Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Sara smiled "dont worry baby I am *she gazes into his eyes* I'm just not use to this treatment someone who actually cares about me and Our baby" her eyes start to well up with tears only This time they are Tears of Joy
Catherine's mind turned to the future and she wondered what the baby would look like. Would he or she get Nick's gorgeous eyes or Sara's infectious smile? Would he or she like science or not? The possibilities were endless!

"So, Sara, are you nervous at all about childbirth?"
Sara eyed Catherine "between you and Me Cath I'm terrified, I've heard all the stories and I know its painful but with Nick by My side I think i'd be okay"
Warrick grimaced a little. Dead bodies he could deal with, women oushing something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a lemon turned his stomach.
"Childbirth" Warrick muttered, grimacing again. He felt like a schoolboy but he didn't care, just because he was older didn't stop it turning his stomach. It had always been his trigger thing.
Sara smiles as she looks at Cath she was almost as Scared as the guys "Its not that bad is it Cath?" she then turned to Nick "because if it is I swear You're NEVER touching me again"
She playfully looked at him letting the others know she wasnt really angry with him "yes but any girl would have had you that night" she smirked "should we tell them where it happened" the memories of them in the Trace Lab floated through her head
SaraSidleStokes said:
Sara smiles as she looks at Cath she was almost as Scared as the guys "Its not that bad is it Cath?" she then turned to Nick "because if it is I swear You're NEVER touching me again"

Catherine faked a smile as best she could before answering. "Well, Sara, it depends on your pain tolerance for one thing. If you bawl over a papercut or stubbing a toe, then you're screwed. But drugs WOULD have been a lifesaver for me when I had Lindsey, but a certain someone didnt think we needed to go to the hospital right away...and I think you all know who I'm talking about." Catherine was still mad at Eddie for not taking her to the hospital promptly.
She continued her story.
"By the time we got there it was too late for drugs and I was almost fully dilated. It's a miracle that Lindsey wasnt born in the car! Just make sure you get to the hospital right away and don't ignore the contractions. And call me as soon as they start...I want to be there for you and Nick." She smiled warmly.