Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Sara frowned ,they all knew her pain tolerance wasnt that great, she looked at Cath "that means alot Cath because knowing me I'll need YOU and Nick" she looked at Nick as she said "after all YOU got me into this mess"
Catherine chuckled. "Sara, I have a strange feeling that this wasnt all Nick's doing. And besides, you'll have both of us right there the whole time. Sure, the contractions hurt alot and they get worse and then pushing hurts even more...but then it stops...and you get to hold this tiny human that you created. It's the most incredible feeling in the world!" She smiled again and put her hand on Sara's shoulder.
Sara smiles "so its worth it" she grins "and I cant wait to see Her, to Hold her and to know she's Mine and Nicks" she looks at Cath "I mean I feel bad for you, Eddie treated you like dirt he wasnt there for you, But Nick and I" she stared lovingly into his eyes "we are in love"
Catherine's expression turned slightly sad when she thought about Eddie. He may have treated her like dirt, but somehow, she still managed to love him.
"You know, I can't understand WHY I loved Eddie in the first place. I cant change the past, but sometimes I just wish I could. My daughter hates me and everytime I think I've found love, it just slips away." She could feel her eyes welling and she tried her best to hide it.
Sara reached over to touch Catherines hand "I'm sure theres someone wonderful out there for you Cath and I'm sure he'll treat you so much better then Eddie ever did and Lindsey will learn to love him" she smiled "I mean Look at me I didnt think I"d ever find love but then I Met Nick and Now I couldnt be Happier"
Catherine wiped a tear from her eye and she was so grateful to have friends like Nick and Sara.
"Thanks. I just want to focus on Lindsey right now and I really dont have time for any serious relationships right now...and im gonna be an aunt!" She smiled.
Sara looked up at her and smiled "You'd do the same for me" she just stared at her both knowing there had been several times in Sara's life Catherine had been there for her
she was More Like Her Mother (the Mother she never really had) then her Sister
At that moment, Catherine had a good idea. She figured her and Sara could use some quality time together so Catherine could share everything she knew about motherhood with her "daugher".
"Sara, how about you and me have some girl time? How about shopping? For baby stuff?" She looked to Nick and then to Sara for a reply
Sara looked at her with a huge grin on her face "I could use that Cath, I really dont know what I need and you've had a child You could definetly help me"
Catherine smiled. "Great! I'll drive." She lead Sara to her Denali and they drove off.
"I have a feeling you'll need a little bit of everything, so Baby's R-US would probably be our best bet." She turned on Rainbow Blvd. and quickly found a parking spot like the pro shopper she was.