've done that was watchin the film Dumbo haha.

Totally gutted he is no longer in the show and I share the same sentiments as you in here that if he was given better character development he would stay, and its sooooooo frustrating knowing what TPTB missed when they let him go

Anyways I've rambled on too much haha

Nice pictures guys I've saved a few to my comp to gawp at lol
Ah, callieghspeedle you rock!! Those piccies certainly made my day.

Also, I hate 'Lost Son' I tend to walk out of the room and make myself a drink and grab food and then walk in as its finishes :D So Speed never ever leaves!!! :D But then my brother ruined it because he came down to watch Miami, well part of it, and then I got up and wlaked out, got my drinks, food whatever, walked in and he says in a loud voice 'OMG did you know that your hot lab dude just got shot and DIED! :eek:???' I was so mad! :( hehe

But, on to Speedisms! :devil: First, a fangirl rave/rant!
I was watching 'Tinder Box' last night, and they were trying to kill me. They zoomed in for major close ups of Speeds eyes and face, they put Spped in a white shirt, then he gets sooty, chest porn, he was a hero when he was clubbing AND they put him in overalls! *sigh**drool* :devil: But then, Speed says, 'Oh I'll get DNA and I'll work him' and then H says, 'No eric do it'! I mean, i know its because Eric has a relationship with the dude, but Speed looked so sad :( All I can say is, Speed, you can work me anytime! :devil: Anyway, Speedisms!

Speed: Ok, you do the recording and soundproofing, and I'll do the rest ok? (argh, the smile he shoots Calliegh *swoon* also, i love anytime Speeds says he'll 'do' something! :devil:)

Speed: First of all, lets drop this street thing, we know you're from Aspin.

Speed: Ok, well do us a favour and play close to the sandbox, ok?

Delko: You started the fire to rescue people and be a hero?
Speed: Yeah, really sorry that didn't work out for you pal.

Yeah I watched Tinder Box last night aswell

It was part of a big CSI fest on FiveUs!!

CSI:The Inside Story
CSI: Miami

I didn't go to bed till gone 1 haha
I was gutted watching the Inside story of CSI though, they had interviews with David Caruso, Marg, Bill Peterson, Gary & Melina and showed allsorts from the shows, not a single glimpse, mention or show of Mr Cochrane though :(

Are you from the UK?

Ignore my last question I just looked at your profile, yes you are from England lol

Take it you enjoyed the CSI Night on FiveUs

Tinder Box is wanna my fave Speedle Eps, he looks bloody gorgeous in his white shirt, his dark eyes.....well I can't even look at him lol
:eek: You guys have been busy in here.

June_85, just a reminder that you have up to 24 hours to edit your last post. Please try to veer away from double posting. ;) By the way, welcome to the thread. :D

As for the Speedisms, it is preferred that we quote the episodes in order. That way, it'll be easier to find them all and put them into a poll. :D We've currently gone through Cross-Jurisdictions, and Golden Paracute.

We could start on 'Losing Face' and 'Wet Foot/Dry Foot' if that's alright with everyone. And I'm sure DragonflyDreamer will let us know when she has the first poll up. :)
No need to apologize about the double post June_85. :) By the way, 'Tinder Box' is one of your favorite Speed episodes? That's terrific! It's a really great episode. :)

I really loved how he was so selfless in the club, and tried to get everyone out before himself. (Of course he did get out first, but he went back in) What a hero. Hee.
^ Oohh, I so have to go back and watch season 1 again. Thanks for reminding me of that scene Geni :D Yeah, I agree, that was brave of him to get everyone else out first. He's such a sweetie.

I was watching Wannabe last night, and I really loved this episode. Definitely one of my favourites from season 2 :D I loved the storyline with Speed and Wally - it led to some great character development for Speed, and I nearly cried during the scene where Speed is in the lift with H and finds out that Wally is dead. You could see he was cut up about it and if you watch, you can see when he turns his head that there are tears in his eyes. Awww! I just wanted to give him a big hug! :(

Anyways, great acting from Rory in this episode! :D and I like how nice Horatio was to him about Wally's death (well, I wouldn't expect anything else from our lovely H :)), because he knew Speed had formed an attachment with Wally, even though he stole evidence from the crime scene and was an over-enthusiastic nerd.

Some real insight to Speed again at the end when he's talking to H about what had happened. I really wish we'd seen more of this side to Speed earlier on in S1, instead of just his quiet, slightly grumpy and dishevelled side :p :lol:
Yeah I do love Tinder Box, a v good Speed Episode,

I Saw Wannabe yesterday aswell (on DVD though) haha I was watchin it with the commentary on and and I loved it when Liz Devine said

'Everyone on set got a kick out of Rory wearing a suit that day, he is usually our lil scruffy guy and that day in the suit he looked a million bucks'

I gotta say I was swooooooooooning hehe

She also mentioned that after the scene in the elavator between DC and RC when Horatio is tellin Speed about Wally being found dead, it got a round of applause from everyone as they both played it so well.

I was welling up lol
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