Speed/ Calleigh #3 - Love Undercover

I used to like Ryan, but then he said something about Speed and that ticked me off and from then on I didn't like him. But I did like Nailed, which centered around him. I guess the action sucked me in.

Nailed was nice. .. What he say about Speed?

aww my poor Delko isn't a threat. Leave me alone. I don't ship it though. .. I can't comment on the other part for fear of the modie whacking the fire outta me, but I like Swarrick.

Ok guys, let's refrain from the negative talk about Ryan please. thanks

Mine! *snuggles Ryan*

Nice piccie. Its very cute. They look cute together.
From what I can remember about Nailed Ryan didn't say anything about Speed. Atleast not in that episode.

Anyway back on topic. I agree that piccie is just gosh darn cute. He's all handing her tennis wire and she's all smilin' and you just know there going to um...you know I would prefer if I didn't finish that thought. lol. *Clears throat* I swear these migrane's mess with my brain cells. And I would post another piccie but again that requires brain cells to open my photobucket lol.
Hahaha he kinda does doesn't he. lol.

Calleigh: *smiles* Nothing
Speed: Calleigh...whats going on
Calleigh: Oh, nothing. Just..I was just thinking about...stuff.
Speed: *sighs* Enough said *leaves*
Calleigh: *mummbles* You can run but you can't hide, Timmy.
I think one of my favorite Talleigh moments was in "Death Grip" where they watched the *ahem* personal video of the vic and her main squeeze. I don't know how to resize pictures so I linked to my album below:

Boy do they seem focused

I believe their dialogue went something like this:

Speed: "Now, that's different."

Calleigh: "Someone's been doing yoga."

I'd make a comment but this board is PG-13, so I'll zip my lips, hehe. :devil:
Teehee. I also like that scene. And I am also keeping my opinion to myself. I love it how towards the end of that scene Timmy boy looks back at the tape.

Calleigh: No man you do the scrape i'll do the tape.

Aww she just loves to tease that poor man doesn't she? lol.
Holy moly! :eek: Where was I when all of this was going down? :lol:

We're on page two again guys, time to break out the Talleigh love! Hee.

I love that picture in Death Grip, Katie. I loved it when she smiled at him when he brought over the tennis rope. It was kind of like:

Speed: Here's more for you.
Calleigh: *smiles* Why thank you. More work for me.
Speed: You wanted the microscope.
Calleigh: Oh you talk smack but can you handle the scope?
Speed: I work Trace. *walks away*
Calleigh: ....I love him.


I also loved the scene when they were watching the 'personal video'.

Speed: Well that's different.
Calleigh: Someone's been doing Yoga.

That can never be quoted enough because it was some great dialogue. Remember when the show used to have - dare I say it - humour? :p Man Death Grip was such a great Talleigh episode now that I think about it. I mean, we got the scene where they were standing side by side in the morgue when Alexx took out the arm, and Calleigh had her head leaned ever so closely to Speed's shoulder. *sigh* Young love. Young, very subtle, love. :)

But the ultimate Talleigh episode HAS to be Blood Moon. The only case they actually worked on together. Solo. Just them. No H-man. WTF happened? *shakes fist* Great, now I want to watch it. :D
Calleigh had her head leaned ever so closely to Speed's shoulder.

Oh my, I thought it was my overactive Talleigh mind imagining that. So of course, I decided to post the proof: Seeing can be believing

And I have to agree that though all the snippets we get of them together are great, "Blood Moon" is by far the best. It's not fair that we only got one episode. :(

For those who have yet to see the episode (Blood Moon to be precise) or wish to re-watch it sans ownership of the DVD, A&E will be airing it a few times:

Wed Nov 29 08:00P on Arts & Entertainment
Thu Nov 30 12:00A on Arts & Entertainment
Mon Dec 11 03:00P on Arts & Entertainment

ETA: *points to post below* I'm such a dork speedcochrane... the listings are actually for 'Blood Moon'. I thought I had included it in my post but only realized that I hadn't 'til I read your post. My mistake! :(
You know, it's very clear that Rory and Emily adored each other. (And I don't mean 'let's go romp in the sack', more like they're really good friends) It's such a shame that we only got one episode with them soley together on a case. :(

Thanks for the listings Kas. :) I'll defnitely be watching it, and of course any other episode they'll have on. How can one NOT watch the show? ...Too bad they aren't showing 'Blood Moon' anytime soon. :p ...Gosh I really miss them together.

ETA: Have I mentioned that pic you posted is my second favorite Talleigh picture besides the one from 'Invasion'? :D
GAH! I love that pic. Calleigh looks so gorgeous and Speed is seeming to be thinking, "Must resist........MUST RESIST!" :lol: