Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

elo, just dropped by to invite you all to watch the SaSsy/SalSa vids i made for FSAC DW06...some of you may be aware of the site ;) err, if you want to that is...i submitted two vids to the calendar and i still am not sure if i'd be be able to submit a third. if you wanna watch, you can just pm me and i'll give the link to the site...i dunno if i can give out the site link here so PM will have to do ehehe :D

thanks for your time :cool:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

MiaCharlize said:
I got one before that. Well, not technically a real S/S scene but anyways

2. 5x14 Unbearable

In the end of the ep Sara, Sofia and Greg are talking about the case and when Sofia leaves Greg goes: "She's fitting in pretty well, huh?"
That look on Sara's face was priceless. She could no way agree with Greg in that situation, would have given herself away. Instead she just had this incredulous expression. Shows how Sofia irritated her at first, she seemed like a natural addition and Sara was confused by the fact that she couldn't just brush her off (or didn't want to). She liked Sofia from the start and that scared her a bit, hence the denial. At least that's my interpretation ;)

yea I liked the look on her face too.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Wow, this thread's been quiet for a while. Thought I'd pop by to say that, althought I didn't manage to get the Christmas fic finished in time, it's now morphed into a Valentine's Smutfic for Geekfiction's Smut-A-Thon. It's called "Blue Velvet" if anyone's interested in checking it out over on Geekfiction. If anyone needs a link, feel free to PM me ;)

On other matters...

So, with LL getting a new series, I guess Sofia will be leaving CSI soon :( How would you guys like to see the ladies part? Will Sofia tell Sara how she feels before she leaves? Will they stay in touch? Will Sara decide to go with Sofia? What does everyone think?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

forensicsgirl said:
Wow, this thread's been quiet for a while. Thought I'd pop by to say that, althought I didn't manage to get the Christmas fic finished in time, it's now morphed into a Valentine's Smutfic for Geekfiction's Smut-A-Thon. It's called "Blue Velvet" if anyone's interested in checking it out over on Geekfiction. If anyone needs a link, feel free to PM me ;)

On other matters...

So, with LL getting a new series, I guess Sofia will be leaving CSI soon :( How would you guys like to see the ladies part? Will Sofia tell Sara how she feels before she leaves? Will they stay in touch? Will Sara decide to go with Sofia? What does everyone think?

yes, found the Sassy thread! -bookmarks-
Good point you got there..but I am afraid it is not going to happen.. Sofia deserves a decent way out, not by getting shot or being transferred, because that is so damn cheesy!

But I would just love to see Sofia kissing Sara goodbye right in front of Grissom for everyone to see :devil:
And otherwise someone will write some great fic instead!

I have to say that it seems odd that CSI has 3 series and not even one lesbian/gay couple in it? Well some victims here and there, but no main characters seem to be gay (unless I have been really -not- been paying attention?)
Not a realistic representation of the real world to be honest! Or is America still too homophobic? ;)
Unlesss the writers have a trick up their sleeve(s) for the following season(s)? :p
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I think it's great that LL got a new lead role on a show but I hope Sofia doesn't disappear. She's one of my favorite detectives :( *sniffle* And this season Sara and Sofia have had some great interaction, lots of screentime! It made me smile :D Sofia has accompanied Sara to quite a few scenes this season. Like Living Legend for instance...


Sofia is being naughty and is pointing out the pleasant view to someone else...


The wandering eyes are starting to make Sara feel uncomfortable, so...


She goes back to Sofia's side where she feels safe :p
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Sedative said:I would just love to see Sofia kissing Sara goodbye right in front of Grissom for everyone to see
Oh, you just made me make some sort of audible squeeing noise, how freaking awesome would that be, I mean it wouldn’t happen in a million years but still.

Sedative said: I have to say that it seems odd that CSI has 3 series and not even one lesbian/gay couple in it? Not a realistic representation of the real world to be honest!
I totally agree, I mean there are more then ten people in the three shows combined, so there should be at least one gay person, I think I read somewhere that right now there are even less gay characters on network TV then there was ten years ago, that just suckes.

Anyway, if there is a gay character, my moneys on Sofia. I mean, if she was, its not like they’ve said anything in the past that would contradict it. Besides (although I hate to pander to stereotypes since I’m gay) she just comes off like that (or maby i'm projecting). She’s got this totally cool butch thing happening, what with the aviators and toothpicks and that cowboy walk and that attitude (ah man, I’d better stop before I start having inappropriate fantasies) Besides, most people already think it.

Anyway, In summery:
more gay characters = good
Sofia and/or Sara being gay = really really good (but if your in this thread you already knew that :)).
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

88Blackbirds said:
Oh, you just made me make some sort of audible squeeing noise, how freaking awesome would that be, I mean it wouldn’t happen in a million years but still.
Anyway, if there is a gay character, my moneys on Sofia. I mean, if she was, its not like they’ve said anything in the past that would contradict it. Besides (although I hate to pander to stereotypes since I’m gay) she just comes off like that (or maby i'm projecting). She’s got this totally cool butch thing happening, what with the aviators and toothpicks and that cowboy walk and that attitude (ah man, I’d better stop before I start having inappropriate fantasies) Besides, most people already think it.

Anyway, In summery:
more gay characters = good
Sofia and/or Sara being gay = really really good (but if your in this thread you already knew that :)).

Hehe, lol, so true..all of it!

squeeing noise? Come one, salsa thread > who doesn't want that to's like the Gabby/Xena thing in the final episode of XWP! :lol: All Salsa nutters would drop jaws and rerun that scene until the tape wears out (or get the idea)

Some freaky stuff: I was recently chitchatting with my colleagues about hot women (so sue me?). They know I am a CSI nut and she went googling > found a Sofia Curtis screen cap and immediately said "Erm, she is like *so* gay..right? I thought that I was only imagining things, guess not! :p So she definitely got that gay vibe going on. Women find it intimidating, men find it even more intimidating :devil: I just think it's cool, because I cannot identify with straight characters you know? Erm, of course you know ;)

By the way..inappropriate+fantasies= impossible ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

quoth, I love you. Thank you for the pics *drools*

Sedative, I don't think we've met before, but I love you as well. I didn't know about the Sara/Sofic lj community until I saw your signature. Now i've joined and it's lovely. Thank you :)

88Blackbirds, I completely agree. Sofia gives off this great hot gay woman vibe. If she weren't on CSI, I'd love to see her on the L Word *imagines Alice, Helena and Papi all vying for her affections*

I'm really excited to hear that the girls are going to have scenes together this season (I'm a little bit behind since I live in the UK) - here's to a SaSsy SalSa of a SeaSon ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

forensicsgirl said: I completely agree.Sofia gives off this great hot gay woman vibe. If she weren't on CSI, I'd love to see her on the L Word *imagines Alice, Helena and Papi all vying for her affections*
You read my mind; I’ve been thinking the exact same thing. Sofia could be this hot butch detective, I think she’d go for Alice or Helena or Bette...hay there’s an idea, maybe I should right a crossover fic.

So how far behind are you in the UK forensicsgirl ? Here in Australia they only just started season 7 over the weekend. I love that part in Built To Kill part 2 when Sara and Sofia go to interview the ex-wife of that singer guy, there so cute together and they play of each other so well, I rewound that scene and watched it like five times, they had ten times more chemistry in that one scene then Sara and Grissom have ever had.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

forensicsgirl said:
Sedative, I don't think we've met before, but I love you as well. I didn't know about the Sara/Sofic lj community until I saw your signature. Now i've joined and it's lovely. Thank you :)

88Blackbirds, I completely agree. Sofia gives off this great hot gay woman vibe. If she weren't on CSI, I'd love to see her on the L Word *imagines Alice, Helena and Papi all vying for her affections*

Ah, a good thing my signature does it's job well :D I do have another nick @ LiveJournal (My gaming nickname 2Dutch) but I've seen some other familiar nicknames hanging around there.. Lots of good fic to read..

Great idea about the L word! A lot of folks just love to have a guest role in that why not LL?

Too bad you a wee bit behind on the CSI eps..Dutch tv is a bit behind as well, but I erm..have another way of getting my hands on those CSI eps ;) Besides, I don't want subtitles to ruin the nice view :p
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.


Anyone see the Sara and Sofia movies made by MissFrostPL. If you haven't you should check them out. They are really good.

I liked built to kill part two too.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Wow, someone remembered the thread! :D

Those vids are indeed great, IMO MissFrost is one very talented vidmaker, one of the best even.

Anyways, I think there should be more action around here, Sara and Sofia are such a hot couple, it's a shame they hardly have screentime anymore, let alone together. I've only watched the last part of S7 once and I can't seem to recall good S/S moments after that hotelroom scene in ep 9, Living Legends. Anyone disagree with that observation?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

88Blackbirds said:
Sedative said:I would just love to see Sofia kissing Sara goodbye right in front of Grissom for everyone to see
Oh, you just made me make some sort of audible squeeing noise, how freaking awesome would that be, I mean it wouldn’t happen in a million years but still.

Sedative said: I have to say that it seems odd that CSI has 3 series and not even one lesbian/gay couple in it? Not a realistic representation of the real world to be honest!
I totally agree, I mean there are more then ten people in the three shows combined, so there should be at least one gay person, I think I read somewhere that right now there are even less gay characters on network TV then there was ten years ago, that just suckes.

Anyway, if there is a gay character, my moneys on Sofia. I mean, if she was, its not like they’ve said anything in the past that would contradict it. Besides (although I hate to pander to stereotypes since I’m gay) she just comes off like that (or maby i'm projecting). She’s got this totally cool butch thing happening, what with the aviators and toothpicks and that cowboy walk and that attitude (ah man, I’d better stop before I start having inappropriate fantasies) Besides, most people already think it.

Anyway, In summery:
more gay characters = good
Sofia and/or Sara being gay = really really good (but if your in this thread you already knew that :)).

There should be more gay characters. And I don't care about GSR, I still believe its Sara. And yeah, with Sofia definitly.

One in every 10 people is gay. Than why aren't there any in CSI?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

One in every 10 people is gay. Than why aren't there any in CSI?

Well, there's Hodges (inoficially but still :p )... and Bobby the gun specialist is gay, at least there used to be a storyline planned, or so the rumors said... and well, obviously Sara and Sofia are gay, aren't they ;)

Ok, just so I don't get too much off topic:


Appendant manip and wall can be found in the respective threads in the art section =)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Mia, I love your icon, but you knew that already, didn't you? ;)

A Sassy poem I wrote a couple months ago:


Her voice- liquid silk soothing her pain
Her scent- unobtrusively inebriating her senses
Her mouth- gently whispering terms of endearment
Her body- strength and softness unified as one
Her mind- providing a safe heaven amidst her confusion
Her eyes- oceans of blue forever catching her fall