Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Warrick grinned and gave her a light squeeze. "Well i know I love you" He replied softly, "I always have" He tilted her chin up gently to look into his eyes and leant forward, placing a soft kiss on her lips.
Catherine sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, exposing all the emotions that she had kept hidden for so long. It was the most magical moment she had experienced in what seemed like forever.
Warrick felt like laughing, all the sudden rush of joy becoming too much for him. Pulling back to look at her, he smiled and kissed her quickly again. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that for" he said softly.
speedmonkey2 said:
Nick smiled and wrapped his arms around her, "I know." he said lightly. "And I love you to."
Sara cuddled into his arms as they watched the Movie she grinned "this is my favorite part of the movie" she watched as the two "Pirates" fought eachother while Elizabeth and Will watched on, she tilted her head to face Nicks "I wonder if the second one will be just as good"
Warrick smiled and looked at his watch. "Well shift is almost over, how about we go out for dinner?" He said, leaning firward and kissing her cheek, then brushing a piece of hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear.
Warrick smiled and stood up. His arm automatically slipped around her waist. Then he paused. "Do we want people to know yet?" He asked, not quite sure if there was anything to tell but he thought he'd best ask her to clear it up
speedmonkey2 said:
Nick shrugged slightly, "I don't know sequel's aren't normally as good as the original. But who knows."
Sara looks at him "I agree but I dont know this looks good and Jerry Bruckhiemer makes good movies" she smirks "not to mention good tv shows, Whats that one about the Crimelab" (*smirks* see see what I did there)

Nick thought for a second, "I dunno CSI: Crime something or other. I don't watch it. To unrealistic."
Sara smirks "yeah I've only seen it but once Maybe and you're right its not very realistic" she cuddled with him "but I gotta say as a Producer Jerry Bruckhiemer is really good"
Nick nodded and kissed the top of her head, "Yeah, the guy own like every t.v. show there is." he said honestly.
Gregs_Girlfriend said:
Warrick smiled and stood up. His arm automatically slipped around her waist. Then he paused. "Do we want people to know yet?" He asked, not quite sure if there was anything to tell but he thought he'd best ask her to clear it up

Catherine smiled. "Whatever you want, personally, I'd say who cares. We love each other and we shouldnt have to hide it, Warrick."