Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Sara Looked at him "I tend to just ignore that brown Noser" she smiles "but if she hurts my Nicky I will have to have a word with him" she Kisses him
She smiled "yeah we had a nice little Talk I'm glad she's around because Honestly I dont know how to be a Mom" she looks at him "and I told her to go for it with Warrick"
"Well its a bought time somebody did." Nick stated truthfully. He then looked back at her, "Your gonna be a great mom, Sar. So don't think for one second that your not."
she looks at him "Only because I'm with you, Honestly I couldnt do it alone or with anyone else" she stands there lingering holding Nicks Hands "well You know Warrick and Tina arent Happy and I never liked her any ways Cath deserves to be happy for a change"
Nick smiled slightly and then nodded, " I don't think anyone likes Tina to be honest. I don't even think Warrick did."
Nick smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Are you workin on anything or do you wanna go home?" he asked softly.