Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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congrats on getting to 1000 posts! *throws confetti your way*

that last picture always makes me laugh, it looks like the lady who played adelle is grabbing rory's toosh and he looks like he enjoys it :lol:
DragonflyDreamer said:
I have a suggestion/idea. I got it from the title of this thread. I think we should go through each episode (that Speed was in) and pick out/vote on our favorite Speedism. When we have one from each episode, we should pick a few from each season, and keep going until we have the Ultimate Speedism.
If it's a bad idea, or if it's been done before, you can just ignore me ;) But I think it would be fun.

I think it's a fine idea. ;) I say we go for it!
Cool :p
So do we count Cross Jurisdiction as the first episode, or do we go straight to Golden Parachute?
I'd say Cross-Jurisdictions. Probably not many Speedisms to choose from, but we should include them anyway, since there were a couple. :D
Holy ba-jezeeus! I (sadly, mind you) leave for a day and this thread exploded my inbox. Talk about playing catch up! So many people contributed pictures, so thanks for sharing - there were a bunch I hadn't seen before. Rory is so pretty.

I'd definitely would like to participate in picking out Speedisms; it sounds wicked fun.

Speaking of fun, I got Love & a .45 as a belated Christmas present and am looking forward to watching it. Hoorah for madman Rory! :)
congrats on getting love and a .45 your gonna love it :D

oh cross jurisdictions has to be first, i love that episode. and even tho there really aren't a whole bunch of speedisms there are definitely some good ones.
I can't even remember cross-jurisdictions that well....and I have it on DVD! oh, well.....looks like I'll have to re-visit it.... *throws confetti and sprays cheese-in-a-can everywhere*
lol, I love cheese in a can, hehe! :lol:
Oh, I have a CSI Christmas on tonight, from 8 its Vegas, Miami, NY, Vegas, so I hope I have a Speedle Miami ep!!! Like Wannabe, that would rock!!!

^ I think Wannabe is in season 2 (episode 18) :) I've yet to see it but hopefully it will have some good Speed moments. I'm really lovin' him recently :D I'm afraid it's taken me rather a while to warm to him *hides*. I mean, there was nothing I disliked about him in season 1, I just found he was always kind of quiet and often serious, so his character didn't really stand out so much as the others, and so I didn't take much notice of him. Does that make any sense? :confused:

Anyways, I was watching Invasion last night, and loved his "What do I do now?" line when Calleigh was watching him in the lab :lol:
wibbs! :D *huggles you*

It took me a while to warm up to Speedle too. In the first season, I didn't even like him. - Thought he was too serious, and a little crabby. Plus he looked messier than the others. :lol: What did I know? I was 12. :p

But I think season two was the season we really got to see him shine, and episodes like 'Invasion' and the scene with Calleigh, really made me re-think this character. We had never really seen him in a playful banter before, and (aside from choking on my fruit) I thought it was a really sweet scene. :)

Also, episodes like Wannabe delved into his character a little more, and showed us how much substance his character had, and how much he had grown from season one. Such a great pleasure to see. :D

As for Speedisms from Cross-Jurisdictions, the only ones I can really think of are:

Speed: Yeah, he's got his little headphone on, and his little tie.

Speed: The only way to out-run a gator is to swim faster than the guy next to you. Isn't that right Delko?

Speed: Delko you've been down there for fourty-five minutes. I mean with all the level of bacteria you can get all kinds of infections.

Speed: Do that and take a shower.

:lol: And then there was the whole scene with Catherine and his little smile, and then when he asked Horatio about the club. :p But those are too long.

ETA: Keep forgetting Delko was the one who said "Nice shoes" :p
I've got a Speedism to share from Cross Jurisdictions!

Speed: Or, you know, he could just be some geriatric dude that just digs the weather.

That's all I could think of. :)

Oh and it took me awhile to warm up to Tim. In fact, for awhile I wasn't even sure who he was... I kept saying "Tim who???" Alas, I am glad to have gotten over that. :lol: But yes, in S.2 he really does shine. Oh Speed...*hugs her copy of S.2*

Speedle Smile Alert: For those who like to watch CSIM: Weekends, tonight they will be airing Grand Prix.

Oh and one more thing, I absolutely loved,loved, loved Love & a .45. It was hilarious!
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