Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Sara took his hand as well, she didnt care if people saw them and talked,they had to know especially now that she was 5 months Pregnant ,she smiled at the word "Home" Nicks house had become thier "home" and she couldnt be happier
Nick laughed lightly and closed the door and then got in the car as well. Once he had pulled out of CSI he grabbed her left hand and held it in his right.
she smiled as she squeezed his hand tightly,she Knew she was in love with him ,she gently rubbed her stomach with her free hand Life would change but for the better this time
Nick smiled as he saw Sara rub her belly, he let go of her hand and placed his hand on her stomach. He still couldn't believe he was going to be a dad. After everything that had happend to him in the past year, he was almost glad that he was barried alive.
thier child moved around with in her, Making both Parents smile ,Sara looked up at Nick "what are you thinking about Nicky" she could tell when he had something on his mind
as if reading his mind Sara looked at him "not that you being Buried alive was a good thing but I guess in away it was If it didnt happen I never would have realized how much you mean to me"
Sara smiles as she looks at him "its a two way street Nicky You do the same thing to me" she gazes into his eyes "but I think its because we know eachother so well"
Nick nodded and pulled onto his street and then into his driveway. He got out of the car and then around to Sara's side and opened the door for her.
"Well." said Nick lightly as he closed the car door and led Sara inside. "I was thinking of just kinda lounging around all day and then dinner." he said as he opened the door, "What do you think?"