Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D, When We Have Speed'

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Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

speedmonkey2 said:
A sweater vest huh? Well you know he did lend Wally one in Wannabe. And he did say he wanted it back. So maybe he has worn one we just haven't seen him in one yet. lol.

But awww I could so see him doing the whole teacher gig. Maybe something like that Ron Clark story Matthew Perry did. I did love Mattie in that movie but hey the things you sacrifice for your favorite actors. lol.

:lol: thats kinda what i was thinking when i was writing the teacher thing, and matt perry also one of the few who can rock a sweater vest.

and awesome wallpapers i love the blending on the 1st one
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

A sweater vest huh? Well you know he did lend Wally one in Wannabe.
Wait... I thought he lent Wally a suit for court??
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

He lent him a suit, with a sweater vest to go underneath. I believe Wally wore the sweater vest when Paula found him wandering the lab and brought him to Speedle. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

DragonflyDreamer said:
A sweater vest huh? Well you know he did lend Wally one in Wannabe.
Wait... I thought he lent Wally a suit for court??

I thought it was just a sweater vest and a tie? Hmm...must get off my lazy butt and put in Wannabe.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

no Katie you were right. it is a vest and a tie and he did want them both back.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

^ Ah, then the suit was on Speed. :lol: :p Thanks for the clarification guys. It's been a while since I've seen Wannabe. :eek: That should be a crime. *searches for DVDs*
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I'm sorry... I still think he gave Wally a suit. I never thought that the sweatervest he was wearing was what Speed gave him. I thought that that was what he was going to wear to the party thing he had to go to, but didn't, and that he was supposed to change later. *also digs out Wannabe DVD*
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I'm sure what Speed gave wally was not a sweater vest but a bulletproof vest and a tie. I watched Wannabe last night and I am sure that's what it was.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

what ? why should speed give wally a bulletproof vest when he wants him to look good for court ?
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Yeah, that doesn't really make much sense.
Anyway, weather it was a suit or a vest, I personally would prefer to think it was a suit, so I'm content to beleive that, and let myself be wrong on this particular matter :)
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

I managed to take a couple of screencaps for 'Wannabe' today that shows the items of clothing that Speed is handing over to Wally. :)


Wally: A vest?
Speed: And a tie, and I want 'em both back.

I'm not sure it was a bulletproof vest, because it looks rather thin, and we see Wally wearing it in the Trace Lab a few scenes later. It looks like a regular black vest. :)

Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

Huh... I could have sworn it was a suit. It doesn't make sense to me that Speed would have a vest. maybe that's why he needs it back... it's not his :p
But whatever. Now we know. Thanks for clearing that up.
Re: Speed/Rory #8: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe

DragonflyDreamer said
Huh... I could have sworn it was a suit. It doesn't make sense to me that Speed would have a vest. maybe that's why he needs it back... it's not his :p

:lol: I like that idea. And hey, I thought he gave him a suit too until I checked. :)

And thanks for the picture Ashley. I loved 'Flawless'. :D Rory and his guitar were the highlights of the movie! - Also, I wouldn't really highly recommend the movie if you're just looking for some Rory movies because he has such a small role, but if anyone's looking for something extremely diverse and interesting, it's really great movie to get your hands on. ;)
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