Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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:eek: How could I have forgotten about that Speedism? I was the Not-So Geriatric Chick Who Dug The Weather a while back. :lol:

Oh! Kas I know what you mean about "Tim...Who?" I thought his name was Trace for the longest time. :lol: Well, that is until Horatio kept calling him Speed. It was so confusing to me.

Yay! Thanks for the information. I loved Grand Prix. Also an episode that features quite a bit of Speed if I'm not mistaken. :)
LOL @ "Tim...who?" :lol:

*huggles Geni back*

I'm glad I'm not the only one who found his character very flat for a long time, and I agree that in S2 he starts to shine and I now appreciate his character much more. In fact, probably one of the reasons I'm in love with him (sorry if that sounds a bit OTT :lol:) is because I've now come to realise that Speed is a lot like me in some ways. He's serious about his work, reliable, sometimes quiet, keeps himself to himself, shares in saracastic banter, and maybe one or two other things I can't think of right now.

Erm, and by that I don't mean I love myself :p just that if Speed was a real person, he would definitely be my "type" :eek: :D

And yes Geni, Grand Prix has some nice Speed scenes - a couple of sexy ones (mostly to do with his eyes I think). *dreamy sigh* :D
In fact, probably one of the reasons I'm in love with him (sorry if that sounds a bit OTT ) is because I've now come to realise that Speed is a lot like me in some ways. He's serious about his work, reliable, sometimes quiet, keeps himself to himself, shares in saracastic banter, and maybe one or two other things I can't think of right now.
Sounds like me, too :p It's nice to see you in here, Wibble.
It took me a while to warm up to him, too. I didn't ever dislike him, I just didn't really care either way about him... but he really kinda grows on you.

Okay, so for Cross-J's Speedisms, we have:
Speed: Yeah, he's got his little headphone on, and his little tie.

Speed: The only way to out-run a gator is to swim faster than the guy next to you. Isn't that right Delko?

Speed: Delko you've been down there for fourty-five minutes. I mean with all the level of bacteria you can get all kinds of infections.

Speed: Do that and take a shower.

Speed: Or, you know, he could just be some geriatric dude that just digs the weather.

I can't think of any more. Anyone else?
wibbs, oh you crack me up. :lol:

wibble said
I've now come to realise that Speed is a lot like me in some ways. He's serious about his work, reliable, sometimes quiet, keeps himself to himself, shares in saracastic banter...

At least you don't have the stubble. :eek:

or y'know, if you did, I'm sure we wouldn't judge. :p

I think Speed in a lot of ways is a down-to-earth person. And to me, he seems like one of the most realistic characters for a lot of reasons. He hasn't been over-glorified, he doesn't have some kind of extreme behavior, and he's just an all around good guy. I wouldn't say he's the most...Erm...Dependable CSI, but that's one of his faults. :p

And plus, he's not bad to look at. :eek:

DragonflyDreamer said
It took me a while to warm up to him, too. I didn't ever dislike him, I just didn't really care either way about him... but he really kinda grows on you.

Indeed. I didn't really dislike him, and I didn't really care much about him eiher. I think for a character that has been developped the least, he's grown on us the most. :lol:

Well, IMO. (Besides, I like him now. Woohoo.)
Yum yum yum! No, I never really liked him, I mean for most of S1 he was just 'The Hot Scientist' :lol: But, at least now I am an avid fan!!! :D
hehe 'Geriatic dude...' :lol: I loved Speed in that, because he looked so damn young!!!

OK, some general Speedisms, courtesy of IMDb (because, alas, I don't have any Miami DVDs *sniffle*)

[death by carbon monoxide]
Man: What killed that guy?
Tim Speedle: He had gas.

[looking for evidence in a house]
Tim Speedle: Why's it always gotta be in the toilet?

[about a doctor's ugly Persian rug]
Tim Speedle: Just because you have a medical degree doesn't mean you have taste.

Suspect: I swear on my mother, all right?
Tim Speedle: I'm glad I'm not her.

Eric Delko: Sorry I'm late. I was busy.
Tim Speedle: Busy with the left hand?
Eric Delko: [smirking] Very funny. :)lol:)

Calleigh Duquesne: French lace. From the window at the Moreno house. It's also used in high-end toupees. Gives a more natural look to the hair line.
Tim Speedle: Lace on a rug?
Calleigh Duquesne: Mmm-hmm.
Tim Speedle: Shoot me if it comes to that.

Calleigh Duquesne: Why fill in the number? Why not just sand it all the way down?
Tim Speedle: I don't know. Maybe it's a guy thing.
Calleigh Duquesne: What? They'll add on or cover up, but they won't mess with the chasses?
Tim Speedle: You know what? You're scaring me.

Also, like a whole chunk out of Hurricane Anthony, between him, Calliegh and Eric 'She's way too cheerful!'
:lol: Gotta love Speed!

^ LOL Jemma at those quotes :lol:

I recognise most of them, but then I'm only just over half way through season 2. Can you tell me which epis the left hand one and the chasses one are from?
The one with the 'left hand' was from 'Body Count' season 1. And the one with the chasses was from 'Wet Foot/Dry Foot' season 1. :D

We should start thinking of Golden Parachute Speedisms. :eek:


Speed: It's nice to see you too!

Speed: They're just babies.

Speed: Fishing my ass.

Speed: For items looted from an aircrash site. What did you think, you were going to sell them on Ebay?

Speed: Tsk tsk tsk.

Um....I think there are more. :lol:
speed_cochrane said:
The one with the 'left hand' was from 'Body Count' season 1. And the one with the chasses was from 'Wet Foot/Dry Foot' season 1. :D

Thanks Geni :) though I'm surprised I don't remember those. I guess it has been a while since I watched season 1.

Nice Speedisms there from Golden Parachute :D My, it seems ages since I watched the first epi of Miami!
:eek: How could I forget! :eek:

See, that's why it pays to re-watch the DVDs. :lol:

And he told that line to Eric. :D

Speed: You know, you're an ass.
Delko: What did I say?
Speed: She just lost her husband. And what do they give her, two weeks off? She needed a little bit of time, big deal.
Delko: Oh, I didn't know.
Speed: Well there's a lot you don't know.

*raises hand* OH! Another Speedism.

"Well there's a lot you don't know."
Not that I need an excuse to re-watch my DVDs but this is great... my contribution of Speedisms from Golden Parachute:

Speed: And they say blondes have more fun.

And thanks for all the pretty pictures calleighspeedle! The first one is one of my faves...
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