Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Catherine sighed. Then she led Sara to the section where the nursery furniture was.
"Well, we have lots of choices in terms of style. We could go with wood for a more simple theme....then theres always bassinets which are smaller, but also cheaper...then again we might want to check out the convertible cribs that turn into beds when the baby gets older." Catherine glanced over at Sara and saw that she was rather overwhelmed by this whole thing.
Sara stared at her even more confused then she was before "Cath I honestly have no clue what i'm doing here,its not like we exactly planned this" she stared at the wooden crib and smiled "but I guess that would fit into the decor of Nicks house"
Catherine raised an eyebrow at Sara. "You mean you and Nick didn't plan on having a baby?!" Cath was shocked to discover that this pregnancy was a suprise. She figured that they were so in love that naturally a baby was in the near future for Nick and Sara.
Sara shook her head "Dont tell anyone ESPECIALLY not Grissom or Ecklie but THIS *she rubs her belly* Is a direct result of a night Nick and I had alone together in the Lab"
Catherine gasped. "You mean...that ONE night that the rest of us had off guys were in there making a baby?!"

"The lab is pretty romantic, huh?" she said teasingly.
She sighed. "Well, this certainly isnt covered in the employee manual."
Sara looked at her ,she knew she could be trusted "it wasnt intentional, it was just that we were both so lonely and well Bored, we got stuck doing paper work all night long all the Pent up emotion we'd been hiding from eachother exploded with just one look" she eyed her "we really werent even a couple till that night" she smiled "and Now I cant even imagine life without him"
Catherine smiled with understanding. She was just happy that Nick and Sara were truly happy.
"Wow. one look was all it took. Sounds like love to me." She hugged Sara.
Sara smiled at Catherine "to be honest I've been in love with him since I met him, I just hid my feelings but when He had been buried alive and I thought I was going to lose him forever I realized I cant live my life without him"
Catherine nodded thoughtfully, then she decided it might be a good idea to just suprise Sara and do all the baby shopping herself another day.
"Tell you what, why don't we just go back to your place and you can spend some time with Nick. I'm sure he misses you."
Sara smiled as she looked at Cath "are we that obvious? I hope we dont act like those annoying couples you see who can never keep thier hands off of eachother and who ignore their other friends"
Catherine smiled. "No, you and Nick were always subtly cute. Those looks you gave each other were priceless! And you have so much chemistry its amazing."
she smiled back at Catherine "but you knew right I mean emotions like that you just cant hide" she looked down at her bulging belly "and well This isnt exactly easy to hide either"
Catherine laughed. "Of course I knew, I was just waiting for you to make it public. And I always figured there would be a baby somewhere along the way for you and Nick."