Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Warrick rolled his eyes and laughed. "Just get in with it! Spill!" He was gettinga little impatient, he already kinda had an idea what was going on but hr wanted them to confirm his suspicions
Sara Looked over at Nick squeezed his hand and smiled as she took a deep Breath "well first of all Nick and I have been seeing eachother For awhile now *she smiled as she gently rubbed her belly with her free hand* and we're going to have a baby"
Cath gasped quietly then she smiled and rolled her eyes. "Well, exactly HOW LONG have you two been together?! Its about time!" She wanted to jump up and hug them both but she would save it for later.
Warrick laughed and ran a hand through his hair. He had been right after all, ok maybe not about the baby but he was near enough. "Congratulations Man!" He smiled, nodding a Nick. "So are you going to do the honest thing and make her an honest woman?" He asked, sparing a second to glance down at his own ring, his smile fading just a touch.
Nick felt a wave of relief wask over him once Sara had told them. It was driving him crazy keeping it a secret for so long. "Almost a year." Nick said to Catherine. But then when Warrick mentioned the marriage thing Nick kicked him lightly under the table, trying to not make it so obvious. He had planned on asking Sara to marry him, he just wanted to wait for the right time.
(Trevor first of all LOVE You Avi I have a Chihuahua so they are special to me,Second I actually started a new one because the people in my other one all had to leave)
Sara Looked at the others grinning "Yeah we actually got together after Nicks ordeal *she held back a tear and somehow they all knew what she was talking about* and we were pretty good at keeping it a secret till well *she rubbed her belly,then looked at Catherine* I'm 5 months"
Nick looked away for a minute. Just someone bringing it up he felt like he was trapped back inside the box again. He could still feel the ants crawling on his face, the gum in his ears. The overpowering erge to shoot himself. Just to make the torture stop. But then he thought about when he saw Warricks face and then Grissom yelling 'Poncho'. His mind then snapped to when he was talking on the tape recorder. Saying his goodbyes. He blinked a few times to make the memories go away and then took a sip of his water.
Sara reached for his hand knowing what he was thinking about "Its okay it all turned out well I got You" she kissed his hand as she thought about when she realized she loved him all the tears she had spent when she thought she was going to lose him.
Nick smiled slightly as he gave Sara's hand a gentle squeeze. He knew that him being in that box is what brought them together but it was still painful to think about.
Changing the subject she eyed the other two in the room "we havent really told anyone else yet but I'm at the point where I cant hide it anymore *she grins as she looks at Nick* and Daddy here can Hardly contain his excitment"
Warrick smiled and waited for Sara to look over at Catharine before over exaggeratedly rubbing his leg and mouthing "Ow". He laughed then winked, whispering "Just make sure it's special man. And if you need any help, I'm your man" Ok, maybe he had had a drive by wedding but still if he needed anything fixing so Sara wouldn't suspect, he'd be happy to help.
Nick nodded and then smiled over at Sara. It was true he couldn't wait to be a daddy. Nick then made a mental note to talk to Warrick about Tina later, something was going and he wanted to help his friend with whatever was going on.
(Just FYI I soo need people for the Wedding RP I think the majority for what I need is just made up characters so Pop on by if interested)

Sara Looked at the two men,she was clueless about the wedding thing,she was definetly going to need Catherines help Sure when she was younger she dreamt about her wedding but that dream quickly faded with her horrible child hood,she hid a tear as she looked at Nick he was the only one that knew ,She looked at Warrick wondering what was going on between he and Tina