so. how's your love life?

well, I moved and changed schools, so the whole not-seeing concept will be for eternity, I guess.. *sighs* re-evaluate? what do you mean by that?
Re-evaluate your feelings for this person. I had to re-evaluate my feelings for my rival once I realised that he was never coming back to our college at least. I hear he's coming back but going to a different college, but I'm still telling myself that I'm never going to see him again. How much do you like this person?
thanks, Eye. Americans are definitly an interesting lot.
but i guess i've got a thing for foreigners... ;)
how far away did you move, lizzy? like next state? next country?
EyeHeartH said:
Re-evaluate your feelings for this person. I had to re-evaluate my feelings for my rival once I realised that he was never coming back to our college at least. I hear he's coming back but going to a different college, but I'm still telling myself that I'm never going to see him again. How much do you like this person?

A lot. But it's more or less that I have to accept that we'll never be together. There are multiple reasons why we never will, which I can't really say. I just need some sort of way to forget it all and go on with my life.

Re-evaluate, like forgetting it? Or realising, like I said, that we won't be together? Because that sounds good, but I don't know how to do that..

MissMontana said:
how far away did you move, lizzy? like next state? next country?

Lol, I see where you're going. I moved not that far, it's just half an hour by car. It was just the fact that we met or bumbed into each other at school, and nobody noticed. That's impossible now, because I can't visit that school just for that reason, that would make no sense.
It's hard to come to the realisation that you can't be with someone, trust me. However, if you know for sure that it's not to be then you might have to move on, unfortunately. Despite the fact that you two are only thirty minutes away by car, just the fact that it's a considerable distance would make the relationship difficult if you two were together.
*reviving the thread*

Love life is great, can't complain :)

Although... I kinda miss my girlfriend at the moment cause I'm away from home for a holiday job.
My love life is nonexistant since the guy I like is well being a typicaly guy. *wonders if all are like this or only the ones I seem to encounter..*
^I know for a fact that there are guys who aren't jerks ;) . I guess one just has to wait.....for a long time ;) . But keep the faith! :)
Mine is amazing and I have never been so happy! I feel great and its amazing to be in such a relationship. We might be far apart but its definitly special! :D