Snicker RP -The Secrets out

speedmonkey2 said:
"That's great." said Nick happily. "See, I told you you could get another animal off the streets."
Sara looked at him as she said "Yeah but this whole case is getting to me it reminds me of my past I could use a little time away whens you're break"
"I can't think of a better way to end my day" Warrick smiled, taking the paper back off Cath and walked ahead slightly towards Brass office. "I'll come find you in half an hour after we oull this guy in" A smile spread across his face, he loved nothing more than breaking a case.
Sara bumped into Warrick and Cath and smiled "I'm on a break would you like to Join Nick and I for a bite to eat" she wanted to make it obvious to THEM that her and Nick werent on a date BUT obvious to Nick that they were
Nick gave her hand a comforting squeezed and said, "right now." he said as he saw Catherine and Warrcik come towards them.
Sara smirked she didnt even really bother to wait for him to answer her before she asked the other two CSIs ,she also forgot that she was still holding on to Nicks hand she wondered if they noticed
Warrick shrugged. "Sure whatever, just got to go see Brass and I'll be done" He gave Nicks shoulder a squeeze as he walked past and winked.
Nick sighed and realized that this was becoming harder and harder to his and Sara's relationship a secret. First Greg new and now probably Warrick new judging by the look on his face. "So, where do you want to go?"
Catherine just shrugged when she saw Nick and Sara. She wondered how long it had been going on because she always thought that they had a thing for each other, they way they always shared eye contact and such.
Sara smiled "we can go to the Diner" she looked at Nick ,she couldnt hide it anymore and to be honest Cath and Warrick were their bestfriends they could keep a secret "theres something we want to tell you two but we dont want to tell You here"
Warrick smiled and shut the door to Brass office. That was easy, he thought to himself. Brass had agreed that they had enough evidence to areest thier suspect and were going to haul him in. he walked back over to Nick and laughed. "Owe you a lunch? I don't remember that one"
Catherine smiled as she observed Nick and Warrick. They all got along so good it was like they were all a big family. Then she wondered what Nick and Sara had to tell them...
"Come on guys, I'm hungry lets get outta here." she declared
Sara smiled "well Yeah and You owe me a lunch to Rick" she looked at the others wondering if they knew she then thought they had to I mean at 5 months and starting to show how could they not know, she smiled at Nick then whispered "and you will be getting thanked emmensely later on"
Nick smiled and then pointed to himself, "Well if Rick owes me lunch and Sara lunch." Nick then pointed to Catherine. "Then my guess is that he owes Catherine lunch." Nick then turned his attention to Warrick. "Looks like your buying buddy."