Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Sara grinned ,she couldnt wait for the food to come she was very hungry,she felt a sensation in her belly "oh" she grabbed Nicks hand smiling with excitement,she put his hand on her stomach "she's kicking do You feel that"
Nick looked down at his hand on her tummy and smiled, "Wow!" was all he could say. He saw a lot of things in his life time. But he never felt anything like that before.
Sara's eyes filled with Happy tears she never thought she could ever be this happy she then frowned as she looked over at warrick,his phone conversation seemed intense, she looked at Nick "do you think he's okay"
Warrick growled a "whatever" into the phone and slammed it back into his pocket, making sure it was switched off. He walked back to the table and sat down with a sigh.
Warrick sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Yeah i'm ok, just having a little marriage trouble. Bit everyone goes through it right?"
Nick nodded, "Yeah. Of course." he said as he looked at his friend. He could tell he was hurting and wanted to help. "YOu know if you need someone to talk to, i'm here right?"
Sara looked at him "we both are I mean I feel kind of bad,here Nick and I are so happy,I'm going to have a baby ,Life is great for us and You're miserable if it helps you dont have to pay for my food" she gently nudges him
Warrick smiled and shook his head. "No don't worry about it. You gotta enough to start saving for with the baby on the way. I'll get it..." He grinned wickedly, hiding his frustration at the back of his mind. "...just this once"