Speed/Rory #14: Speedism Preservation Society

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CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
I think I do!!!! *rummages around in her photobucket account* A-ha!!! I have one (I know, bad Jemma, I shall fix that problem! :devil:)

Shirtless Rory!


Ooh where's that from? *thinks he should have a quote bubble: I'm too sexy for my shirt..."*
:lol: He certainly is!!! And I have no clue where its from! :eek: But if it has shirtless Rory scenes Im damn sure gonna find out!!!
*rushes off to imdb and searchs Rory's bio*

wowza i missed all the discussion here lol. great pics you ladies posted, thanks for sharing.
i have shirtless rory to share too!
big timmy, you better watch out for little timmy. if you catch my drift.
and in terms of wannabe best episode of miami ever. rory was fricken superb, just the little subtle things he did like being annoyed by wally but then letting him help with writing the page numbers and stuff. that was just sweet, thats definitely one of my fave parts of the ep. oh and when they go to wally's the 1st time to get the stolen glove and he corrects wally on how that couldn't be lizzie bordens axe. i don't know why but i love how he delivered his lines in that scene. and i completely wanted to igve him hugs too...and also maybe bake him some snickerdoodles.
ok i have exactly 3 thigns to say
1) i completely agree with you CSIVegasMiamiNY about rory haveing to be shirtless every movie, or you know just anytime a comera happens to be around.
2) *high 5* i'm glad i'm not the only one that notced that ha
3.calleighspeedle i love those pics, especially that last one its so sexy <3
Oh My Lord !!!!!!!! You guys have just destroyed me ! I am going to get a photobucket account so I can repay the Rory Hotness !!!!!!!!
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