Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Then let us know and if you are who I think you are :D then I did enjoy your ff! Counting the days!
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

I'm sleepy_jaffa over on Lj, and kylie1206 on Only done the two Sassy fics so far, but I'm working on three more at the moment. =D
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

I knew! I enjoyed your ff, thanks.
I'm going to watch a new (for me, anyway) episode from season 7, hoping L will be in it.Have a great day, afternoon or night you all!
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

Awesome, thank you *blush*

Enjoy the episode!

So... Sassy talk - anyone have any plot hopes for Season 8, with regards to these two women?

I'm hoping that they just get to work a few cases together. Maybe one that affects Sofia somewhat, so Sara can take on the supportive friend mould?
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

I'd like to see that. Louise was so fantastic in ABRTI, that it would be great to see her challenged like that again.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash?

hi, this is off topic, but i wanted to share
i've been "lurking" as they call it for the past few days, reading random posts and such. well, today in walmart i was goofing around and there was one of those things that plays samples of music... and one of them was a Salsa CD, and I had to play it. i smiled and thought of you guys. i've read a few sara/sofia fics, and i'm getting ready to read another one that someone recommended once i finish the other fic i'm reading. i like femslash, don't be fooled by my name, i'm flexible when it comes to my ships. sara does have wandering eyes it seems, lol, and these two ladies would be hott together!!

happy salsaying, like i said, just wanted to share!
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

Kylie said:

So... Sassy talk - anyone have any plot hopes for Season 8, with regards to these two women?

Maybe one that affects Sofia somewhat, so Sara can take on the supportive friend mould?

Let's hope, but you know (that is just a random thought) how would you "heal" the hurt that was done in ABRTI? I do enjoy randomly the ff, but very few have addressed in a truly plausible way what it has (will) cost both women to mend their relationship. I don't think that Sofia has forgotten, although in the shows screening time they have established a professional working relationship (only that :( ) . Also it was never addressed (or should I say until this moment, with the episodes I saw; I'm stuck to season 7) and it seems to me that pieces are missing here. Sorry, I'm going OT and I did enjoy the episodes on TV, because she had good screening time and a few awesome scenes, especially the more "emotional" ones. She can express so many things with just one look, it's frightening awesome. I'm rambling :eek: sorry.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

Posted a new sassy fic over here. I guess it's rather unusual, but either way, some of you might like to check it out :).
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

I wrote a fic about ABRTI and the way Sofia is affected. I intended to make it a sassy fic because I felt the episode had great potential for that. But I've never gotten around to a second part in which I'd explore what else there could be (it's still somewhere in the back of my mind though ;)). To me it's easier to write a Sara/Sofia relationship build-up when it's based on friendship first. And with Sara and Sofia you always have to establish that first.

It's my belief however that the scene in ABRTI hasn't seriously caused damage to their relationship, as they have never been close in the first place and Sofia doesn't seem resentful about such comments. Since it's just CSI you will be looking for the missing scenes forever though, but that's what fanfiction is for, right?

Anyway, should Sara be a part of Season 8 I'm definitely hoping for them to team up. I'd like a bit of playful banter instead of more drama, there has been more than enough on the show already.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

MiaCharlize said:
I wrote a fic about ABRTI and the way Sofia is affected. I intended to make it a sassy fic because I felt the episode had great potential for that. But I've never gotten around to a second part in which I'd explore what else there could be (it's still somewhere in the back of my mind though ;)).

Well, than I do hope you will write a sequel!!! :D
Looking forward to it!! And yes, although I think the spirit of the show is and should be a scientific one, they were times when I little more personal information or insight would have been right and more fascinating. In some way I for example miss the old Grissom (don't shoot me ;) ) and also the old Sara. And I agree I would also like a little more banter and laughter or "weirdness"!
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

She found her, she found her, Sofia found her! Now, do you guys call that a hint? *bounces on bed excitetly*

Ohhhh the fanfic I'm gonna write about what happened during the long minutes it took for the others to arrive. :D

Now I'm not even disappointed anymore about the fact that they didn't kill off Sara.

This is sooooo cool. And the way Sara and Sofia looked made up for the poor storyline of the ep.

*leaves to find screencaps of Sara looking like freshly escaped from Lesbian Survivor and Sofia looking smokingly hot in her black cop outfit and cap.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

And Sofia had her hand on the stretcher when Sara was taken to the helicopter. ;)
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

I'm definitely counting all that as a win for Sassy. Told my dad this morning about it and all he did was roll his eyes at me - how very rude!

But yeah, it was just adorable. I'm *so* happy Sofia was there to find Sara.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

atfm said:
And Sofia had her hand on the stretcher when Sara was taken to the helicopter. ;)

You saw that too? I'm so glad. My girlfriend was trying to convince me I was hallucinating when I was all giddy squeaking "She touched her, she touched her" (I have a cold and my voice is very scratchy so I was literally squeaking)

At first I thought she actually touched her hand (and in my imagination she definitely has) but stetcher's well enough.

Also, when they were wheeling her away to the helicopter Sofia's hand reached out again but retreated as if she thought she had to hold back so nobody would pick up on it.
Re: Sofia/Sara slash? OT?

I did not say Sofia didn't have her hand on the stretcher, I said she did not hold Sara's hand (even though I would have liked that way better :devil:). I saw her hand on the stretcher and I never said that I didn't :p.

So anyways, GO SASSY! That's probably about as much sassy as we will get, what with all the spoilers I've read so far, but I'm gladly taking that, besides, both ladies looked dykishly hot :D.