Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Where is everybody? Just because there are currently no new eps doesn't mean the thread has to die, does it?


Rainy, love your poem but you know that already, don't you? :p


Okay, anyways, let's get a conversation started... provided that both Sara and Sofia stay on the show for the next season, what do you expect/hope for/do or don't you want to see?

Do you believe that with the GSR thing Sassy love still stands a chance? (Subtext-wise, of course)


Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I adore your manip, Mia, keep 'em coming! :D

provided that both Sara and Sofia stay on the show for the next season, what do you expect/hope for/do or don't you want to see?

Let's start off with what I do not want to see: Any kind of GSR; I would like to see Sara waking up in the hospital, realizing her entire Grissom romance had just been a horrible nightmare. Grissom will visit her and finally tell her about his ongoing relationship with Lady Heather (of which we also will not see any footage whatsoever! :p).

I also do not want to see Sofia in any kind of straight flirting situation whatsoever. She is sooooooo gay! :D

What I would like to see, obviously, are hot and steamy love scenes between our two ladies :D But, since this is CSI and not The L Word (which would be such an improvement for both actresses' profiles :p ) I would settle for more screentime for Sofia plus more scenes with both of them together.

Do you believe that with the GSR thing Sassy love still stands a chance? (Subtext-wise, of course)

Sadly, I do not consume drugs ;), hence I do realize that my afore-mentioned "Sara nightmare" is completely unrealistic :( All we can really hope for is more screen time, and if we all try really, really hard, we might even find some hints of subtext ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Second that, I deeply admire your writing skills.

I would like to see Sara waking up in the hospital, realizing her entire Grissom romance had just been a horrible nightmare

That's totally what should happen :D

But I agree, if Sara survives it's certainly all we can hope for that she will get some more screentime, but I don't have much faith in the GSR-storyline being reduced.

I do however believe that, should both the ladies stay on the show, the looks between them will stay. I just love the way Sara stares at Sofia all the time *glances at my sig* even if there is absolutely no meaning behind it, the expression leaves a lot of room for interpretation =)

Well, let's all keep our fingers crossed for some Sassy scenes. I just hope they'll make them get along, I'd hate for a bad vibe between them, even if a heated argument might make for a hot scene too :D

Still, I'd prefer some slight friendship creeping into their working relationship. They do make for a hot fanfic couple but if we can't have them like that on the show I still want them together, getting along. Maybe a beer after a particularly hard case, or just a supportive touch on the arm when one of them is in trouble... not very much like them but a girl can dream :p
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

I do however believe that, should both the ladies stay on the show, the looks between them will stay. I just love the way Sara stares at Sofia all the time *glances at my sig* even if there is absolutely no meaning behind it, the expression leaves a lot of room for interpretation =)

Oh we know is has a lot of meaning. Jorja is totally checking her out :devil:
The woman has good taste :D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Jorja_Rain said:
I do however believe that, should both the ladies stay on the show, the looks between them will stay. I just love the way Sara stares at Sofia all the time *glances at my sig* even if there is absolutely no meaning behind it, the expression leaves a lot of room for interpretation =)

Oh we know is has a lot of meaning. Jorja is totally checking her out :devil:
The woman has good taste :D

There is SOOOOO meaning to those looks. I mean seriously.. Sara cheks out all the women she works with! :devil:

*maybe I should get another job :cool: *
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

Sara cheks out all the women she works with!
Well spoken. I have the visible proof in my banner. :D

(on a sidenote, was is just me or have I really seen Sofia return some of those looks?)

So anyways, how come it is so quiet in here? There used to be some Sassy lovers around here, where have you all gone? Lost interest in the ladies? Or just too lazy to post?

*misses sassy love*
Re: Sofia/Sara slash.

hey, ah, so I am not usually into slash but I was looking at MiaCharlize's sig and avatar set in another thread, and I like the looks of this... :devil:
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

*leaps about* Sofia/Sara may just be overtaking GSR as my ultimate CSI pairing, to be honest!

I *adore* these guys, so very very much. It's just love, pure love.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Kylie said:
*leaps about* Sofia/Sara may just be overtaking GSR as my ultimate CSI pairing, to be honest!

I *adore* these guys, so very very much. It's just love, pure love.

If you were really ambitious you could put your pairings together...

*thinks about Sofia, Catherine and Grissom in one situation*

Oh yes, that's quite nice.

Sofia and Sara are awesome snarkiness.