Snicker RP -The Secrets out

"So," said Nick trying to get his mind of off being in that box. "Where's the waiter. I want my steak." he said as he looked at Warrick.
Sara smirked as she to looked at Warrick "Yeah me and the baby are hungry so Feed us or you'll end up getting the wrath of Pregnant Hormonal Sara"
Warrick laughed and rolled his eyes. "So not only am I buying dinner for everyone, we've also got Sidle eating for two? Great" He muttered sarcastically, smiling to show that although he was complaining he wasn't serious.
Warrick rolled his eyes again and felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket. he'd been avoiding it all day but he supposed he better answer it. "Be right back, just gotta answer this" He said, excusing himself from the table and walking outside.
Sara looked at him "i've noticed that to when Rick and I were on a case together she called something about Never being there for Her and how dare he excuse her of cheating *she sighs* I Hope everything turns out okay for him"
Nick nodded, "Yeah, poor guy. But I will have to admit he kinda rushed into the whole thing. Yeah sure this is Vegas and there's a wedding chapel on every corner, but come on. I never thought Warrick would do something like that."
forgetting that they werent the only ones at the table she took his hand and kissed his lips "It wasnt Just you I mean I waisted a lot of time with my Stupid Crush on Grissom, when the Love of my life was always staring me right in the face"
as they were in Mid Kiss the waitress showed up at the table clearing her throat and rolling her eyes,Happy couples made her sick,Sara looked up still holding on to Nicks hand she smiled at the waitress embarassed
the Waitress looked at Sara the couple and thier friends were regulars here "so will it be the usual for you Maam" Sara looked up at her "no actually I"ll have what he's having" she gently rubbed her tummy ,the baby was hungry