Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

MiaCharlize said:
Sara and Sofia having kids? NO. Neither of them is the motherly type. They are both compassionate and attentative around kids and I'm sure they'd make for great babysitters but moms? Can't see that.

They could babysit Lindsey :lol:.
I mean Sara was quite obvious when she was talking about the 'murder gene', I guess she is way to afraid to pass it on to a child. And Sofia, well Sofia just screams 'no kids' to me. It would take away her coolness :cool:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

It would take away her coolness
LOL, definitely. Though it would add volumes to the cuteness ;)
Probably not what Sofia would like though...

I'm glad they didn't write Louise's pregnancy into the show. She would've never made detective then. She'd probably have gotten to work half shifts or something. Plus, they would've had to coume up with a daddy...
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

MiaCharlize said:
LOL, definitely. Though it would add volumes to the cuteness ;)
Probably not what Sofia would like though...

I'm glad they didn't write Louise's pregnancy into the show. She would've never made detective then. She'd probably have gotten to work half shifts or something. Plus, they would've had to coume up with a daddy...

Who says she needs a daddy ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Nobody does, I just don't think they writers would have come up with a "Sofia and her girlfriend decided to have a baby" storyline. Most scenarios of Sofia being pregnant would somehow involve someone having gotten her pregnant... doesn't mean she would have stayed with him though.

Anyways, I'm glad it never came to that. Louise having a baby is cute but for Sofia it wouldn't have fit.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Maybe I like this idea because I can’t get over how obviously pregnant Louise looked in season 5; it really suited her. Anyway, nothing could take away from Sofia’s coolness.

But I did forget about the whole daddy thing, they would almost certainly go the heterosexual rout in explaining any pregnancy and never have dropped in a “Sofia and her girlfriend decided to have a baby” storyline. And then that would have confirmed her straightness and then we wouldn’t have as much fun speculating since right now there is no evidence to about Sofia’s sexuality.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Actually I think she did mention a college boyfriend once...but I hear college is where people experiment, could've just happened ;)

But you're right about the speculating. I absolutely hate when they come up with dating-storylines for the characters that just don't suit them. Like Sara and Hank...that was so unbelievable. Same goes for Sara and her boss.
I prefer a different kind of character developement, like how cases and experiences at work influence them, not what kind of relationships they get into.

I mean, it's nice to see the CSI's in a good mood, but that doesn't has to imply they are dating or something...

Ok, back to the ladies. I love the teasing and bantering they've got going on. It's really sweet how much you can read into it, they really complement each others pesonalities. Love them go all kick-ass when they work together.
And the best part of it: Not even that implied GSR thing can shadow the vibe the ladies got ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

MiaCharlize said:
Actually I think she did mention a college boyfriend once...but I hear college is where people experiment, could've just happened ;)

:lol: Awesome way to reverse the stereotype. :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

88Blackbirds said:
Maybe I like this idea because I can’t get over how obviously pregnant Louise looked in season 5; it really suited her. Anyway, nothing could take away from Sofia’s coolness.

erm, what episodes were that? I seriously watched Season 5 like a thousand times and I haven't seen anything. Even after hearing she was pregnant I couldn't see. Guess I'm blind :p But I really wanna see it though hehe.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Wow, this place has been quiet for a while. Where’s the love.

If you check out most of the later episodes in season 5 she looks pretty pregnant, of the top of my head Unbearable, Spark of Life and Committed are the best examples examples.

Now, back to the ship, has anybody else checked out the Sara/Sofia videos at youtube from MissFrost, have they been mentioned? There’re really really good, I’ve never seen anybody turn a video into an actual story like that.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I've seen a few on youtube... Very VERY well done! I favorited a few of them... Like the one with the linkin park remix... Crawling, I think it is? Has running Sofia, very smexy.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

UrielFalcon said:
I've seen a few on youtube... Very VERY well done! I favorited a few of them... Like the one with the linkin park remix... Crawling, I think it is? Has running Sofia, very smexy.

You should see some of Lidi's. She makes great ones.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I absolutely love the "Is it alright" one that features Damian Rice's "9 Crimes". That song is insanely beautiful and the video..........I seriously watched it about 100 times in the past couple days.

As for Louise being pregnant, I swear to God, last night I watched a couple season 5 episodes (early ones) because I wanted to rewatch Sara and Sofia's first encounter etc. and when Louise came on screen for the first time I was like "???Something looks different on her. Wtf?" Her face seemed somehow different, softer if you will, and I was thinking that she looked somehow older in season 6 (which I find more attractive on her, btw ;) I think she looked incredibly hot in A Bullet Runs Through, and I was definitely seeing a difference in her face between season 5 and 6) Now, I had no idea Louise was pregnant until 2 minutes ago when I read this thread, and I'm relieved that it wasn't my insane mind playing tricks on me. :lol:

Oh, there's one more thing I need to say: How much did I hate last ep's Sara/Grissom scene? :rolleyes: When she said "I won't wait up!", I so pictured Sofia sitting there instead of Gil, that's what should have happened. :devil:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.


It's quiet in here...has the new ep aired yet over in the US? I'd like to know if Sara is in it or if she's hiding in Sofia's office again, waiting for our favorite kick-ass detective to get back and do her *cough* paperwork I mean.

What's with me? Think I'm coming down with a cold or something...:rolleyes:

BTW, agreeing with Jorja_Rain on that it should have been Sofie in that scene...but hey, no GSR bashing from me, I'm not like that, I can behave :p
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Well, it wasn't supposed to be "bashing", I like Gil, but I like Sofia better ;)

As for the new episode, I'm not sure, but do they air their regular shows on Thanksgiving? Can't find CSI nor Grey's Anatomy, so I suppose they didn't air last night :(
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I didn't say you were bashing, just that I would be if I started to go off on the topic which is why I won't.

Now for the ep: That was sooo great. Sara and Sofia working together and they were in a scene with Kristin Minter! I mean, Kristin Minter was on CSI! I'm so hyper right now, I looove that woman!
Sorry, back on topic. The ladies were standing kinda close in that hotel room, weren't they? Wish they had had more screen time though. But I'm happy as it is.
Fantastic ep and not a single GSR moment. Me is happy :D

PS: Didn't Sofia look HOT in it?