Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Gregs_Girlfriend said:
Warrick frowned, fighting the urge to pull her into a hug there and then the look on her face broke his heart. "Yeah sure" He said, placing his hand on her shoulder as they walked to the break room.

Catherine sighed and took a seat at the table in the break room. "Ok..I dont know how to say this, but..I have feelings for you that I cant deny anymore Warrick. I've been fighting them for a long time, and when you got married they only got stronger." A tear fell from her eyes and her eyes pleaded for comfort and understanding.
speedmonkey2 said:
Nick had to laugh at that, "How does he remind of, Greg?"
Sara turns to Nick "I dont know I mean he acts like him" she laughs "honestly Nick if we were stranded on some island I could see him getting drunk and trying to get me drunk to have his way with me THEN later on getting mad at me for getting rid of all the Rum" she shrugs "I guess its Jack Sparrows quirkiness that reminds me of our Young Greggo"
Warrick walked to the wondow and looked out, hearing her words drift through the air. He looked downat his hands and stared at his wedding ring. It was complicated but everything suddenly seemed so clear. Sliding the ring off his finger he walked back over to the table and placed it down infront of Catherine before wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. He hadn't said a word but he hoped his actions spoke just as loudly to her.
Nick laughed, "Why is all the rum gone?" he quoted, "There will be no living with her after this." Nick nodded, "OK, yeah, I can see Greg doing that." he finished.
Sara smiled "see thats what i'm saying" she giggles "but then again Will and Elizabeth remind me of You and I AND for the record I would risk my life to save yours"
Gregs_Girlfriend said:
Warrick walked to the wondow and looked out, hearing her words drift through the air. He looked downat his hands and stared at his wedding ring. It was complicated but everything suddenly seemed so clear. Sliding the ring off his finger he walked back over to the table and placed it down infront of Catherine before wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. He hadn't said a word but he hoped his actions spoke just as loudly to her.

"Oh Warrick...." she sobbed before crumbling in his strong arms. That single moment seemed to last an eternity and Catherine never wanted it to end.
Warrick held her tightly and swayed gently. "Sssh, it's ok" He soothed, placing a comforting kiss on the top of her head.
Warrick reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. He placed it on the table next to his ring. It bore the logo of a hotel around the corner to the lab. "Not for much longer" He sighed. "I walked out yesterday. We argued again"
Catherine gasped quietly. "I'm so sorry...I hope I didnt cause you trouble...You deserve better Warrick, I hope you know that." She hugged him warmly.
Warrick laughed gently and shook his head Cath. "No never Cath, it had nothing to do with you. It was over long before it began" He sighed and held her in his arms, breathing in her scent and memorising every moment of their embrace.
Catherine smiled and snuggled her head to his chest and closed her eyes, reminding herself that it wasnt a dream. She was really in Warrick Brown's arms.
"I think I love you..." she whispered.