Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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*GASP* OMG DragonflyDreamer, THAT'S MY HEADPHONES IN YOUR ICON!! *hee*. *ahem* In other words, i like your icon. :D

Little Timmy :lol: That's a hot pic. :devil:
Hooray for Azza getting season 2! *throws virtual confetti* But doesn't that just show you how slack Australia is? that it took that long for it to be released...pfft, ridiculous...I'm just wondering how long it will be before season 3 is released :lol:

and on a another high note, I rented Hart's War today!! Of course, it's too late to watch it now, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow :D Woo, Snickelfritz! :D

And I saw my uncle over Christmas (the one who owns a Ducati) and when I asked him what colour it was and he said 'red' it sparked a huge debate over what colour Ducatis should be. Everyone was saying that they should be red because they are like the Ferrari of motorbikes so they have to be red and that makes them go faster. I was the only one saying that thye should be yellow, just because it's cool. They didn't buy it :p
Ah, callieghspeedle those pictures are so, wow!!! gah, hotness! And Ducati's should be Red or Yellow, because the Ducati is the ferrari of bikes, it is such a sweet bike but it should be yellow because Tim's bike was a yellow Ducati. hehe, you wouldn't guess I love Speed and Bikes, huh? :p *sigh* (goes off to drool, dream and find pics of Tim on his bike)

Grave Danger? Really? I dont' see it.

I have a suggestion/idea. I got it from the title of this thread. I think we should go through each episode (that Speed was in) and pick out/vote on our favorite Speedism. When we have one from each episode, we should pick a few from each season, and keep going until we have the Ultimate Speedism.
If it's a bad idea, or if it's been done before, you can just ignore me ;) But I think it would be fun.
Oooh, yeah that would be fun!!!!
Although I apoligise now as I don't have any DVDs of Miami, and have to reliy (sp?) on the Miami eppie to be a S1 or 2 one *sigh* but, I do have transcripts, so I can join!!! Yayness!!!

We could even have polls and things *shrug* Oooh, this is gonna be fun!!!

Hm, seems like an interesting idea Megan. :D If Jenn doesn't have any problems with it, (And everyone else for that matter) we could try it out and see what happens. :) Kind of reminds me of the polls that happened a while back for the 'Ultimate Miami Episode' (Or something to that effect. ;)) It turned out to be very popular.

And then perhaps we could use the Ultimate Speedism in some form for the next thread title. :p
Yay!!! That does sound loike a wicked idea, and I think it would be popular. Which Speed fan doesn't want to re-watch/re-think about all of the Speedism's??? :p

oh thats a rad idea, i'd be totally interested in voting for something like that. and for some odd reason i have a feeling we can think of quite a few of our favce speedisms
:lol: No, I don't think it will be a problem coming up with ones we like. Glad I'm not the only one that likes the idea.
oh i've never seen that 2nd one beofre thanks for sharing.
ok. just so you know i'm completely stealing taht too to make icons...and just look at his royal hotness
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